Boehner Blew It Big!

 Posted by at 2:49 am  Politics
Apr 292011

I’m not sure if he was distracted, thinking about that missed putt on the 16th, or perhaps had bending the elbow a few times too many, but Speaker John Boehner (R-BP) goofed while trying to evade the truth, so it did not come out as intended.  In the process, he opened a hornets’ nest sure, not only to embarrass him and his fellow Republicans, but also, to hold them up as the corporate sycophants they are.

BonerOrangeEarlier this week, spin doctors for House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) scrambled to do damage control following his comments Monday to ABC News advocating cuts to Big Oil subsidies .

In an interview with ABC News’ Jonathan Karl, Boehner had this to say:

It’s certainly something we should be looking at. We’re in a time when the federal government’s short on revenues. They ought to be paying their fair share…Everybody wants to go after the oil companies and frankly, they’ve got some part of this to blame.

A Boehner spokesman quickly characterized his boss’s comments as an attempt to avoid a trap sprung by ABC’s Karl:

The Speaker made clear in the interview that raising taxes was a non-starter, and he’s told the president that. He simply wasn’t going to take the bait and fall into the trap of defending ‘Big Oil’ companies. Boehner believes, as he stated in the interview, that expanding American energy production will help lower gas prices and create more American jobs. We’ll look at any reasonable policy that lowers gas prices. Unfortunately, what the president has suggested so far would simply raise taxes and increase the price at the pump.

The dial-back didn’t stop President Obama from firing off an arch letter to Boehner, writing that he “was heartened that Speaker Boehner yesterday expressed openness to eliminating these tax subsidies for the oil and gas industry.”

Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has said that, after Boehner’s comments opened a crack in the Republicans’ armor, Democrats will waste no time in pursuing legislation to end the subsidies. In a Wednesday press conference, he said that his party will push consideration of President Obama’s proposal to repeal Big Oil tax breaks as early as next week. “There’s no necessity for these subsidies,” he said. “The companies have broken all records for profits.”

Oil industry insiders have lashed out at the Democrats’ attempt to end oil subsidies as job killers. Reuters reports:

“This is a tired old argument we’ve been hearing for two years now. If the president were serious about job creation, he would be working with us to develop American oil and gas by American workers for American consumers,” the American Petroleum Institute’s chief economist John Felmy said.

And yet, if first quarter trends continue through the rest of the year, Exxon alone stands to net ten times as much in profits as the entire industry receives in subsidies… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Washington Independent>

In this brief clip, Rachel Maddow hammers home why the subsidies are so absurd.

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Now, don’t get your hopes up.  If you think there is any way in hell that the GOBP will allow Big Oil to pay a penny more of their share, call me.  I’m selling drilling permits for oil on the moon.  Seriously, as long as Republicans have a majority in the House and/or enough Senators to mount a filibuster, such efforts are futile, except that forcing votes on them paints the Republican Party truthfully.  They represent criminal corporations and the richest 1%, not you.


  11 Responses to “Boehner Blew It Big!”

  1. What does bentthg4e mean?

    • I’m putting my money down on “bending the” … even when TC’s vision is unimpaired, he has a long and well-documented record of QWERTY abuse. (Let’s just say Merriam Webster won’t be hiring him in the foreseeable future as a spellchecker.)

  2. Let’s cut right to the chase on Boner: the guy is an idiot who is in way over his head. It’s hard to think straight when one is in a state of perpetual hangover and is always thinking about being out on the golf course. Where are the jobs YOU said would be created, Boehner? WHERE ARE THE JOBS?

  3. I love when it Republicans accidentally let the truth slip out and then they have to deal with the mess they’ve made.

    I’m telling you what; the Democrats should be hammering the GOP on their vote to end Medicare every single day from now until Election Day 2012. Every American voter should know about it. The Republicans in the House voted to end Medicare and cut Medicaid just to pay for more tax cuts for millionaires. When people know that (and it’s the absolute truth) then how will they have any support?

  4. Sometimes those darn pesky facts just sneak up on a guy and he accidently shows himself to be taken seriously, then all hell breaks loose and he has to pretend he just “misspoke.” What a joker! Make that orange-painted joker.

  5. Those tax breaks and subsidies for the oil companies should be on the block. Next we go after Big Ag and take away Michele Bachmann’s “farm” money.

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