Jan 122011

Republican opposition to Social Security began before FDR’s ink dried on the bill, because it actually returns money to poor and middle class people, when the Republican agenda is to transfer wealth from the poor and middle classes to millionaires, billionaires and criminal corporations.  However, Social Security is so popular with the US public that it is considered the third rail of politics.  A few Republican extremists attack it directly to their own peril, but most find more sneaky ways to chip away at its edges.  Here is the latest such attempt.

12pawlentyLast week, Gov. Mitch Daniels (R-IN) said that he believes the retirement age for Social Security needs to be increased — despite the regressive nature and complete lack of need for such a move — because young people “will live to be more than 100.” “They’ll be replacing body parts like we do tires,” Daniels said.

Last night, Daniels was joined by another governor who may have his eye on the 2012 Republican nomination for president: Tim Pawlenty. During an interview with CNN’s Elliot Spitzer, Pawlenty said that, due to the nation’s fiscal position, young people will have to “correlate your retirement…to life expectancy“…

…Watch it:


Pawlenty never used the words “raise the retirement age,” but “correlate your retirement…to life expectancy” means precisely the same thing. Like Daniels (and many others on both ends of the political spectrum), Pawlenty is relying on a faulty understanding of America’s increasing life expectancy to push a regressive cut in Social Security that will disproportionately impact those most in need of the program.

While average life expectancy has indeed been rising, the increase is largely a result of a significant rise in life expectancy among upper income earners. Middle- and low-income workers have not seen the same increases… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Pawlenty would have us believe that he is a moderate Republican.  That is a lie, virtually all moderate Republicans have been forced out of office by the extremists.


Open Thread–1/12/2011

 Posted by at 12:14 pm  Open Thread, Personal
Jan 122011

I have a full slate of items today and am up to date with comments.  Whether or not I get out to visit blogs depends on how I feel, as I’m still a bit ill.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:44 (average 4:38).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Plutocrap:  A picture is worth a thousand words.


I wondered why that guy looked so familiar!

From Boston Globe: The solar-panel plant is a cornerstone of Governor Deval Patrick’s efforts to make Massachusetts a hub for the emerging clean-energy industry.

But Evergreen has been struggling in face of weak prices and competition from cheaper operations in China, where the government has offered solar companies generous subsidies to locate there. Evergreen itself has a partnership with a company based in China and previously announced plans to shift some work to the overseas location.

To save American jobs, we need an import tax on items that receive government subsidies overseas to level the playing field for US manufacturers.

From Think Progress:

Joining anti-Muslim conspiracy theorist Frank Gaffney on Gaffney’s radio program last week, King [Peter King (R-NY)] doubled down on his promise to launch a witch-hunt against Muslims. He repeated a falsehood that he stated earlier — that American Muslims never cooperate to combat terrorism. But in addition to this claim, King made the extraordinary smear that American Muslims aren’t “American” when it comes to war.

I wonder if this Republican hate monger would have the guts to make that statement in the home of one of the many Muslim families with children serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.  As much as I oppose the wars, their service deserves honor, not bigoted attacks.


Walt Handelsman

Cover your butts to protect against Republicans.  It’s hump day.

Jan 112011


Republicans are angry that we on the left have linked repeated Republican use of violent imagery and direct calls for violence to violence that has followed.  While, so far, there is no direct link between the shooter and any of the Republicans involved, the indirect evidence between such acts and the culture of violence Republicans have nurtured is compelling.  It is not surprising that the responses to this criticism have ranged from one honest responsible statement by two men to depths of hatred that are hard to even imagine.

Lets start with the good one from Joe Scarborough and Pat Buchannan.

…And on MSNBC this morning, former GOP congressman Joe Scarbrough and conservative stalwart Pat Buchanan agreed that right-wing firebrands like former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) should “apologize” for their violent rhetoric — not to assume any culpability for the tragedy, but to simply acknowledge that “they’ve been irresponsible in their rhetoric”… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

It does not go so far as I would like to see, but at least they admitted that the violent speech has been irresponsible.

Some Republican legislators fear for their own safety, like Peter King (R-NY).

Rep. Peter King, a Republican from New York, is planning to introduce legislation that would make it illegal to bring a gun within 1,000 feet of a government official, according to a person familiar with the congressman’s intentions…

Inserted from <Huffington Post>

What about the rest of us that are not government officials?  I guess the Republican view is that we’re on our own.

Sarah Palin has had little to say, but one of her aides claimed that the bullseyes she used to target Giffords and others were really surveyor’s marks.  Let’s put that lie to rest right now.

…Finally, here’s what Palin herself tweeted on Nov. 4 when the election results came in and all but two of those lawmakers on her list had either quit or been defeated: "Remember months ago "bullseye" icon used 2 target the 20 Obamacare-lovin’ incumbent seats? We won 18 out of 20 (90% success rate;T’aint bad)"… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Washington Post>

Do surveyor’s use bullseyes?

Limbaugh, as expected, blames us for the level of violent speech.

“It is our right and our duty to criticize the people who have put the fate of our country in peril,” Rush Limbaugh said this week on his syndicated radio show.

