Jan 202011

Republicans, especially Joe Wilson (R-SC), are crowing that they have repealed Obamacare, as though yesterday’s House Vote were anything more than political theatre.  Rachel Maddow, with Rep. Bill McDermott (D-WA), had some fun at their expense, while exposing the panoply of Republican lies surrounding issue.  But if you think this ends the health care fight, think again.  Republicans have invested too much political capital in this sham to give it up.

20youlieRepublicans were pretty excited about yesterday’s House vote to repeal health care reform. A bit too excited.

"WE JUST REPEALED OBAMACARE!" Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) tweeted in all caps, exhibiting the same exuberance with which he screamed at President Obama during last year’s State of the Union address.

Sarah Palin aide Rebecca Mansour retweeted an ally who tipped his hat. "Governor Palin’s hard work and sacrifice made today’s repeal of ObamaCare possible. Please tell the Governor Thank You."

One correct response to these statements is, "YOU LIE!"… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <TPM>

Here’s Rachel:

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The first tactic I expect is to blame Senate Democrats for having the audacity to block their bill.  The horrors!

Next, they will try to prevent it’s implementation by chipping away at it’s funding in the budget.  That’s where the real battle will take place.

The Republicans say their plan is based around two things: tort reform and allowing insurance companies to sell across state lines.  I would not mind seeing some responsible tort reform, such as making the suing attorney pay the defending attorney’s fees if a lawsuit is ruled frivolous.  But that’s not what Republicans mean.  They want to cap punitive damages, whether a case warrants them or not.  Punitive damages must be left up to courts and juries.  Selling insurance across state lines allows insurance companies to offer insurance only in states that have no regulations for consumer protection, allowing to sell junk insurance that turns to vapor as soon as the policy holder gets sick.  That’s all RepubliCare has to offer.

We will need to keep harassing our Senators to hold the line.

In time, Re will remove Republicans from power again, and when we do, we need to bolster the current bill with a Medicare for All public option, available to anyone who wants it.  Insurance companies will then have a choice to offer good service at a fair price or to go out of business.

Jan 202011

I have a very close friend facing foreclosure due to criminal Banksters.  She fell for the false belief that real estate would always increase in value and took out a loan that is now greater than the value of her house.  Although she was current on her payments, she applied for modification, and followed the Banksters instructions to go into default, because they told her that was how to get the modification.  Because of that lie, repeated across the nation to many thousand homeowners, she does not know from one day to the next whether she will lose the home.  HAMP (the Home Affordable Mortgage Program) has been an abject failure, not because it was a bad idea, but because Banksters have used it to steal people’s homes, not to modify the loans.  Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) is calling on Barack Obama to focus on foreclosure in his SOTU message.

20MerkleySen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) is urging President Barack Obama to pledge a new round of foreclosure relief during his State of the Union address next week. In a letter to the president obtained by The Huffington Post, Merkley said the administration’s current anti-foreclosure programs have proven woefully inadequate, and pushed for a more thorough program to keep families in their homes.

"A record one million families lost their home to foreclosure last year," Merkley wrote. "Next week, Mr. President, you will have the attention of the nation. I urge you to use this opportunity to renew efforts to tackle the national foreclosure crisis."

Merkley’s call for presidential leadership on foreclosures comes as infighting among federal regulators appears to have stalled out key reforms to the bank divisions that work with troubled borrowers and process foreclosures.

The FDIC has been pushing to impose new requirements on the operations of those divisions, which are known as mortgage servicers. The agency has been engaged in heated negotiations with other regulators at the Federal Reserve and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC). According to a source familiar with the negotiations, the Fed had initially opposed the plan, but agreed to support the rules after a few weeks of negotiations. The OCC, however, which is currently responsible for regulating the largest mortgage servicers — Wells Fargo, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and Citigroup — has resisted those rules. The OCC has never publicly sanctioned a mortgage servicer, despite widespread court findings of servicer fraud in the foreclosure process.

The Treasury Department, which had supported the new rules, had expected an agreement between agencies by Friday, Jan. 14, according to a spokesman. That anticipated agreement has not yet come to fruition.

But Treasury itself is engaged in a delicate dance on foreclosure policy — defending the foreclosure prevention program criticized by Merkley, even as it urges sweeping reform of the bank divisions that participate in that program.

