Poll Results – 6/1/2011

 Posted by at 2:08 am  Blog News
Jun 012011

Here are the results of the troop deployment abroad poll.


And here are your comments.

From Jerry Critter on May 28, 2011 at 3:22 pm


I would like to vote Nowhere, but I suppose there are places where we are now and need to say for a while longer…like Korea.


From Lisa G. on May 16, 2011 at 9:13 am


I picked Japan, Germany, and Korea for various reasons. Japan, because they have no standing army and it keeps China in check over Taiwan; Germany, because it gives us a European presence into the Middle East and that’s where we treat our wounded soldiers from Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. and Korea because those North Koreans would overrun the DMZ in a second if they thought they could get away with it and we also fight Al Queada in the Philippines, and all those various weird countries over there.

β€˜Nowhere’ was the overwhelming winner, but I believe many picked it as a knee-jerk reaction, without due thought.

I picked Germany and Italy, because we cannot otherwise fulfill our obligations under NATO.  I picked Japan, because I’d rather the US defend them than have them rearm.  I picked South Korea, because North Korea will invade otherwise.  I picked Texas, to safeguard the US from InsaniTEA.

The new poll is a mock Presidential election between formally announced candidates.  I also included Romney, because he will announce tomorrow.


  2 Responses to “Poll Results – 6/1/2011”

  1. Not a knee jerk reaction from me. I have long thought we should use our troops to seal our borders. there is no where on the planet we can not land three divisions within 24-36 hours.

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