Jun 192011


Thanks to Crooks and Liars, Bill goes to town on Rick Perry  after having some fun with the insaniTEA twins.

I disagree with him on one thing  there is a “spiritual solution” to America’s problems.  Make the American Taliban shut up!  He is right on here!


  4 Responses to “Bill Maher – New Rules – 6/17”

  1. MAHER FOR PRESIDENT, and Perry to the penitentiary!

  2. “Now, last week, Rick Perry announced that he rented out a 70,000 seat football stadium in Houston, for something called the response, which sounds like a home pregnancy test, but actually is to quote the governor “a Christian prayer service to provide spiritual solutions to the many challenges we face as a nation.”~~Bill Maher
    I wonder if Anthony Weiner could get that gig as “the organist”? 😈

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