Apr 032011


If we believe the propaganda, the Tea Party consider themselves independent grass-roots patriots, looking back to the Boston Tea Party for their inspiration.  In reality, they are astro-turfed lackeys, blindly following their corporate masters in the honest, albeit false, belief that to do so is patriotism.  This morning, at Crooks and Liars, I found a video by Thom Hartman about the actual history of the Boston Tea Party as revealed in the only known book on the subject by an actual participant, in fact, the man who coined the phrase β€œBoston Tea Party”.  It was not so much about a tax as it was that the tax funded a tax cut to enable the 18th century version of a multinational corporation to undercut local tea suppliers and drive them out of business.  Here it is:

So today’s Teabaggers, representing their corporate sponsors,  supporting tax cuts for the super rich and breaks for giant criminal corporations, actually are the exact opposite of the original participants of the Boston Tea Party, who opposed everything Teabaggers represent.  What could be a bigger lie than that?


  14 Responses to “How Teabuggery Is Based on a Lie”

  1. Wow, I’m not much on long videos but this is fascinating and I became totally engrossed. It gives the needed ammunition to fight the Tea Baggers – not that they pay any attention to historical facts.

  2. ALL conservatives are frauds.

  3. It is a very informative video—–not that the tea baggers have any interest in the facts–

  4. I love Thom and listen to him often. This was absolutely fascinating.

    Thanks to Tom for showing us Thom.

  5. So true, TomCat. It just shows you the intelligence level of the average teabagger and the manipulative power of the republicans. It also demonstrates why republicans hate education. Educated people, by and large, vote Democratic.

    • Jerry demographic analysis of exit polls beats that out. The more educated the individuals, the more likely they are to vote for Democrats.

  6. The ‘Tea Party’ was a sham from the get go. I went to a couple of ‘Rallies’ last year….. and saw nothing but scared old folks, the same old folks now suffering under budget cuts proposed by the GOP….. working men and women looking for answers… the same Union workers now astounded by the GOP attacks on their lively hood. I saw religious zealots foaming at the mouth about the lack of ‘Christian’ principles….. they are still foaming. πŸ™„

    • Of course it was, Jim. We exposed early on that all their funding and all their opinions came from Plutocons and Corporocons.

  7. I’ve been saying it too, the teabaggers don’t even know what it is they are protesting. The teabaggers are an arm of the GOP, Boehner is in trouble with trying to get a bi-partisan budget Obama can sign but those teabaggers and their demands are standing in the way without even knowing what they stand for! This minority is 😑 demanding our government bows down to them! WTF???!

    • To be more specific, Sue, Teabaggers are to the Republican party what the SA Brownshirts were to the Nazi Party. Once they had let the hate genie out of the bottle, the Nazis had trouble controlling the Brownshirts, just like the Republicans are now having trouble controlling the Teabaggers. Once they had consolidated power, their solution to the Brownshirt problem was the night of the long knives. Poor stupid Teabaggers. They are like puppies the night before the trip to the vet.

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