Bernie Sanders to Obama

 Posted by at 1:31 am  Politics
Jun 272011

Bernie Sanders remains my favorite Democrat, even though he isn’t.  Bernie has written a letter to President Obama regarding the the Republican threats to destroy the economy unless Democrats agree to do irreparable damage to the American people.  Here is Bernie’s letter in its entirety.

27bernieDear Mr. President,

This is a pivotal moment in the history of our country. Decisions are being made about the national budget that will impact the lives of virtually every American for decades to come. As we address the issue of deficit reduction we must not ignore the painful economic reality of today – which is that the wealthiest people in our country and the largest corporations are doing phenomenally well while the middle class is collapsing and poverty is increasing.  In fact, the United States today has, by far, the most unequal distribution of wealth and income of any major country on earth.

Everyone understands that over the long-term we have got to reduce the deficit – a deficit that was caused mainly by Wall Street greed, tax breaks for the rich, two wars, and a prescription drug program written by the drug and insurance companies. It is absolutely imperative, however, that as we go forward with deficit reduction we completely reject the Republican approach that demands savage cuts in desperately-needed programs for working families, the elderly, the sick, our children and the poor, while not asking the wealthiest among us to contribute one penny. 

Mr. President, please listen to the overwhelming majority of the American people who believe that deficit reduction must be about shared sacrifice. The wealthiest Americans and the most profitable corporations in this country must pay their fair share.  At least 50 percent of any deficit reduction package must come from revenue raised by ending tax breaks for the wealthy and eliminating tax loopholes that benefit large, profitable corporations and Wall Street financial institutions.  A sensible deficit reduction package must also include significant cuts to unnecessary and wasteful Pentagon spending.

Please do not yield to outrageous Republican demands that would greatly increase suffering for the weakest and most vulnerable members of our society.  Now is the time to stand with the tens of millions of Americans who are struggling to survive economically, not with the millionaires and billionaires who have never had it so good.



Sen. Bernie Sanders

Inserted from <>

Bernie said it all.


  39 Responses to “Bernie Sanders to Obama”

  1. We shall see. One thing I have learned is there are a vast group of people who do not pay attention to the information that comes out of their own communities government less much that of DC. I am willing to bet that far fewer people are even aware of this debt ceiling debate and the precarious state the republicans have put us into. I think that because, at least around here, the chains are already on and once enslaved how much more enslaved can one become. If they only knew the truth.

    I personally think that this is more than just reclaiming political power for the corporate masters of the political process but if the country goes into default, wipes out it’s debt (including the 4 trillion held in T bills by the SS system) the republicans are good enough at spinning it they will find a way to make it a good thing, and take credit and ergo the rest of government.

    Then they get a total do over of the ruin they brought in their 20 years of power from Reagan to w. Except this time they get to write fail-safe rules that return the nation back to pre-Theodore Roosevelt. To me that is the devil in the weeds. Rick Snyder (r MI) is their test case for instituting dictatorship over the impoverished. Rules born by fiat not democracy. It will be interesting to see how this president preserves the union because to be honest, my wife is first generation American her mother and two oldest siblings hold their Canadian green cards still and we are talking of her Canadian given right of return and emigrating out of the US. I am already registered in the National Archives as a Canadian Poet, may as well take the leap and leave this bullshit behind.

    I did my duty for America as did millions of others, once middle class people, and this is the way we are returned the favor? 586 wealthy people who have been able to buy positions of power that allow them a voice while the rest of us sacrifice and serve—this is no longer any form of America I recognize.

    The one question that is germane was posed by Sid Vicious of Sex Pistols fame–“Who Killed Bambi”

    • Yep! Your right! Twm! Most people know more about the damned NASCAR statistics than anything about the debt ceiling. πŸ‘Ώ

    • And of the ones who are aware of the deficit talks a goodly portion of those don’t understand the significance of it.

      Unfortunately shared sacrifice to some of the rich simply means they should continue to pay employees rather than demanding free labor.

      As for dictatorship over the impoverished, I think it’s actually given over to the more powerful among us because of apathy. If people would pay attention to what’s going on instead of being distracted by the next new shiny thing there’s no way the powerful would get away with what they do. The numbers attest to that. There’s more of us than there are of them. But we have to stay on top of things.

      • But Blue… we have flakes, ring around the collar and we can’t raise our arms cause we’re not sure. We need Jenny Craig for what sticks out and Viagra for what doesn’t. πŸ™„

        Sometimes I want to just puke.

    • Mark, the apathy never ceases to amaze me, and I agree. Plutocracy is not the only Republican goal. The other is to establish permanent one-party rule, a 10,000 year Republican Reich.