"The goal of the [Home Affordable Modification Program] was to prevent three to four million foreclosures," Merkley wrote, "but to date, fewer than 600,000 homowners have been approved."

Merkley is a persistent advocate for financial reform, and co-authored a key provision of last year’s Wall Street overhaul legislation known as the Volcker Rule, which bars banks from speculating with taxpayer money… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Huffington Post>

I fully support Jeff in this effort and am proud to have volunteered for his campaign in 2006.


Open Thread–1/20/2011

 Posted by at 10:11 am  Open Thread, Personal
Jan 202011

I know I won’t get any visiting done today, because I have to go out to run errands, and when I return, I have to do my online grocery shopping for the month.  But I am up to date with comments.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:48 (average 5:31).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From The Hill: House Republicans will force Democrats to go “on the record” about government spending in a symbolic vote next week timed to coincide with President Obama’s State of the Union address.

The House Rules Committee on Wednesday approved by a party-line vote of 8-4 a resolution calling on House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) to limit non-security discretionary spending in the second half of 2011 to 2008 levels “or less.”

This is more political theatre.  The Republican-dominated House has still done nothing of note.

From Salon: This is how Rush Limbaugh honored Hu Jingtao on a State visit to the US.

Ironically, he has never sounded more intelligent!

From Think Progress: In an article published on theloop21.com, John Wilson, a “regular contributor to Hip Hop Republican,” mused that Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) should resign her seat as she recuperates from her gunshot wounds. Citing media reports about Gifford’s medical condition, Wilson compared Giffords to the late Rep. Gladys Spellman (D-MD), who went into a coma while in office. He then asked, “Should constituents allow members to hold onto their seats like political Brett Favres with no concept of when it is time to go?”

Other Republicans have taken up this despicable meme.  It may well be that Giffords will have to resign, but could we at least wait until we know the extent of her disability, the degree of recovery possible, and the time required to do so?


Nick Anderson

Let’s make today Republican toilet paper day.  Wipe well.

Jan 192011

I can’t wait to hear the Republican spin on the Spokane bomber once the news of what happened circulates.  The American Cancer Society T-shirt will be said to show his connection to “liberal socialist” causes.  And Treasure Island smacks of some liberal fantasy.  They might even manufacture a bogus Facebook page for the bomber, like they did for Loughner, if they catch the bomber.  Once those ideas are thoroughly debunked (immediately), we will next hear the lone crazy person theory with no connection to any Republican.  Thank goodness nobody was harmed in this attempt to kill people celebrating the life of MLK.

19backpackA "potentially deadly" explosive device that could have caused severe casualties was found along the intended route of a Martin Luther King Day march in Spokane, Wash., half an hour before the event was to begin, the FBI said Tuesday.

The annual Unity March was rerouted after city workers noticed a black Swiss Army backpack apparently abandoned on a bench about 9:25 a.m. Monday, said Frank Harrill, the supervisory senior resident agent in the FBI’s Seattle division.

The device inside "clearly would have had the potential to inflict multiple casualties, injury and death, to humans," Harrill said in an interview Tuesday. He declined to describe the device.

The FBI said the backpack also contained two T-shirts — one from the 2010 Stevens County Relay for Life, an American Cancer Society fundraiser, and the other reading, "Treasure Island Spring 2009."

About 1,500 people marched along the new route without incident while the Spokane Explosives Disposal Unit neutralized the device.

No one has claimed responsibility or offered a motive, Harrill said. But he called the connection with the King Day march "inescapable."

"We’re treating this as an act of domestic terrorism," he said.

The FBI, which is leading the investigation, is offering a $20,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible.

The area has a history of white supremacist activity… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <LA Times>

Now I am not making the claim that any individual Republican had anything to do with this attempt.  I am making the claim that this attempt fits perfectly with the ideals and history of the extreme-right, white supremacist militias, a demographic that the Republican Party has embraced and support in their quest to eliminate the middle class and establish one party rule.

The best coverage of this event I have seen comes from Rachel Maddow.

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While Rachel did not go as far as I hav, e in drawing the connections between the bomber and the right, her insinuation made here thinking on this clear enough.

