Jan 162011

Although I fully support the position that Israel has the right to exist, secure and at peace, within her own borders, I have frequently posted in opposition to Israel, because, in my view, the Netanyahu government had done everything humanly possible to prevent peace in the middle east and prevent Palestinians from having the right to exist, secure and at peace, within their own borders.  Today, I am reminded that my opposition is to Israel’s government, not Israel’s people, who like foolish Americans have done, elected a Republican-like regime out of fear.  Many now regret it.

16IsraelProtestThousands of Israelis marched in Tel Aviv at the weekend in the biggest demonstration for years to protest against a series of attacks on civil and human rights organisations and a rise in anti-Arab sentiment.

Under the banner of the "Democratic Camp", a coalition of organisations and prominent individuals, the marchers heard speakers lambast the Israeli government, singling out the rightwing foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, who is seen as threatening Israel’s democracy.

But there was also strong criticism of the Labour party for being a partner in Binyamin Netanyahu’s coalition government. Labour had allowed "the existence of the most racist coalition in the history of Israel", Nitzan Horowitz, a member of the Knesset for the leftwing Meretz party, told the crowd. "No member of the Labour party can claim to have clean hands. You are members of the most extreme government … For what have you betrayed your principles? For a few ministers’ chairs?"

The organisers of the march and rally hoped it would signal the beginning of the revival of Israel’s left and a fightback against the dominance of the right. Around 20,000 people attended the rally according to the organisers; the police said there were 10,000 present.

The galvanising issue was the recent approval by the Knesset of a bill to set up a parliamentary investigation into the funding of civil and human rights groups. It has been seen by opponents across the political spectrum as a fundamental attack on democracy and reminiscent of a McCarthyite witch-hunt.

Following the vote, the opposition leader, Tzipi Livni, said an evil wind was blowing across Israel. Some in the crowd on Saturday evening held placards saying "Investigate me too".

Speakers at the rally cited other recent moves including a call by rabbis to ban Jews from selling or renting property to Arabs, a parliamentary vote in favour of a "loyalty oath" to be taken by new Israeli citizens, and the jailing of the activist Jonathan Pollack after taking part in a bicycle protest… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <The Guardian>

I stand in solidarity with the protestors, with special empathy, because I know how difficult an infestation of Lieberman can be.  Whether 10,000 or 20,000, that is an impressive demonstration in a country that size, and I hope it helped shame labour away from the Republican Likud regime.

Jan 162011

It’s a slow day for news, but I found a couple good topics in addition to the poll results.  Check out the new poll.  I fell asleep during the second half of the second playoff game yesterday.  Today I got op to date with comments and pulled my warmest clothing out of storage.  I’m still not feeling up to par.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:54 (average 4:54).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From TPM: Toward the end of the town hall meeting Saturday morning, one of the shooting victims, J. Eric Fuller, took exception to comments by two of the speakers: Ariz. state Rep. Terri Proud, a Dist. 26 Republican, and Tucson Tea Party spokesman Trent Humphries.

According to sheriff’s deputies at the scene, Fuller took a photo of Humphries and said, "You’re Dead."

Deputies immediately escorted Fuller from the room.

While a town hall featuring the victims was a most inappropriate place for the two Republicans to try to evoke support for Arizona’s 19th century gun regulations, I have to condemn Fuller’s response, with the caveat I might be saying the same thing had I just been shot.  The man clearly needs professional help to deal with his experience.

From Huffington Post: Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty urged congressional Republicans on Sunday to not vote to raise the debt ceiling when the matter is considered in the spring.

And this fool wants to be President?

From News Hounds: Bill O’Reilly kicked up a notch his witch hunt against Pima County, Arizona Sheriff Clarence Dupnik. O’Reilly is no longer content to just vilify and demonize Dupnik for having the nerve to suggest that right-wing, inflammatory rhetoric played a part in the Tucson massacre last weekend. Now O’Reilly is suggesting Dupnik bears at least some responsibility for the massacre and is demanding “a very, very stringent investigation by the attorney general of Arizona.”

