Mar 222011

In baseball, you get three strikes and you’re out.  Tim Pawlenty became the first Republican anyone has ever heard of to formally declare his candidacy for the Republican nomination for President in 2012.  I have a lot more than three strikes on Pawlenty, enough to demonstrate that Pawlenty is wrong for America.

Republicans PawlentyFormer Gov. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota became the first major Republican to enter the 2012 presidential race, announcing an exploratory committee on Monday that formalizes an ambition that has been steadily building for more than a year.

“There is a brighter future for America,” Mr. Pawlenty said in a video posted on his Facebook page. “We know what we need to do: grow jobs, limit government spending, tackle entitlements.”

In a two-minute message that was set to music, Mr. Pawlenty did not specify how he would address entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare, but he introduced himself as a candidate with working-class roots who would focus on lifting the economy, creating jobs and limiting government intervention in business…

Inserted from <NY Times>

Pawlenty is a serial liar.  He has said how he would address Social Security and Medicare.  Here is what he wrote on July 14, 2010.

…Reform out-of-control entitlements. By far, the biggest long-term driver of the federal debt is entitlement spending, including Social Security and Medicare. These programs are going to have to be changed. And despite Beltway rhetoric, it can be done…

That is not his only lie.  Do you remember when that bridge collapsed Minnesota? Pawlenty lies and said inspections in 2005 and 2006 had showed no problems, when a report did call the bridge structurally deficient.

Other lies include virtually reinventing himself to conform to Republican extremists.

GOP2…Since last year, Pawlenty has transformed himself into an orthodox Republican, quickly shedding the forward-thinking, “Sam’s Club” conservatism he once personified as governor. Pawlenty has even come under fire for dropping his Minnesota accent in favor of an invented Southern drawl while speaking to audiences in Arkansas. As he gears up for a 2012, Pawlenty has shown a willingness to do a complete 180 on a number of key policy areas:






Pawlenty is not the only potential GOP Presidential candidate to move right and obscure his record…  [emphasis original]

Inserted From <Think Progress>

Please click through to see the details on each point.

In an effort to prove himself sufficiently rabid for the Republican base, he has actually compared his term as governor to that of the infamous Scott Walker of Wisconsin.

And when speaking to CPAC in 2009 he identified himself with extreme Theocon fanatics.

supplysidAnd the message he wanted to impart was the same one they already believe in their stone cold hearts. That America under Obama has fallen into sin, and is an evil place, one which God will punish mercilessly until the day they reclaim their position of power and authority over the rest of us. A profoundly un-democratic, un-american and un-christian message. But that’s the base of the Republican Party for you. That’s who he must appease, who he must satisfy, and to whom he must prove his "Religious Right" bona fides. So Pawlenty lied and lied and lied. He played to their resentment against anyone who disagrees with their cruel vision of America, and to their anger and their racial animus and their fear and their overweening pride that only they know what is right and good. That only they have the right to rule this country "under God." That the rest of us are godless atheists not worthy to share this land with them, the "Real Americans." [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Booman Tribune>

Three strikes should be enough.  Pawlenty has these and far more.  These are just the ones I could find quickly.  Pawlenty is wrong for America.


  19 Responses to “Tim Pawlenty Is Wrong For America”

  1. Pawlenty is yet another embarrassment to my State of Minnesota…along with the Bachmann. He is TOTALLY sheeple! How does the man who came in dead LAST in the previous GOP (Greedy Old Peckers) contest think he is going to become my President….NO WAY!

  2. Another liar–so who is surprised ?

  3. As a Minnesotan who had to endure 8 very long years of Pawlenty, I have had PAW-LENTY of that lying son of a bitch! He is as phony as a Dan Quayle four dollar bill. He is an arrogant prick who doesn’t care one bit for working people. His phoniness and the lengths he is willing to go to get elected show in his fake Arkansas accent, and I want to barf every time that liar portrays himself as being from a working class family. IT’S A LIE, PEOPLE! He was solidly middle class instead, and has now turned his back on all but the wealthy. He is your typical, very autocratic and aloof socially conservative Republican. The jerk-ass left our state $5 billion in debt, and for much of his last year in office he was galavanting all over the country laying groundwork for his presidential bid. He opposed infrastructure spending, and that’s why the I-35 bridge collapsed in Minneapolis. All he cares about is himself. This guy would be the WORST choice for President! He comes from the Bush-Cheney school of politics where you say one thing and then do completely the opposite, and mask your agenda in doublespeak.

    The guy is a total imposter. I CAN’T WAIT UNTIL HIS LYING ASS GETS TROUNCED IN THE PRIMARIES! Osama bin Laden would be a better candidate than he!

  4. Both the Minneapolis Star-Tribune and Minnesota Public Radio put the deficit that Pawlenty left the state with at … $6.2 Billion!
    Pawlenty is clearly a latter-day “fiscal conservative” Teapublican. And shouldn’t he be running a petting zoo somewhere? He looks like such a doofus.

  5. SoINeedAName,
    Thanks for weighing in on the biggest charlatan in American politics today. As Lori Sturdevant wrote:”No other governor in Minnesota’s 152-year history has handed his successor a $6.2 billion deficit forecast along with the keys to the Capitol’s executive suite.” Pawlenty bis a LAZY, self-centered puke who definitely does NOT belong on the public payroll any longer! The guy is such a dishonest sneak that I would LOVE to see Chris Matthews totally carve him up and slam the door shut on his bullshit once and for all on “Hardball”!.

  6. Until the Right WIng governors all get exposed for what they are, Pawlenty is Obama’s greatest threat.

    On another note.

    Last Friday Google took down my blog without notice.

    Talk about a Kafkaesque experience. No warning, no explanation, no accusation even. I guess a lot of blogger world goes down because of misidentification as spammers. They also have a very Kafkaesque system of hoops and loops to jump through for a review.

    I get a sick sense of foreshadowing from this that all politically incorrect blogs and information sources may meet the same fate when net neutrality is lost and corporatist government clamps down.

    I’ll take my elsewhere; WordPress looks pretty good in comparison. I’m glad I saved all my posts and links.

    • Dave, I’m sorry to hear about your blog, and suspect you were targeted for bogus spam complaints from Republicans, because you like going to their sites and exposing the lies. I sent you email recommending WordPress and Blue Host.

  7. Paw-Paw (much closer to the truth than T-Paw, as he seems senile) is a complete whore and a moron to boot. Minnesota voters couldn’t have done much worse, although Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin prove that you CAN do worse.

  8. Dave, one of my fears was that I’d be shuttered; I raise a lot of hackles. That’s why I live in my own space.

  9. Dave, I was wondering why I couldn’t access your site. Come on over to, man. It’s MUCH better than blogpot!

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