Jan 032011

3helping_handOne of history’s most memorable quotes comes from President John F. Kennedy: “Ask not what your country can do for you.  Ask what you can do for your country.”  Across our nation, opportunities for service abound.  Our infrastructure is crumbling.  Our educational system struggles to stay ahead of the third world.  More Americans lack health care than ever before.  Homelessness has skyrocketed, and the list goes on.  At a time of record unemployment, a significant portion of our national workforce can be mobilized to meet those needs.  Therefore I propose a program of Universal Service to America.  Here’s an overview of how it would work.

Upon turning 18 years of age, every American capable of service would be conscripted for service, and paid a reasonable stipend for that service, for a minimum of two years.  High school students would be deferred until they graduate.  Upon conscription, each American could choose either military service or civilian service, with military paid a bit more.  Older people could also volunteer. Civilian service workers would be tasked to meet America’s needs according to their individual skill sets, many in a WPA type setting.  People could reenlist when their service terms end.

The only deferments would be for disability and for education.  Service time would increase for those completing a two year AA degree to three years, for those completing a four year BA or BS degree to four years, for those completing a masters degree to six years and for those completing a doctorate to eight years.  Provided that they complete their service, the entire cost of their education will be paid.

On the civilian side, our .infrastructure would be rebuilt, we could end illiteracy in America.  We could have scientists and engineers working on green energy, we could put highly skilled teachers in locations where union teachers prefer not to serve.  We could put doctors and nurse practitioners in rural and inner city clinics.  The list is endless.  At the same time, taking so many workers from the job market would increase the demand for workers.

On the military side, the benefits are enormous. An American contract worker doing laundry in Iraq earns about $100,000, and the contractor charges taxpayers more than twice that.  A private earning under $20,000 could be doing that laundry, and saving taxpayers close to $200,000 in the process.  Multiply this by hundreds of thousands of contract workers doing jobs soldiers could be doing and this alone could finance the civilian side of the program.

This is just a bare bones outline.  As long as Republicans control the House, nothing that keeps the likes of Halliburton and KBR from ripping off American taxpayers has a chance to pass, so there is ample time to flesh this out.   What do you think?  What do you suggest?

Jan 032011

Everything is still mud slow as America awakens from the New Years weekend, so I have only one other item today.  But I think it’s a good one.  We’re having a cold spell here, and I’m spending a lot of time in bed to keep warm as in out building they only turn on the central heat four hours daily, but I am up to date on comments.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:04 (average 4:47).  To do it, click here. How do you do?

Religious Agony:


At least we get the second pick in the draft.

Short Takes:

From Politico: House Republicans anxious to vote on a repeal of the president’s signature health care law will have to wait a little bit longer.

A repeal measure — the top priority of many newly elected freshman Republicans — won’t be on the floor this week, according to senior GOP aides…

…But a repeal bill could be on the floor as early as next week.

I think this is mostly for show.  On the off chance it gets to Obama’s desk, he’ll veto it, because it’s his signature achievement.

From Business Insider: Reports of the US$ 500mm investment from Goldman Sachs in Facebook are all over the Internets. Of course, this is a significant event, because as ‘the age of entrepreneurship’ continues to gain momentum new financial constructions and liquidity events are needed to keep the ecosystem going and growing.

Facebook denizens beware!  I can’t see the epitome of Bankster evil jumping into Facebook except to mobilize that site’s capacity to invade privacy against you.

From Alternet: US President Barack Obama signed into law Sunday a bill to compensate emergency responders sickened in the rubble of the September 11 attacks, the White House said.

This took far too long.


Paul Szep


Jan 022011

Our tenth full month since we moved from Blogger was a major from from recent months. I anticipated it, because December always combines a drop off from holiday activities with a drop of from scarcity of news.  So I’m not displeased with how we did.

Here are our basic stats:


Here is our most recent Clustrmap, last updated on November 21.


Our durations were well up from 153 seconds last month:

Number of visits: 21686 – Average: 247 s

Number of visits




80.4 %



4.3 %



3.4 %



3.9 %



2.3 %



2.9 %



2.4 %

That’s expected, because we had fewer visitors.

Search engine referrals fell.

15 different referring search engines







77.4 %


77.8 %

Stumbleupon (Social Bookmark)


10.4 %


12.7 %

MSN Search


5.3 %


3.3 %



2 %


1.6 %



1.9 %


1.9 %

Google (Images)


1.3 %


1.2 %

Unknown search engines


0.5 %


0.3 %



0.4 %


0.2 %

Windows Live


0.1 %


0.3 %



0.1 %


0 %



0.1 %


0 %



0 %


0 %

Earth Link


0 %


0 %





0 %





0 %

Our top three non-blog referrers are:

http://buzzflash.net/ 3000+

http://www.reddit.com/ 2600+

http://www.jabberwonk.com/ 650+

Our top 15 referrer blogs are:

















There’s one extra because two were tied.