As I predicted, the Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda has returned to normal.


Matt Bors

May the Orb bless your team.


Bill Maher is Back!

 Posted by at 11:23 am  Plus, Politics
Jan 152011

This last week has been one of the most emotionally charged in my memory.  September 11, the assassinations of JFK, RFK and MLK, the 1968 police riot in Chicago, and the Kent State murders come to mind.  I am the last to take these events lightly, but there comes a time that we all need to stop crying long enough to laugh.  For that purpose few are better than Bill Maher, and I have a couple clips from his season opener to close out this week’s articles for you.

In the first he has some fun with Sarah.

In the second, he buggers the Tea Party.

The Founding Fathers would have hated your guts.”  I would have used a term other than hate, but in humor there is often truth.

Jan 152011

GOP HateI’m not saying that Jared Loughner was a Republican.  I’m not saying that Sarah Palin, Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh or any of the dozens of other Republican politicians and pundits that spread hatred and violence were in his mind at the time of his horrific crimes.  Maybe they were, maybe they weren’t.  If anyone knows, they aren’t talking for fear of creating problems in his criminal prosecution.  Based on most of the professionals I have heard that are speculating on Loughner’s condition think he is schizophrenic or psycho effective (schizophrenia with bipolar disorder).  People like this are especially susceptible to suggestion.  While Loughner was probably not politically motivated, he was a sick fish swimming in a poisoned ocean.  Most fish can withstand the poison, but not the sickest ones.  While it is unquestionably Republican politicians and pundits that poisoned the ocean with their unrelenting promotion of hatred and violence, even they may not be the ones most responsible.  In recent days I have been thinking about the legacy of Republican hatred from the past, and it hit me that hate and violence are usually not a grass roots thing.  They are astro-turfed from the top down.  Poisoning the ocean does not happen without the process being fertilized by lots and lots of money.  That’s what happened in the 1960s.  That’s what is happening today.  I had not started to do the research needed to connect the dots when I found a video at Crooks and Liars with Ed Schultz and Mike Papantonio that do so.  Here is that video:

Considering this, I feel much more strongly the need for true transparency in campaign finance.  We may not be able to cure Republican hate, but we must at least expose who is paying for it.

Jan 152011

The Republican Party is an equal opportunity enterprise.  If any group opposes their agenda to eliminate the middle class and establish one party rule, they will turn the full weight of their bigotry on that group and, if it happens to be a racial minority, they have plenty of racism to go around.

15lepageMaine’s tea party-backed Gov. Paul LePage (R) has gone from telling President Obama to “go to hell [Faux Noise delinked]” to telling the NAACP to “kiss my butt,” after the storied civil rights organization criticized LePage for declining invitations to attend events honoring Martin Luther King Day. The NAACP had invited LePage to events in Portland and Bangor, but a spokesman for the governor said he “already has personal and professional commitments scheduled for Monday.” “We don’t want to misinterpret his intention, but the message we’re getting is that we’re not welcome and we’re not part of the Maine he’s preparing to lead,” said local NAACP state director Rachel Talbot Ross. LePage fired back at the group’s chiding, telling WGME News 13 that the NAACP is just a “special interest group” that can “kiss my butt”…

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Now I’m not claiming that LaPage has a particular hatred for black people.  I trust he’s equally bigoted against Latinos, Native Americans, LGBT people, and anyone else who refuses to goose-step with him.


Open Thread–1/15/2011

 Posted by at 11:22 am  Open Thread, Personal
Jan 152011

Today is a football day, but I’m up to date with comment and have some good material for you. despite this lingering illness.  Unlike most of America, we’re having a warm spell.  It’s 72° in my apartment even though they have not turned on heat in the building since Wednesday night.  I have a lot of volunteer work to catch up, but it won’t be today.  I just don’t have the strength for it.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:53 (average 4:22).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From News Hounds: Here’s Sean Hannity with Republican foreign policy.

