Mar 232011

On the surface JobsOhio, Ohio Governor and former Fox propaganda star, John Kasich’s plan to privatize Ohio’s liquor sales seems innocent enough.  But a little digging reveals that it is not only part of the Republican plot to strip the states they control of wealth and transfer it to the super-rich and criminal corporations, but also a get rich quick scheme for Kasich himself!

Here’s the MSM view:

Republican Kool AidThe success of Gov. John Kasich’s plan to recruit new business to Ohio will hinge heavily on just how much Ohioans drink alcohol.

Kasich last week unveiled his state budget proposal, which includes a plan to lease the state’s liquor distribution operation — which of late has drawn record profits — and use the cash to fund his private economic development machine.

Since floating the idea earlier this year, the Republican governor says there have been plenty of potential takers. In fact, Ohioans’ propensity to consume more than ever, according to recent figures, has influenced the governor’s idea most.

"Over the years people drink more. It’s just a natural revenue stream," Kasich said last Tuesday while outlining his proposal, drawing a smattering of laughter from reporters. "So, everybody wanted to buy it. Everybody was interested in it."

But the governor says he isn’t making the liquor sales operation available to the open market. Instead, he’s keeping it in-house. Kasich has created JobsOhio, a private economic development corporation that will eventually replace the Ohio Department of Development and take over that agency’s main role of job recruitment and retention.

The governor intends for JobsOhio to be part venture capitalist, spreading around seed money for business in return for a piece of future profits, and part marketer, promoting the virtues of running a company here and bringing jobs to the Buckeye State.

To do that, JobsOhio needs start-up money and steady cash to sustain itself, and Kasich knows he cannot tap taxpayer dollars alone to foot the bill… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Cleveland Plains-Dealer>

Note that taxpayer dollars are being used to set this up.  The paper is not telling us the whole story.

Rachel and Ezra Klein discuss Ohio and other states to demonstrate how Republicans are making the budget problems worse, cutting taxes for the millionaires and corporations, and raising taxes on the poor.

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Ed Schultz exposes Kasich’s scam for self-enrichment and interviews Ohio State Senator Nina Turner.

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There you have it.  Kasich has made himself Chairman of the private company, funded at taxpayer expense, so he will be first in line to skim the funds taken from Ohio to benefit Wall Street.  Kasich may not be drinking the booze, but he sure is filling up on that Kool-Aid!


  14 Responses to “What Has John Kasich Been Drinking?”

  1. For decades the republican machine has been telling us we have become and un-godly country. They were right we now have the government we deserve. At least here in the rust belt upper Midwest. The devil has finally been voted in, in OH< WI< MI< FL etc.

    Got to admit it is a pretty slick scam appointing himself as the head of JobsOhiyosilver.

  2. When are these people going to wake up?? We moved from OH last year, to the south (we’re brave) and all that are left in that state are negative, disgruntled, short-sighted, uneducated former GM workers. Kasich is doing exactly what all Repub governors are doing: disenfranchising every group possible, taking over everything for themselves or their buddies, screwing up voting (eventually) so they always “win”, promoting uneducated fools, taking women’s rights back 50 years, and giving the wealthy (probably inherited or OPM anyway) TAX CUTS. You’ve got to feel sorry for Ohioans… kids and their families still live there……but not for long. πŸ˜‰

  3. Typical republican politician — line your own pocket first.

  4. In a word : GREED

  5. Czar Kashitch I is the most vile, most arrogant, least intelligent prick this stupid State has ever anointed. The MSM is continuing with its puff pieces, of course, but the Czar is only polling 30%.

    My in-laws voted for this scum. I remind them of that every time I see them.

  6. And I’m not leaving; Lake Erie is in my soul. THAT bastard is going to leave.

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