Feb 192011

Republicans are running out of lies to tell about what is going on in Wisconsin.  They fear that their base might notice that the right to bargain is about freedom, and the last thing they want is for the word to get out that they are doing this to remove their competition in future elections.  So even the more moderate pundits are getting testy.  Yesterday Joe Scarborough called Wisconsin teachers selfish and sick.  But for a base used to such grand theories as birtherism and blood-libel, nothing so mundane will do.  So the Republican Ministry of Propaganda, aka Fox, has obtained the services of an Antichrist β€œexpert” to explain how all the world events we see happening, including the Wisconsin protests, are happening because Obama is the Antichrist.

glenn-beck-tin-foil-hatGlenn Beck told viewers of his Fox News program today that the U.N., unions and the Muslim Brotherhood were all just working towards a New World Order and that protesters in Wisconsin were "looking to create chaos on the backs of the worker when the world’s focus is on Egypt."

"Unions claim the cuts will affect teachers but it’s not the everyday teacher that this story is really all about," Beck said.

"There are three groups of people," Beck explained. "They want a new world order. This is your choice. One world government. This is open society. This is United Nations, whatever you want to call it. One world government. They have lots of money and lots of power and they have NGOs, non-governmental organizations."

"This is the United Islamics Nations, this is the one the Muslim Brotherhood is going for now. But it all looked like this, a new world order. They are organized, too. They have the religion and mosques and apparently help from Google as well… at least in Egypt.

"Then you have this one, workers union, they call it state capitalism. Really what it was good old-fashioned communism. They have unions and community organizing," he said… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <TPM>

The article does not tie Beck’s conspiracy mongering into their claim that Obama is the Antichrist, but Rachel Maddow does in rare form.

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Talking sense to Republicans is so difficult, because so many of them actually believe this garbage.  It also reveals the Machiavellian extent of Republican misinformation through their Ministry of Propaganda, and their anointed Supply-side Jesus holy warrior, Glen Beck.

Some blog friends of mine are leading an effort to help pull the plug on Glen Beck.  I encourage you to join in.


  13 Responses to “Wisconsin Protests: Because Obama Is the Antichrist?”

  1. This is all so reminiscent of the hey day of the John Birch Society that it’s almost laughable – a communist under every bed. Hopefully these creeps will be as short lived in the scheme of things.

  2. Let’s be clear that today’s Teapublican “capitalism” is nothing more than gussied up medieval feudalism. It’s run by corporate overlords whose sole goal is to make themselves richer while keeping working people poor and “in their place.”

  3. It is stunning how many otherwise sensible individuals are caught up in this mass delusion ; the Anti-Christ–!!
    For heavens sake!!– What has happened to common sense ? Any sense ? What has happened to Thinking ?
    Make no mistake– this is all about Union busting– getting rid of any unified struggle for a share of the pie– We have entered a period of real war aimed at “keeping workers in their place “. “Public employees ” are working people ; Let me suggest– Any one whose paycheck is signed by someone else is ‘working class”-

  4. Whenever anyone brings up the subject of Morning Joe, I feel ethically obligated to bring up Lori Klausutis.

  5. Glenn Beck is anti-truth, anti-progress, and is the TRUE Ant-Christ! He stands against everything Christianity preaches, and is a colossal liar to boot!

    • Jack, I agree if I understand you right, we agree. Antichrist is not a specific individual, but the attitude of all who use Jesus’ name to justify hate, greed and deception, because he preached love, generosity and truthfulness.

  6. You got it, TomCat! Will we hear from you today over at Here Be Monsters?

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