Iraq should thank us for destroying their country?  We should invade Kuwait?  I wish he’d stop bogarting whatever he’s smoking!

From ABC: A Walgreens in Tuscon, Ariz. turned over to police racy photos of gunman Jared Loughner with a Glock and a G-string that were taken to the store to be developed the night before the shooting rampage that left six people dead and 14 wounded.

Who else do we know that think guns are sexy?

From Politico: Members of the Republican National Committee sent a clear message Friday to the rest of the GOP when tahey elected Reince Priebus as their new chairman: There’s at least one corner of the Republican Party that’s beyond House Speaker John Boehner’s reach.

:I’m going to miss Michael Steele.  We’re losing a great source of entertainment now that Republicans no longer feel the need to say, “We have one too.”


Bruce Beattie

Get ready for Congress next week!

Jan 142011

A Ohio Republican made a major mistake.  He actually held a Town Hall meeting that was not pre-stocked with supporters to cheer on his assault on America.  As a result he got a taste of some authentic grass roots activism.  One senior citizen not only shows us what a Town Hall meeting, without Republican astro-turf, can be, but serves as an example to us all with a question we should all be asking.  “Where is the Republican plan?”


Guess what happens when a congressional town meeting audience isn’t created by the Koch brothers or fueled by Fox News? There’s a different kind of confrontation. Here’s what happened at a meeting earlier this week at Ohio’s Walsh University, with GOP Rep. Jim Renacci (OH)…


…An informed constituency is a beautiful thing, and those are pretty good questions for the Congressman, and for all Republicans. "There’s a lot of things that took effect that help seniors. Once you repeal it, what happens to all that? And what are you going to replace it? Why don’t you make a replacement plan before you repeal it so we can look at it?"

As more people derive more benefit from the provisions that have kicked in–no denials for children because of pre-existing conditions, savings for Medicare recipients, adult children being able to stay on their parents’ plans, incentives for small businesses to provide benefits–more people are going to be asking the same question: what’s the Republican plan?  [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

Don’t get me wrong.  The HCR we passed has some major problems, but the solution is to fix the problems, not trash the plan altogether, or if we are going to trash the plan altogether, trash it together with implementing something better, like Medicare for all.  Republicans do have a plan for health care.  They just don’t want us to know what it is, but we can see it in action by looking at Jan Brewer’s treatment of Medicaid patients needing organ transplants.  That is RepubliCare in action.

Jan 142011

Sam Brownback is often held up by Republicans to the world as an example of “compassionate conservatism” and “Christian love”.  But in typical Republican fashion, Brownback is trying to balance the Kansas budget not by exacting a fair share from the rich, but by abandoning some of Kansas’ most needy and defenseless citizens.

14BrownbackConservative opinion makers have often pointed to Sam Brownback — who, after a long career as a U.S. senator, was just recently elected the Republican governor of the state of Kansas — as a model of “compassionate conservativism [propaganda delinked].” Indeed, with his more moderate stances on issues like immigration and his past work on human rights issues, this title does have some merit.

However, the governor’s newly released budget plan is anything but compassionate. Rather than choosing to responsibly raise revenue to protect services for the most vulnerable Kansans, Brownback’s budget guts many of the state’s most important programs. Included among these cuts is lowering state education aid per student to its lowest level since 2000 and eliminating funding for the Kansas Arts Commission.

Yet perhaps the most brutal cut in Brownback’s budget comes to the Kansas Neurological Institute (KNI). The governor proposes completely eliminating funding to the institution by 2014, which would force it to close down. KNI serves nearly 160 people with severe mental disabilities; two-thirds of its patients cannot walk and four-fifths are unable to speak… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Brownback, should hang his head and shame, but most Republican politicians know no shame.  There is nobody, no matter how needy, no matter how weak, no matter how disabled that they will not yank away their safety net in order to squeeze a bit more to give to millionaires, billionaires, and criminal corporations.
