Jul 082011

Our nation’s highest court is split into two distinct bodies.  SCOTUS has four Justices: Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor and Kagan.  They deserve our highest praise.  On the other hand, SCROTUS has five Injustices: Roberts, Scalia, Thomas, Alito, and Kennedy.  They are activist ideologues with Constitutional VD.  If you are ever arrested in a foreign nation, and that nation denies your right to assistance from your government, you can thank the blood-lust of Rick Perry and SCROTUS.


Texas executed a Mexican citizen Thursday for the rape-slaying of a teenager after he and the White House pleaded in vain for a Supreme Court stay, saying he was denied help from his home country that could have helped him avoid the death penalty.

In his last minutes, Humberto Leal repeatedly said he was sorry and accepted responsibility…

…Leal was just a toddler when he and his family moved to the U.S. from Monterrey, Mexico, but his citizenship became a key element of his attorneys’ efforts to win a stay. They said police never told him following his arrest that he could seek legal assistance from the Mexican government under an international treaty.

Mexico, the Obama administration and others had asked the U.S. Supreme Court to delay Leal’s execution so Congress could consider a law that would require court reviews in cases where condemned foreign nationals did not receive help from their consulates. They said the case could affect not only foreigners in the U.S. but Americans detained in other countries.

The court rejected the request 5-4… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Houston Chronicle>

Rachel Maddow covered the story in detail with Bob Herbert.

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Now the Republican pro-death reaction has been that the guy admitted his guilt, so what difference does it make?  This is not about Leal.  This is about a bloodthirsty Republican governor killing a maan in violation of our own law, and SCROTUS rubber-stamping it.  If America refuses to honor our own treaties as the Constitution requires, what basis do we have to demand other countries do so?  They have have hamstrung our State Department.

I may have beefs with Obama, but in 2013 either a Democrat or a Republican will occupy the White House.  If it’s a Republican, SCROTUS will bet bigger.


  25 Responses to “SCROTUS And Rick Perry Hamstring State Dept”

  1. I can’t believe that they executed Leal – “Texas is not bound by treaties.” WTF is that? You’re bound by the Constitution apparently to, but only when you feel like you are. SCROTUS should be dismantled by this ruling and I hope the terrible 5 that decided this decisions face some kind of punishment (impeachment maybe) over this ruling. Enough of this bullshit. There have to be repercussions or no one will follow the law. I suggested castration, to relieve the SROTUM policies. Anyone else? 😑

    • Oh, for Perry too. Douchebag. 😑

    • We are talking about a man who has lived in Texas all but 1 1/2 years of his life ! You think he didn’t know the law ? Give me a break. Any white person who raped and killed a 16 yr old girl would have been given the same treatment. And shouting Viva Mexico as the drugs were injected ? He acts as if he was living in Mexico. Too bad he wasn’t. Should have stayed their to be a member of Zeta or another bloodthirsty gang.

      • Charles, your comment is irrelevant. Nobody here id defending Leal. No matter what he did, that is no excuse for Perry and the extremist right-wing Injustices to ignore the Constitution.

  2. Who cares about his rights. Did he care about the rights of the 16 year old girl he brutally raped, sodomized, and murdered? Read part of the article below. Talk about bloodthirsty. I wonder if you have a daughter, and if you would feel any differently if this monster did that to her? I don’t understand, so maybe someone can explain it to me, why liberals are pro-abortion and anti-death penalty? Save the guilty and kill the innocent? A little backwards if you ask me…

    A “bloody and broken” stick roughly 15 inches long with a screw at the end of it was also protruding from the girl’s vagina, according to the documents.

    Read more: hxxp://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/07/07/white-house-seeks-delay-mexican-mans-execution-as-supreme-court-mulls-case/#ixzz1RWHs80CR

    • Patriot, I made mo claim that Leal was innocent or that he deserves any consideration whatsoever.

      The US Constitution is clear that treaties we have ratified are the law, and must be obeyed. You seen to think that, because he is such a bad person, that our law should not apply to him. Who would you deny from due process next? When they came for the Jews…

    • Guilt or innocence is not the issue. Ignoring international law in our country makes it open season on Americans traveling abroad without regard to their guilt or innocence.

  3. This is the most egregious act by this fake Christian and the SCROTUS and has the potential of creating some nasty international fallout. Cruel apollnd shortsighted. I did see a poll this morning that says Ron Paul, who I’m not all that crazy about, leads Perry in popularity. Maybe Paul should run for governor of Texas.

  4. It’s hard to believe they wouldn’t grant him a stay of execution. But then again, certain in-Justices have no scruples.

    • I trust his government would have done little to assist him. That was their reasoning. Although true, the legal reasoning is flawed.

  5. …………..so, what is the purpose of “Blind Justice”, again………? Not for everybody!….I guess………. πŸ‘Ώ

  6. I agree with you all!!!!! WTF – indeed
    This country is the most barbaric of the Western Countries and most of the Eastern and Middle East – tune in to tomorrows “shootout” tomorrows oil spill and tomorrows death penalty!
    If you ever get bored, vote Republican – see what else these butchers can concoct! I’m pissed off!!

  7. The shame of this country is now fully apparent to the entire world ; Our SCROTUS is a joke-; And Texas !!! Not bound by treaties!! OMG—- we are indeed in the process of a new Civil War !!

  8. Word to the Wise:
    If you ever experience the unfortunate circumstance of being arrested in a foreign country, the first words out of your mouth should be: “I want to speak to the American Consul.”

  9. SCROTUS and Rick Perry are hypocrites in every sense of the word. “Pro-LIFE”? Hah!

  10. Judging from some of the previous comments, a lot of people would like to see the end of “due process.” Be careful what you ask for. We are fast becoming very like the very system(s) we fought TWO world wars against. πŸ™

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