Jul 162011

Yesterday morning I did get some much needed sleep.  But in the evening, my sleep was interrupted by a severe case of Republicitis.  I guess eating foods I’m not used to is the cause, but my butt is doing a great imitation of Michele Bachmann’s mouth.  As a result I started my research a couple hours early and doing it intermittently, while waiting for the Imodium to kick in.  I can no longer use my lowers until the spot I rubbed raw heals and I get them adjusted, but my uppers and my four remaining lower teeth will work in the interim.  Nevertheless, I replied.  Today groceries are coming in the morning, and I hope I can get some sleep before then.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:08 (average 5:09).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Westport News: Rupert Murdoch accepted the resignations of The Wall Street Journal’s publisher and the chief of his British operations on Friday as the once-defiant media mogul struggled to control an escalating phone hacking scandal, offering apologies to the public and the family of a murdered schoolgirl.

This huge!  I would not be surprised to see a power play by Roger Ailes.

From Think Progress:  GOP Presidential hopeful Tim Pawlenty has been all over the place when it comes to his position on raising the nation’s debt ceiling. He has said that failing to raise the debt ceiling would be good for the economy, endorsed Republican attempts to raise it only as long as cockamamie budget plans are attached, but then refused to rule out raising it were he to become President.

However, Pawlenty’s debt ceiling fickleness reached new heights today during an interview with CNBC. Literally twenty seconds after telling CNBC’s Steve Leisman that “I wish they wouldn’t raise” the debt ceiling, Pawlenty said that the debt ceiling does, in fact, have to be raised.


Has Pawlenty been taking lessons from Romney?

From The NationIn the 2010 midterm election, Republicans won complete legislative control of twenty-one states and the American Legislative Exchange Council was right there with model legislation to help them push through a radical right-wing agenda. Funded by billionaires like the Koch brothers, ALEC has provided the template for more than 800 bills aimed at undermining environmental protection, privatizing education, busting unions and curbing government regulation.

Please click through for the rest.  It’s WORTH the read.




  10 Responses to “Open Thread–7/16/2011”

  1. Friday, movie audience had to choose between the Sorcerer and the Witch … they overwhelmingly went with the Sorcerer:
    Sarah Palin Movie Debuts to Empty Theater in Orange County

    So, do you think this will hurt chances for an Oscar?

  2. 4:26 Not too bad today.

    Does Pawlenty know his ass from a hole in the ground?

  3. 4:47 I’m 62 out of 197 (315).

  4. Well that sounds like a shitty evening (pardon the pun).

    I would LOVE for Ailes to go as well. Imagine, Murdoch the Murderer of respectable news apologizing to anyone! Who would have ever thought THAT day would come!? 😯

    Pawlenty is an idiot; you don’t play games with the debt ceiling – you play games with the budget, dumass. Whomever elected that jackass (I’m talking to you Repubs) and the same people who keep electing that crazy woman Bachmann should be exiled to Somalia forever, then maybe they’ll have some respect for a government and it’s people – we’ll see how long their crazy mouths last over there. The only thing they did do right was electing Franken and Jesse Wentura.

    Yeah, well I don’t care how much money they get from the Kroch brothers, corporations, and anyone else; after this debacle, there will be no way in hell that any of them are electable or re-electable in 2012. I hope every last one of them are gone after the bullshit they pulled over this debt ceiling. Even their own base knows they fucked up big time on this one. Only they themselves (including Cantor who should go back to daycare as far as I’m concerned) don’t realize how stupid they are being and how they’ve been played. Good luck assholes!

    No kidding with that pic!

    Off topic – in those meetings or negotiations or temper tantrums whatever you want to call them – did you see poor Nancy Pelosi sandwiched in between Boner and Cantor? If that were me, I would have given them both a good solid twist of the nuts – but I’m just mean. Don’t think you wouldn’t have done it either…. 😆

  5. Liked the cartoon! 😈 That’s what happens when Newtie and all his fat cat friends rush to the dinner table at the same time. It hogs the ship in the middle and breaks it in two. Then Cantor arrives to say they ain’t gonna fix it. 👿

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