May 162011

Few individuals on the political scene are more vile than the Koch brothers.  If they get their way, the national motto, e pluribus unum, will be replaced with, “Things go better with Koch.”  Of course that’s a lie, but that’s what the Republican Party, the Koch suckers, want you to believe.  Glen Greenwald deserves intense praise for his new film, exposing the Koch Brothers.

16 KochEven for the Lincoln Centre it was an unusual show, and an unscheduled one. Several hundred protesters turned up outside the arts complex on Manhattan’s Upper West Side last week for the guerrilla screening of a short film. From a hotel on the other side of the street, a video was projected on to the centre’s walls. The unwitting stars of the films were David and Charles Koch, the reclusive rightwing billionaire brothers whose secretive empire and network of influence and funding is emerging as a liberal rallying cause in America.

As bemused theatregoers watched the boisterous crowd, the videos depicted facts and figure showing Koch support for Tea Party groups, global warming sceptics and thinktanks seeking to strip away regulations on the environment, cut social security and oppose healthcare reform. On the David H Koch Theatre in the complex – renamed when one of the brothers donated $100m (£62m) in 2008 – activists climbed a ladder to post a giant sticker above the sign bearing Koch’s name. "I am the Tea Party’s wallet," it read. When the police vans finally arrived, the activists had gone.

For Koch Industries, one of the largest private businesses in America, it was another attempt by liberal groups to drag it into the public eye over accusations that it is corrupting US politics in pursuit of its business interests. There have been lengthy magazine articles investigating its activities, growing protests and a legion of bloggers scouring the company’s every move… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <The Guardian>

Click through, because there’s a lot more in the article.

Why didn’t I see this on the news?

Again, Kudos to Greenwald, and I hope Obama signs that executive order soon.  See today’s fourth article.


  16 Responses to “Greenwald Blasts Koch Brothers”

  1. I’m constantly amazed with how many pies they have their fingers in. Have you heard about the controversy regarding Koch money and FSU?

    • Ahab, I am constantly amazed by what you and Nameless dig up in your readings. Nice work there. When you have gazillions, it’s not hard to have your fingers in many, many pies (sexual pun not intended). This stinks, and it stinks to high heaven. One of the “advisors” on the Board who approves the new hires is a paid Koch hack. Now, that’s only a 1 to 3 vote, but it still should be composed of completely economic advisors, not paid by anyone, especially the Koch brothers. Slanting a school curricula like that is abhorrent; colleges are usually center-left leaning and I think that’s about the only think left that is center-left leaning (except for my Econ teacher in college; he was not only an ass but an Ayn Rand fan who pretended to teach from the book). I reported him to the dean, because I wasn’t paying (ok, my parents’ weren’t paying) $12K a year at a private school for me to get some slanted asshole teaching Econ. And I had to take both Macro and Micro with this guy (he was the only econ teacher – it was a very small private school), but I think after that year, he mysteriously retired at 50. See, I’ve always been a bitch. 😈

      • I agree Lisa.

        That teacher sounds like a jerk. I had a teacher like that in Freshman Speech when I was 18. I had earned A’s throughout the term. For my final speech I presented an argument that the “miracles” of the Exodus were natural occurrences. It turns out he was a Theocon. He lectured the class warning them about how skillfully delivered speeches, such as mine, given my power of persuasion, could undermine our society. He gave me a C for the term.

    • Ahab, I have. I even signed a petition opposing it. It’s foul.

  2. DailyKos had a Recommended Diary highlighting their “guerrilla” activity the day after – with lots of Fun Photos showing their street theater activity:

    Why, they even included a YouTube video by Greenwald:

  3. This is from Lisa , not I.

    Lisa G. says:
    May 16, 2011 at 8:29 am (Edit)

    I swear to God, when I read your intro, I thought it said “Things go better with Kock” which of course, made me lmfao. What those protesters did was hilarious. Greenwald hunts things out like no one else.

    On the minus side, I think your guy from the IMF is fucked. The maid ID’ed him in a line up. Personally, if someone would have made me perform oral sex in the bathroom, I would have bit it off and flushed it; but I’m just mean like that. 😈 How are you gonna explain a missing penis and a beat up maid, douchebag? I’m sorry asshole, you’re convicted and even better you have no winky to do this to another woman again. 15 minutes into lockup, you’re someone’s bitch, you and your missing dick. 😈

  4. Lisa , Dear Girl– I don’t know you but I love you–!!! I do so hope he quickly becomes some BIG dude’s bendover buddy—

  5. Greenwald does a great service to our country with his hard-hitting and factual BRAVE NEW FILMS. I was proud to have profiled him 3 or 4 posts ago in my “Great Progressive Voices” series I’ve been running lately. He is everything the woeful Mainstream Media ISN’T today: truthful, thorough, investigative, revealing, fair-minded, etc. GO GREENWALD!

  6. I covered it too, babycakes.

    And covered Glenn covering it.

    We can’t run this type of expose often enough.

    Love ya!


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