Jul 252011

Yesterday I hunkered down to beat the heat, without much success.  By 2 PM the temperature in my apartment topped 100 and remains over 90.  I’m current on replies.  Tomorrow should be a little cooler, so I’ll catch up on paper work.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:09 (average 4:53).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Crooks and Liars: A small political gathering of about 18 liberal thinkers at River Forks Park Sunday afternoon erupted in conflict when about 35 members of the conservative tea party intruded upon the meeting, waving flags and holding signs accusing the rival group of being communists, Marxists and socialists.

The liberal group — organized by MoveOn.org — decided to leave the park and move its potluck to a nearby home. Members of the conservative group followed, parking at the entrance of a private lane leading to the home to continue their protest.

These Republican brown-shirts have no respect for the rights and freedoms of others,

From McClatchy DC: Texas Gov. Rick Perry is close to making a White House bid, but his tardy start has some experts saying his fundraising for a national campaign will be tougher than in donor-friendly Texas, while others believe he’s building expectations in a ho-hum GOP field.

Bring him on!

From Think Progress: The Undefeated, the much-hyped Palin documentary, bombed during its second week in theaters, bringing in just $24,000 in ticket sales across 14 screens.

Did Blood-libel Barbie really think people would pay to see her commercial?




  17 Responses to “Open Thread – 7/25/2011”

  1. We were without power for 3 days last week due to a micro burst of a tornado/hurricane. Trees were down all over the place and princess did not have a/c for 3 whole days. Luckily, it was in the mid 80’s so I could survive. Otis had to drive all the way back to right neat he works to get a generator. Within a day, we had internet, 5 fans going and the blow up bed for downstairs (I have a tri level so it’s always cooler down there). We weren’t even 1/2 capacity of that generator. After the 2nd day our lights came on and we gave it to our neighbor to run his firgs. We had all 3 frigs hooked up, plus all the fans and the computer shit up. It was amazing – the problem was finding a gas station open – we had to go 20 miles for that. But princess lived and really that’s all that counts. 🙄

  2. Do the teabaggers have respect for anything, other than starving the government from functioning?

    Rickky doesn’t stand a chance with all his bible-thumping – especially when he gets it wrong.

    Hahahahahahaaha – I’m surprised she got that much.

    Let’s all just pray (even if you don’t, like me) that there are no more Repubs in the Senate, Congress or God forbid, the Presidency. Or cross your fingers – what ever suits you.

  3. 4:34 Good win, TomCat. This is a tough one. I am 67 out of 206 (325).

    PS Check your date.

  4. Sarah Palin’s epic blockbuster, (according to any t-bager, you ask) makes “Howard The Duck” look like an intellectual, art film, love story! Heh Heh! 😈

  5. Whew! 5:58

    Did the Kochs bus these brown-shirts in like during the health care fiasco?

  6. There was a Diary at DailyKos back on July 20th about the thugs from the right-wing AFP (Americans for Prosperity – which is largely funded by the Koch brothers) harassing Americans meeting at a public park.
    The nice thing about it going viral to Crooks & Liars and OregonBlue is that he wrote a follow-up Diary yesterday letting us know that not only was AFP roundly criticized by posting their YouTube video of the incident, but that the local paper wrote an editorial condemning the goons:

    Local tea party members who intruded on a peaceful meeting at River Forks Park last Sunday should be ashamed of themselves. They intimidated a quiet group of mostly older women and a few men gathering in a public park for a MoveOn.org meeting. They wrongly believe that MoveOn.org is a communist organization.

    One member of the East Douglas County chapter of Americans For Prosperity was so proud of disrupting the meeting he posted a video on YouTube of the incident. He labeled it with subtitles encouraging gatherers to leave “ and take your Marxist agenda with you.”

    That kind of behavior is unacceptable and reflects poorly on Douglas County.

    Link to Diary, which has lots more interesting info about the thugs, and contains link to the editorial:

  7. This is kind of cool: Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome browsers offer add-ons that allow users to block News Corp-owned and operated websites. They really just warn you when you try to access a News Corp site, and then let you decide if you want to proceed. (After all, National Geographic is a News Corp entity, at least in part.)

  8. The Teapublicans respect all life – until it is actually born. Then everybody is on their own…

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