A False Flag for Walker

 Posted by at 5:43 am  Politics
Mar 252011

Scott Walker, Governor of Fitzwalkerstan, has been getting a lot of advice from rabid Indiana Republican officials.  First a Republican Assistant DA suggested Walker use live ammunition against protestors.  Now a Republican Deputy Prosecutor has been caught in an email, suffusing that Walker stage a false flag operation.


During the intense public battle with public employee unions last month, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) received an intriguing email from an admirer claiming to be a deputy prosecutor from Indiana. The email suggested that Walker should fake an attack on himself, in order to create sympathy for his cause and damage the reputation of the unions. The Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism has the email:


The e-mail was signed by “Carlos F. Lam.” WCIJ did some digging and discovered that indeed, there is a Carlos F. Lam who is a GOP public official in Indiana. He is a deputy prosecutor in Johnson County, Indiana — which is the same area the e-mail was sent from, according to its IP information. Lam also has a history of anti-union comments online: he’s written that Indiana is “an unsustainable public worker gravy train bubble.” In another, he said “unions & companies that feed at the gov’t trough will fight tooth & nail against anything that un-feathers their nests.”

WCIJ contacted Lam and asked him if the Hotmail address on the email belongs to him. Lam confirmed that it does — but categorically denied sending the email. “I am flabbergasted and would never advocate for something like this, and would like everyone to be sure that that’s just not me,” he said, after being read the email. He said he plans to file a police report about the matter this week.

Oddly, the email was sent on the very same day that another Indiana law enforcement official tweeted out violent plans for the protests. Jeffrey Cox, a deputy attorney general for the state, tweeted that police should “use live ammunition” against the protestors… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Given the location of the IP address, the ownership of the email account, the personal history and the proclivity of Republican politicians to lie at all times, except for when their mouths are closed and their fingers are separated from keyboards at the same time, the Republican is lying.

The only reason Wanker did not carry it out, I suspect, is that the court ordered him to turn over his email before he had a chance to organize it, and he knew it was there.


  10 Responses to “A False Flag for Walker”

  1. Don’t these nattering nabobs realize that the more they stir the more the hornets sting. I hope they do not do anything but hit the nest of laboring people for the next 18 months.

  2. At least it has a fairly happy ending – Carlos Lam resigned after admitting to sending the email:

    An Indiana deputy prosecutor and Republican activist resigned Thursday after the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism uncovered an email to Gov. Scott Walker in which he suggested a fake attack on the governor to discredit union protesters.


    • Thanks for the update, Nameless. Sadly, every time one of these worms falls, only to receive a plumb job elsewhere from the Reich, another takes his place.

  3. Lam would never have resigned, or been forced to resign, or outright fired had he not committed the unforgivable sin of getting caught.

  4. Am I surprised? Hell no—these Republicans are a gang of lying crooks – ALL of them!

  5. No real surprise here , only what is expected from a Gang of Thieves and Liars — Stupid as well– Absolutely disgusting what depths they are capable of sinking into–

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