Fox: Obama the Antichrist

 Posted by at 4:47 am  Politics
Mar 072011

Fox, aka the Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, has a unique ability to focus on the absurd as an excuse for avoiding important stories, about which they prefer Republican sheeple not think.  In that spirit, they invited the lawyer for Westboro Baptist to comment on the SCOTUS decision allowing their Republican hate speech.  No representative of anything more sane than this right-wing extremism was invited.


Earlier this week, the Supreme Court held that even the most repulsive hate speech — Westboro Baptist Church’s anti-gay rallies at military funerals — is entitled to First Amendment protection. At the top of its show this morning, Fox invited one of the leading purveyors of such repulsive speech, Westboro’s attorney Margie Phelps, as its sole commentator on this Court decision. Phelps, who is the daughter of hate church leader Fred Phelps, provided exactly the same kind of thoughtful legal analysis that Americans expect from Fox News

…Watch it:


It’s telling that in a week which featured deeply manipulative anti-worker tactics by the Ohio GOP, growing unrest in the Middle East, a court decision allowing implementation of the Affordable Care Act to move forward, and the Main Street Movement’s first steps to recall eight anti-worker lawmakers in Wisconsin, Fox decided to ignore these stories in order to focus on the important question of whether President Obama is the Antichrist… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

I have little to add here, except that while I agree that such hateful people have a right to voice their opinions, they do not have a right to a national platform from which to do so.  Shame on Fox, shame on Murdoch, and shame on the Republican Party!


  4 Responses to “Fox: Obama the Antichrist”

  1. Rupert Murdoch is the anti-Christ, not the president. Roger Ailes is Satan, and those who think like the Fox crew are all fallen angel followers who deserve banishment to hell forever!

  2. People need to realize this is EXACTLY what they did with JFK before they KILLED HIM.

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