It may well be that, when they catch the bomber, he may turn out to be just one more nut-case.  If it does, I say that words still have consequences, and when one party’s rhetoric presents violence as a solution for civil and political ills, they cannot rightly pass it off, let alone try to blame the other side, when someone takes what they say in ways they may not have intended.


Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish!

 Posted by at 11:09 am  Politics
Jan 192011

This has to be the best news I’ve heard this week.  I’m sure you have already heard it from a lot of places already, but I cannot let the day pass without commenting on my absolute revulsion for Joe Lieberman and pleasure that he has announced his retirement, before voters retire him in 22 months.

19LiebermanConnecticut U.S. Senator Joe Lieberman, the Democratic vice presidential nominee in 2000, has decided not to seek reelection next year, Democratic officials said.

Lieberman, 68, chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, scheduled a news conference in Stamford, Conn., on Wednesday to make it official.

He’s a former leader of the Democratic Party’s centrist wing and was Al Gore’s 2000 veep pick.

He was forced out of the party in 2006 over his support for the Iraq war when Ned Lamont, an anti-war Democrat, beat him in a Senate primary.

Lieberman pivoted and ran as an independent, beating Lamont in the general election.

He drew the ire of many rank-and-file Democrats in 2008 by endorsing Republican John McCain’s presidential run over President Obama…

Inserted from <NY Daily News>

For Harry Reid to support Lieberman to retain the chair of the Senate Homeland Security Committee was political opportunism that blew up in their faces.  Other that Max Baucus, Lieberman was the member of the Democratic caucus most responsible for the failure of the Public Option.  And for the chair of a major committee to campaign publicly for McCain and Palin thanked Reid for his support in a betrayal of Republican proportions.  He should not hold that post.


Open Thread–1/19/2011

 Posted by at 11:09 am  Open Thread, Personal
Jan 192011

I’m still pretty down as my COPD continues to flare.  My medications came in yesterday, so I set the date to quit smoking.  It’s Monday, February 14.  Ladies, I’ll need lots of love that day, so I picked one with an ideal excuse.  I’m up to date on comments, but running late, because I had bookkeeping tasks to finish here.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:35 (average 4:54).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From TIME: The American politician, activist and Kennedy brother-in-law Sargent Shriver died on January 18th in his homestate of Maryland; he was 95.

This fine man will be truly missed.  My condolences to those that knew and loved him.

From Common Dreams: Internal U.S. government reviews have determined that a mass leak of diplomatic cables caused only limited damage to U.S. interests abroad, despite the Obama administration’s public statements to the contrary.

OOPS!  Busted, huh?  But at least they weren’t so off the deep end as to call for his assassination like several Republicans have.

From Huffington Post: Former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele recently reflected on his ouster from the RNC, drawing a Shakespearean parallel and claiming that he felt like Caesar, with new Chairman Reince Priebus, Steele’s former colleague and confidant, playing the part of Brutus.

Steele?  Like Caesar?!!? Bwahahahahahahahahaha!


Bill Day

Today is healthcare hump day.

Jan 182011

The shooting in Tucson has brought calls for civility from both sides of the aisle.  Republicans and Democrats are talking about sitting together for the SOTU on the 25th. John McCain called for toning back the violent language, and most of the MSM are talking about the feel good atmosphere in Washington.  However, all is not a cheery as it seems.  One Democrat threatened a Tea Party leader, and the offensive to blame Democrats from the right continues unabated, especially on Fox.  Leading the charge is Sara “Blood Libel” Palin, but Keith Olbermann’s Special Comment details several Republican attempts to distract from their hate speech.  Republicans even ginned up a bogus Facebook page for Loughner, making him a liberal.  It might have worked better had they spelled his name right.

crosshairsAlmost a week after the release of her disastrous Tucson shooting video, Sarah Palin stepped off her usual Twitter and Facebook platform and into the relative comfort of Sean Hannity’s softball field. On the Fox News host’s Sunday night “Hannity” program, the Wasilla Wonder returned to the public stage to once again deny any culpability whatsoever regarding the toxic political discourse in America today and, more so, how her behavior on the video was justified and appropriate.