There’s some linkey-love in return  The best ways you can publicize Politics Plus is to use the share button at the bottom of each post to list our articles on the the sites where you belong, and to quote PP articles on your own blogs.  The operative commandment here is “thou shalt steal.”  We’re on the same side here, so I won’t mind.  Even if you want to repost a whole article, that’s OK.  Just link back, please.

Technorati was strange last month.  Our global authority and rank is higher than ever before, but we took decreased in authority and rank in all three topical areas.  How can that be?  I have absolutely no idea.

    • Global 547 (rank 2,072)
    • US politics 533 (rank 257)
    • Politics 487 (rank 438)
    • World 451 (rank 280)

We have 278,133 links on other websites, down from 303,887 last month.

We have 1,792 posts and 13,516 comments, as of midnight 1/1.

If you are tired of our wacky avatars and would like your own avatar, go to Gravatar.  Sign up using the email address you use to post comments here and upload the image you want to use.  Whenever you comment under that e mail address here or on any WordPress blog (several others too), that will be your avatar.

Despite the slow month, this year has been a hell of a ride.  We began the hear as a C-list Blogger blog and ended as an A-list blog on our own site.  Because of the generosity of three of you, our PayPal account has enough money to pay this year’s hosting fees and more.  If someone had told me a year ago that all this would have happened, I would not have believed them.  Thank you very much.  Your participation inspires me to do the best I can and your comments inspire new readers to come back.  This is your blog too.  Onward to a new year of ending right wing insanity!


Poll Results–1/2/2011

 Posted by at 9:17 am  Blog News, Personal
Jan 022011

Here are the results of our New Years Resolutions poll.


And here is your comment.

From oso on December 27, 2010 at 11:15 am.  


To strive to see more of the beauty in our world,and less of the ugliness.

Also to get the kid to help me clean up the house better.

Since  overcoming Republican insanity is the theme here, I bet you thought I was with the majority, but in fact I picked None.  A few years back I made the only New Years resolution I have ever kept: to make no more New Years Resolutions.  People do not change by resolution.  The way to effect change is to unpractice an undesirable behavior and to practice a desirable behavior in its place.  Over time the undesirable behavior unhabituates and over more time the desirable replacement becomes habitual.

The new poll will require yout thinking caps.

Jan 022011

I caught up on comments and plan to spend the day meditation on the last day in which the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb features all the congregations, before wild card blessedness this week.  News is still dead, but there are a couple of housekeeping items to post.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:39 (average 5:40).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Bloomberg: Oil surged to its highest year-end price since 2007 as the dollar weakened and gasoline and heating oil futures climbed.

Crude capped its second consecutive year of gains as the dollar dropped against the euro, boosting commodities’ appeal as an alternative investment. Oil settled above $91 a barrel after testing technical support near $89. Gasoline and heating oil advanced before the January contracts expired today.

It’s going to get far worse.  With Bernanke weakening the dollar for the Banksters, oil speculation will attract a lot of the money from the huge tax bonus for millionaires and billionaires in the Tax Capitulation Act and driving our gas prices up again.

From Washington Post: There is an "urgent need" for Senate Democrats and Republicans to put aside their bickering and fill federal judicial vacancies, Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. wrote Friday in his annual State of the Judiciary report.

I suspect Roberts is frustrated that so many cases are backlogged that it limits his opportunities to trash the Constitution.


Mike Luckovich

May the Orb bless your team (unless it’s the Chargers). Winking smile


Happy New Year!

 Posted by at 9:04 am  Holiday
Jan 012011

New Years Day

On this first day of 2011, thank you all for your comments, your loyalty, your participation, your generosity and your friendship.  May your year be as fulfilling as you made the last for me.

Also, a special blessing for politicians of both parties.  May you receive for your service, a double measure of all that you deserve.

Jan 012011

Wooo Hooo!  I didn’t typo the year!  Bet that perfect record does not last.  Today, the news is so scarce, that I’m putting up only this open thread and and a New Years greeting.  Then I’m going to kick back and watch the Rose Bowl.  When the clock struck midnight, I brought in the New Year with an insightful comment: Zzzzzzzzzz!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:59 (average 9:00).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Take:

From Common Dreams: Opposition to the war in Afghanistan is at an all-time high, with 63 percent of the public now opposed to U.S. involvement there, according to a new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey. Just 35 percent of survey respondents say they still support U.S. involvement.

Count me in the majority.


Clay Bennett

Do you need a hair of the dog?
