Jul 302011

Yesterday I was so exhausted that I slept most of the day and am still somewhat groggy.  The heat does not help.  It will take a day or two for me to be fully back to normal, but it always does after prison days, because the schedule is so incompatible with my own.  I’m caught up on replies, although more briefly than my norm,  Tomorrow will be a rest day with a quick trip to the store.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:48 (average 5:16).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Salt Lake Tribune: Accused child-bride rapist and self-styled polygamist prophet Warren Jeffs — who is representing himself at trial in a West Texas courtroom — on Friday afternoon delivered a threatening statement he says came from God, claiming those who are prosecuting him will face "sickness and death."

"I will wrest your power from you. I shall judge you. I shall let all peoples know your unjust ways," Jeffs told the court. "I shall send a scourge upon the counties of prosecutorial zeal to be humbled by sickness and death."

Yet another Republican is trying to speak for God.

From Right Wing Watch: WorldNetDaily columnist David Solway believes that progressives are the ones that really should be held responsible for the terrorist attacks in Norway…which targeted progressives. Like the American Family Association’s Bryan Fischer, who said that the right-wing terrorist’s political outlook was “accurate” but strongly disagreed with his violent methods, Solway argues [WND delinked] that more people will take up Anders Behring Breivik’s staunchly anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim and illiberal views because of progressives’ support for diversity and immigrant rights.

Here we have the “the victims deserved it” defense.  How sensitive of WND to so accuse children.

From TPM: Employees of the New York Post were instructed Friday to "preserve and maintain" any documents that may relate to the practice of phone hacking or bribing of public officials.

The legal department for News Corp, the Post’s parent company, explained in a memo to Post staff that "we are sending this notice not because any recipient has done anything improper or unlawful. However, given what has taken place in London, we believe that taking this step will help to underscore how seriously we are taking this matter."

In RepubliSpeak, “preserve and maintain” means use fire and sweep up the ashes.




  12 Responses to “Open Thread–7/30/2011”

  1. 4:26

    In Murdock’s double-speak ,””preserve and maintain” any documents that may relate to the practice of phone hacking or bribing of public officials.” means START SHREDDING!

  2. 4:30 Looks like I am number 3 today. I am 69 out of 211 (327).

  3. I really enjoy the graphics of today’s cartoon – but I’m having a llittle trouble deciphering it. Any help would be appreciated.

    • I think the cartoon illustrates a giant asteroid the size of an elephant, as it flames through the atmosphere on it way to the impact and the extinction of America as we know it. A few thousand years from now, someone will discover it and after scientific analysis will determine the composition to be thirty percent tea bags and seventy percent shit. 😈

      • Works for me.
        With any luck, that ASSteroid will burn its treasonous-self out before it strikes Earth.

    • Johnny had it right except for one detail. The ASSteroid is the Republican Party.

  4. 5:16 ❓

  5. Loved the jigzone puzzle! Reminded me of our Zinga days, TC. You’re a great gamer! 🙂

    • Hiya Billie! That Farmville sure was addictive, But now that Goldman Sachs owns a major stake in FB, I would not even consider going back, I do miss that game, though.

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