GOBP Protects Big Oil

 Posted by at 6:20 am  Politics
Mar 022011

Given that the big five oil companies just enjoyed record fourth quarter profits, the last thing government can afford to do is to subsidize big oil with $billions, while most of the economy is suffering.  But when House Democrats tried to end those subsidies, the GOBP listened to their master’s voice and stepped in.

GOBPHouse Republicans voted in lockstep this afternoon to protect corporate welfare for Big Oil, even as they call for draconian cuts to programs that everyday Americans depend on each day.  As the House of Representatives moved toward approving a stopgap resolution to avert a government shutdown for another two weeks, Democrats offered a motion to recommit that would have stripped the five largest oil companies of taxpayer subsidies, saving tens of billions of dollars in taxpayer funds.  The motion failed on a vote of 176-249, with all Republicans voting against (approximately a dozen Democrats joined the GOP)… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Of course, that Republicans will throw Americans under the bus for big oil is a given.  We know who owns the Republicans.  But that Democrats should abandon their party and their people to goose step with the Republicans is shameful.  These are the despicable cretins who did so.

Altmire, Barrow, Boren, Cardoza, Chandler, Cuellar, Gonzalez, Green (Gene), Matheson, Owens, Peterson and Ross (AR).

They deserve no funding or support from the party or from real Democrats.


  7 Responses to “GOBP Protects Big Oil”

  1. Amen, TomCat! What a bunch of lily-livered turncoats and cowards! I am sick to death of having to pay massive price increases for gas every time some Arab sheik stubs his toe or there is a storm way out on the ocean. These criminals and their speculator pals are milking this country dry and are enriching themselves at their fellow citizens’ expense!

  2. I’m with Jack. How can you be subsidizing an industry than makes gazllions of dollars a year. Subsidize at the pump, not at the company. πŸ‘Ώ

  3. I want to send this to a conservative friend, but before I do that I want to know what the whole resolution was that was voted on. This vote is so astounding, I have to believe there is some cover for the subsidy supporters in their somewhere.

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