Long ago I nicknamed Harry Reid as The Nevada Leg Hound, because of his sad tendency run around to run around the Senate humping Republican legs. begging for votes, and then, rolling over, whining, and playing dead, when none were forthcoming. If Senator Reid continues on his present tack, I may have to retire the name. First he plans to force a vote to tie Republicans to Ryan’s disastrous budget, and now he wants to make sure Ensign’s crimes follow him home to Nevada.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid believes the Senate Select Committee on Ethics is "obligated" to issue a report on the sex scandal that ended the career of his Nevada colleague, Republican John Ensign.
In a conference call with reporters Wednesday, Reid said he expects an independent counsel appointed by the committee to draw up a report outlining the findings of the inquiry — and for the secretive panel to refer any criminal violations to the Justice Department.
"I would assume, having been chairman of that ethics committee for a long period of time … they would just turn it over to their counsel to draw a report on what they came up with up to this time," he said.
"I think they’re obligated to come up with a report, and once they come up with report, they are also required by law if there is any criminal violations that they see there, they are obligated to refer that – it’s not a matter of discretion – it’s a matter of law to refer that to the Justice Department."… [emphasis added]
Inserted from <Politico>
Reid is undoubtedly correct. Ensign’s behavior has been far too devious for hin to just walk away. If Republicans keep getting away with criminal acts, they will have no incentive to obey the law.
6 Responses to “Has Leg Hound Harry Grown a Spine?”
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We must all remember the race between the tortoise & the hare….Harry Reid being the hare. Slow & steady wins the race. These Congressmen & Senators are forced into a political game of chess and we should have a bit of faith in them…as well as input. Blind faith alone will give you, well, Ryan!
Um… Zada, you are aware that the hare lost that race?
Give ’em hell, Harry!
Give ’em hell, Jack!
It’s about time Harry. Shit, I have more balls than this man!
…and more than most. 🙂