In the video, which history will remember as her “I am not a witch” moment, she continued to blame the media for her public relations woes and in a very over-simplified way tried to excuse the “blood libel” reference she made. She was emotionless and calculated, and extremely defiant as she vociferously defended her timing of the video, her choice of words, and her ability to denounce who or whatever she opposes.

I will continue to speak out,” a clearly agitated Palin said. “They’re not going to shut me up. They’re not going to shut you up (Hannity), or Rush or Mark Levin or Tea Party Patriots.”

When Hannity asked her to explain her timing of the video’s release the same day as the Tucson memorial, and then the use of “blood libel,” she came across as a flip 15-year-old who obviously memorized the answer to impress us with her knowledge of the subject matter. It was so contrived and insincere.

I don’t know how the heck they would know whether I did or didn’t know’ the term blood libel, nobody’s ever asked me. Blood libel obviously means being falsely accused of having blood on your hands. In this case that’s exactly what was going on. And yes, the historical knowledge that people have of the term blood libel goes back to the Jews who were falsely accused back in the medieval European times of using the blood of children and…ya know…(snickers)…The criticism of even the timing of this statement is being used as another diversion.”

She then fell into some lame spin about liberals wanting to sidetrack voters from Congress not doing its job to combat the “trifecta” of growing debt, the “looming energy crisis” and weak national security policies. Talk about diversion… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Huffington Post>

Now a manufacturing blood libel is more than just a false accusation.  It is a false accusation of grotesquely heinous proportions.  I can’t, nor would I want to reach into her head, but part of the doctrine common to a large segment of Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christianity is the belief that Jews have lost God’s promises to Israel for their failure to recognize the messiah.  It follows that the Supply-side Christians have inherited those promises as part of their reward, so that they, in effect, are the new Jews.  Therefore, I suspect that Palin’s accusation was that she is being persecuted for her faith.  If so, she knew that many on the extreme right would understand exactly what she meant, but most on the left would not, because we don’t understand the doctrine.

Here’s Keith:

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Most of the things he listed are things I didn’t even know.  But two things are clear.  Before the shooting, almost all the violent rhetoric came from the right.  Since the shooting most Republicans refuse to claim that words from the left have consequences and words from the right do not.

Jan 182011

With all the talk on both sides of the aisle about the need to cut spending, you might think that any proposal for budget cuts by a major department head would be met with applause and gratitude.  Think again.  When Defense Secretary, Robert Gates proposed $78 billion in cuts to unwanted, wasteful procurements, there were screams of woe on both sides of the aisle.  Lets take a look at what Gates did, lets watch a video with Rachel Maddow with Michael Isikoff, featuring Eisenhower’s famous speech on the subject, and lets look at how the defense contractors do it.

18USMCassault…The savings would be made by cutting the military ground force by up to 47,000 starting in 2015, increasing healthcare premiums for troops and other measures. 2015 is the year when the Afghan government has said it will be able to handle the bulk of security responsibilities on its own.

Acknowledging that the military could not be immune from sacrifices that other parts of the public sector will be expected to make, Mr Gates told Congressman how he proposed to save money in a bid to pre-empt demand for even deeper cuts from so-called "deficit hawks" in Congress.

After briefing members of Congress on his plans, Mr Gates said that he hoped that “what had been a culture of endless money will become a culture of savings and restraint".

The White House had asked for savings of $150 billion.

His proposed cuts included a $14 billion order for 573 amphibious landing craft for the US marines, which, like many other projects, has gone way over budget, and a surface-launched missile system…

Inserted from <The Telegraph>


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Even progressive Senator Sherrod Brown is opposing these cuts, because his constituents will lose manufacturing jobs if the cuts go through.   What the interview does not cover is that virtually everyone’s will.

The defense contractors have cemented their hegemony far more than just buying members of congress.  Every major piece of hardware our military uses is manufactured in the most inefficient way possible to guarantee political clout.  Almost every state in the country manufactures a part of virtually every weapons system.  It would be far more economical to manufacture a weapons system in one place, saving the fuel and manpower costs of shipping pieces hither and yon all over the nation, but this decentralized system insures that no politician can vote against any weapons system without putting constituents out of work.

I wish I could say I have an easy solution.  I do not.  100% public financing for all federal elected offices would help, but that will not solve the decentralization problem.  Your thoughts?
