Issues That Matters to Voters

 Posted by at 1:41 am  Politics
May 242011

In 2010, the issue that mattered to voters was jobs.  Republicans successfully blamed Democrats for the Republican Recession and the recovery that lagged due to Republican obstruction.  Now that they control the House, it’s plain to see that every one of their major proposals actually destroys jobs.  Therefore, they do not want voters thinking about jobs.  Instead they are making straw men of the deficit and the debt, and also focusing on a variety of hate issues that pander to their base’s misogyny, bigotry, homophobia. and racism.  They have substituted legislation to redistribute wealth upward, while destroying Medicare and Medicaid, to masquerade as deficit reduction, even though it raises the deficit.  Mitch McConnell even went so far as to call it “empowering grandma”.  That may be their undoing, because Medicare is an issue that matters to voters.  NY-26 makes that clear.

24NY26Republican Jane Corwin badly wants to be the candidate of change in Tuesday’s special election, but the wave that swept 63 new Republicans into the House last November might have passed her by.

Her final pitch during a telephone town hall Monday afternoon, which the campaign said attracted 13,400 listeners, largely mirrored boilerplate GOP talking points from a year ago: job creation and reining in the debt.

But running against Washington turns out to be a lot harder when your party controls the House.

Democrats still hold the Senate and the White House, but Corwin finds herself in a race that has largely become a referendum on Medicare and the budget proposed by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.).

Corwin’s struggles in New York’s Republican-leaning 26th District may foreshadow the challenge House freshmen will face next year when they’re up for reelection: They ran against Washington, but now in the minds of many voters, they are Washington… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Politico>

She must be desperate to fall back on job creation, given that Republicans at the national level show no interest in it.

Cenk Uygur discussed the matter with Politico’s Glenn Thursh.

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Rachel Maddow covered this extensively, and interviewed reporter, Phil Fairbanks.

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Voters are far more interested in Medicare they they are in scam budget reduction that takes it away.

Voters care about what they need: jobs, homes, health care, education, infrastructure, etc.  When Republican’s take away these things offering nothing in return, they are in trouble.

Now, since Bought Bitch Mitch says that Ryan plan empowers granny, here’s how it does it.



  18 Responses to “Issues That Matters to Voters”

  1. I forget which parable contains the exorcism of the possessed one, the excised demons eventually maddening a herd of swine.

    Enough that several demons from Fox News have been “Bell, Book and Candled” lately–And where did they end up? SUN News, Canada.

    I must confess that I used to work for the old SUN paper and have made some friends there, but the right wing Tea Party shit that’s coming out of SUN Television news in Canada makes you think you’re watching Jeff Beck or listening to Rush Limbaugh.

    FOX News North?

    You’re driving my pigs crazy.

    • Hiya Ivan! Sadly I posted an article a while back about how much more politically evolved Canada is than the US, because you do not have Faux Noise propaganda masquerading as news, I spoke too soon. 🙁

  2. Voters want everything that Republicans DON’T want. I hope Corwin goes down to defeat, as well as Scott Walker’s renegade Republicans in Wisconsin in July, and he himself next January, and that the Democrats will wise up and nail every Republican to the sorry cross of Paul Ryan’s ridiculous plan all the way through 2012! Then we’ll see who the REAL majority party is in this country, and what voters REALLY want, and I can guarantee you it won’t be Republicans or their economics anymore!

  3. I might add that I am getting very tired of the extremely old-fashioned, 1920s-style haircut of Paul Ryan’s. It matches his economic plan in how out of date and tired it is.

  4. They have to know that their radical far right agenda will cost them in dollars and in political power. People need to stand up for themselves or we will be ridden roughshod over by greedy power hungry robber barons.

    • I think they do Blue, but they are caught between a rock and a hard place. The only way they can win with their gospel of greed is to open their arms to the most vile extremists of all sorts.

  5. Meanwhile, it was the DINOs in Congress who allowed tax breaks for the wealthy to continue. They along with the Republicans are going to allow the Unpatriot Act to continue for another four years. Every representative in Congress who votes for it, should be impeached, removed from office, and thrown in prison for treason, starting with Diane Feinstein (DINO), for claiming anyone who does not vote for it is endangering the lives of Americans.

    WRONG! They took an oath to protect the Constitution, not the people. We don’t need protected by having our constitutional rights taken away from us.

    Vote out all DINOs, especially DINO Obama in next year’s Democratic Primaries.

    • Kevin, there are some for whom Obama can do no wrong. For others, Obama can do no right. Both extremes are equally foolish. While I would consider a more progressive challenger, I seriously doubt there will be one.

      Before spouting rhetoric you might want to learn a little more. Treason is a crime specifically defined by the Constitution, and it may not be charged unless an acct occurs during time of war, which does not technically exist until and unless Congress declares it.

      Now, may I suggest you do what I did? I worked to get jeff Merkley elected to the Senate and David Wu elected to the House. Both oppose the unPATRIOT act.

  6. Not sure of the significance (if any), but just announced that Repubican Jane L. Corwin got a court order from State Supreme Court Justice barring a certification of a winner in today’s special 26th Congressional District race until a show-cause hearing before the justice later this week.
    Could be just a precautionary measure to avoid the fiasco of the Wisconsin Supreme Court election – or it could mean she’s scared excrement-less of the results.

  7. I’m with Jack on this one. They hung this stupid Ryan plan which will increase the deficit sky high and take away some entitlements that have been in place for 60+ years and voted yes on it. This is going to hurt them BADLY in 2012. A 30 page budget, written by the Heritage Foundation, isn’t going to cut it in these times. 😯

  8. This grandma is plenty empowered–and very angry–

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