  2. Thank you Senator Sanders!



  3. It will be interesting to follow what happens in the “new talks” between Obama, Boehner and Reid. A-hole Chris Christie was just on Morning Joe delivering another of his “gems” on the budget. He brought up how the Dems were unable to get tax breaks for the rich rescinded when they were in control of the House. What he failed to say was the House passed getting rid of the Bush tax cuts and the RepublicanTs blocked it in the Senate with their stupid “super-majority”. This is one of their BIG talking points though.

    They just don’t get it. Bernie (love him) gets it!

  4. Sanders expresses facts of which Obama is surely aware, but many Americans are not. This is one of the most valuable ways politicians can use their position — to get new information in front of people.

    I know of people who aren’t right-wing as such, but sincerely believe that the endless threatened cuts to every kind of beneficial spending are necessary because of the deficit. They don’t realize that the deficit is an artifact of decades of tax cuts.

    Obama, for whatever reason, usually prefers compromise to confrontation, which is a problem when dealing with malevolent fanatics. If enough people understand the real issues and get mad enough, maybe they can get him to follow where he doesn’t want to lead.

    • Infidel, you have hit on Obama’s biggest weakness. He promised to govern as a bipartisan President. Even then I said that one cannot be bipartisan with those who will not compromise ot even negotiate in good faith.

  5. “Now is the time to stand with the tens of millions of Americans who are struggling to survive economically, not with the millionaires and billionaires who have never had it so good.”~~~~Bernie Sanders.

    Well, that’s all I know! πŸ‘Ώ

  6. Excellent letter, Bernie, and exceptional follow-up comments by all !!! Thank you. We in our family talk about leaving this country, also, but I’m going to keep rattlin’ my chains for awhile. If the Republicans win, maybe the suffering will be so great that the densest brains can be penetrated with the truth! Until then, we have to try to build bridges of trust between ourselves and those in our communities who think and vote differently from us, so that they can see a consistent pattern of caring, and seriously consider what we’re trying to tell them. It’s a slow process and may not work in time, I know, but I’ve been in the streets, signed petitions, and organized in my community, and doing it this way is all I have left. . . maybe.

  7. That man is a saint and a true national treasure. LONG LIVE SENATOR BERNIE SANDERS!

  8. Thanks Tom – I wasn’t aware of this letter. Sanders is amazing – I’ve mentioned it before, he is the left’s ally and advocate. The majority of Americans haven’t got a clue who they vote for or why. Usually it boils down to some “religulous” reason that is myth-bound and self-sabotaging to themselves – and by reason of their insanity the rest of us! This outcome may indeed place the country among the neo-third world, among others like Greece, Ireland, Spain et al. – however – we probably have the biggest fall!

  9. Maybe he should have sent this letter to Boehner.

  10. Something I don’t hear anyone claiming is that there’s no evidence cutting taxes for the corporations and/or wealthiest individuals creates jobs. Since the Bush tax cuts — which happened some 6 years ago — we have not seen an increase in net new jobs. In fact, the exact opposite occurred. That’s because demand creates jobs — and if people are out of work or have very little money to spend, there is less demand. Why does that demonstrable lie continue and why is no one calling it a lie?

  11. Bernie is a mensch…of the highest order.

  12. Now is the time to stand with the tens of millions of Americans who are struggling to survive economically, not with the millionaires and billionaires who have never had it so good.”~~~~Bernie Sanders.– The voice of reason , or the Voice crying in the wilderness ; There are none so blind as those who will not see.

  13. Tax cuts for the rich is nothing but a “red haring”. If we take the tax cuts away from the rich and force company’s to pay their “fair share” who do you think is really going to pay? Us the consumer, and those lucky enough to have a job. We can’t win in this mess. Give them their breaks and pray to God those that have jobs can keep them and that the rest of us can find a safe place to park our tents and cars….

    • Welcome Lisa. πŸ™‚

      Sorry, but you’re wrong. Huge corporations already have prices jacked up as high as demand will allow, and are reaping record profit. Because they can force prices no higher, they will have to make do with less outrageous profit. The red herring is the Republican lie that you apparently believe.

      Everyone, please don’t think this came from our Lisa G.

      • Plus, tax cuts do not lower prices and tax cuts do not create jobs. They only increase profits.

        • Not necessarily Jerry. I’m for tax cuts targeted to companies for job creation.

          • Then let the tax cuts take effect AFTER the job creation, not before. Base the tax cuts on the number of jobs actually created, not expected.

            • Exactly. For every new job created, the employed gets a $x.00 credit. The new job has to represent an increase from the previous year, so they can’t lay one off, eliminate the job, create the job and hire to get the credit.

  14. Keep up the hard work!
    I thank you…You are a good man Bernie Sanders!
    We need someone like you here in Colorado!

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