Why Buchannan Hates Unions!

 Posted by at 6:43 am  Politics
Mar 132011

I watch MSNBC more than any other news channel.  They alone, among the majors, offer commentators like Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O’Donnell, Ed Schultz and Cenk Uygur.  They balance them with conservatives and a DINO, but their shame is Pat Buchannan, who recently displayed his disrespect for working people.

13BuchannanWhile discussing whether Wisconsin’s Governor Scott Walker is actually going to be willing to make a deal with the fourteen Democrats who fled the state or not and the rights of the public workers in Wisconsin to collective bargaining on Morning Joe, MSNBC’s resident racist and union hater Pat Buchanan lets everyone know why Republicans really hate unions. They organize to help get Democrats elected. And in Buchanan’s world, if you’re being paid a government salary from the taxpayers and you do that, it’s really, really evil and nefarious.

Of course we never hear Pat complaining about corporate lobbyists influencing politicians — because that’s just freedom of speech don’t you know. I’d like for someone to ask Pat if it’s okay for corporations like private military contractors who are getting no bid contracts from their buddies in Washington paid for by our tax dollars to pay lobbyists or meet with politicians themselves to get a share of our tax dollars. I wonder if Pat is going to complain if the Koch brothers end up getting to buy the public utilities in Wisconsin for some ridiculously low price that rips off the tax payers there. Anyone think we’re going to hear him start carping about that? Nope. Pat only cares if the taxpayers aren’t happy that those evil union thugs are using money to… gasp… earn a living and collectively bargain for fair wages and decent working conditions. And worse yet… pull out the smelling salts… to support politicians who might have their best interests at heart.

People who work for the government that belong to unions are not spending taxpayer money to support their unions. They’re paying part of their salaries. That money doesn’t belong to the taxpayers any more than a private sector union member’s salary belongs to the company they work for after they’re paid. And they’ve got a right to expect to earn a living wage just like anyone else in America. But the Buchanan’s of the world want to paint that as somehow being evil and misusing taxpayer dollars… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>

Here’s the supporting video, if you can stomach watching him.

Now I’m not saying that MSNBC should not have conservative commentators.  I’d like to see CNN included liberals and Fox be relabeled as an infomercial for the Republican party.  But no network, including MSNBC should allow their conservative commentators to keep making up their own facts.


  4 Responses to “Why Buchannan Hates Unions!”

  1. An oldie but goodie slogan from the Dairy state that morphed into an even better sign carried by a farmer:

    Hey, Scott Walker – Come Smell My Dairy Air!

    Je ne parle pas bien français, and there’s certainly NO hope Walker or his idiot Teabagger minions would ever get the joke – but it’s damn funny. (Sorry, no screenshot of the sign, but here’s a link to the button that I posted at Daily Kos):

  2. What they’re really saying is that even though you worked to earn your salary it isn’t really yours. Your boss still owns it and can determine how it’s spent. This reduces the status of working adults to that of preteens. That is the true bottom line of the current conservative movement — reduce the status and the power of working American adults.

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