Although our country’s leading shock jock spoke in the aftermath of the massacre that left a federal judge and five others dead and Congresswomen Gabrielle Giffords critically injured, he was not referring to Jared Loughner or any of the many other well-armed gunmen who increasingly try to hold our democracy hostage. Instead, he typically assured his massive audience of self-described “ditto-heads” that the country is most imperiled by anyone who dares suggest that the daily hate fest on leading right-wing radio talk shows such as Limbaugh’s might have any connection with the violent acts that sometimes follow…

Inserted from <Alternet>

When most elected Republicans regularly make pilgrimage to kiss this man’s ring, it follows that his ideas drive the Republican love of hate and violence.

Glen Beck’s response is, as expected, insane.

It sure seemed that everyone — and I mean EVERYONE — at Fox News was focused yesterday on beating down the horrifying idea that somehow Fox News’ incendiary rhetoric might have played a significant role in fomenting Saturday’s horrifying tragedy in Arizona.

Of course, Glenn Beck — being one of the chief purveyors of said incendiary rhetoric — was out there leading the attack, devoting his entire hour to his newfound desire to prevent political violence. Indeed, he iussed [sic] a "letter to America" [Beck delinked] yesterday containing a pledge he wants everyone else to sign decrying any attempt to connect political violence to the rhetoric that precedes it:

I hold those responsible for the violence, responsible for the violence. I denounce those who attempt to blame political opponents for the acts of madmen.

In other words: I denounce people who would like to blame me for inspiring guys like Byron Williams, who openly credit me for inspiring them!… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>

The Tea Party’s response was heartless.

The Tea Party Express, a California-based conservative political action committee, sent out a letter to supporters Monday requesting donations in reaction to Saturday’s shooting at a political event in Tucson, Arizona that claimed six lives.

“It is quite clear that liberals are trying to exploit this shooting for their own political benefit, and they used deception and dishonesty to try and smear all of us and our beliefs,” the letter reads. “You know what the truth is?  The truth is that the shooter, Jared Loughner is the one responsible for this atrocity.  But liberals are trying to place the blame on society for embracing the tea party movement.”… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Yahoo News>

Have they no shame?  Never does a day go by that I do not get several requests for funding from a wide variety of lefty groups.  But none of these liberal fundraisers have had the audacity to capitalize on this tragedy.

But the worst Republican response I have seen is the decision by the infamous Westboro Baptist Church to picket the funerals of the victims.

The Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas — the hate-mongering funeral protesters who’ve picketed or threatened to picket the funerals of Elizabeth Edwards, soldiers who’ve died in Iraq, and people who’ve died of AIDS, among others — are taking their efforts to piss people off in the supposed name of God a step further by announcing they’ll picket the funeral of 9-year-old Christine Taylor Green, who was killed during the attempted assassination of Gabrielle Giffords on Saturday.

According to CNN, the people of Tucson are prepared, and will implement a plan created by Romaine Patterson, who saw Westboro Baptist protest the funeral of his friend Matthew Shepherd. People are signing up to wear giant "angel wings" that shield mourners from the picketers… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Village Voice>

I do not have words to express the disgust I feel for this group of Republicans.

All things considered, this is what I expected from Republicans, because they have no remorse for the lives the culture of violence they created to distract their base from issues that matter.  Unless they turn 180° from their present course, something I do not foresee, they must be eliminated from the political life of this country, not with bullets, but with ballots.


Open Thread–1/11/2011

 Posted by at 11:23 am  Open Thread, Personal
Jan 112011

It’s 1/11/11 and we won’t have another day like that until November.  The plumbing in my apartment was finally repaired, and I spent several hours cleaning up the mess.  The Republican Rampage continues to dominate the news, so there is just one main item today.  Comments are up to date, but I don’t know if I shall get out to other blogs, because I’m feeling under the weather.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:40 (average 4:40).  This fellow is horny!  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Right Wing Watch: According to the popular conservative online news website Townhall, Comedy Central host Jon Stewart is the number 28 “most dangerous liberal” in the country.

If only Republicans would use the dangerous weapons Stewart uses.

From Me: I’m sad to announce that Auburn defeated Oregon 22-19 in the BCS Championship, the fifth national title in a row for the SEC, that tends to make sports a business far more than the PAC-10.  The Ducks were no match for Auburn’s offensive and defensive lines, that manhandles Oregon’s throughout the game.  Nevertheless, Oregon kept it close with ingenuity, outsmarting Auburn often.  Were it not for a fluke play, late in the 4th, they might have pulled it out.


Clay Bennett

What’s up in your world?

Jan 102011


A Texas judge has just sentenced Tom “The Hammer” Delay to prison for three years.  I hope this criminal Republican will take advantage of opportunities for rehabilitation and make amends for his crimes against the American people.

Jan 102011

10christina taylor green

The Arizona massacre dominates the news, and most of it is repeated, with little new since I posted The Blood on Republican Hands yesterday.  I hear that Gabriel Giffords’ condition is as good as can be expected.  There had been little reporting on the other victims.  Here are a few items that I did not cover yesterday.

…Sarah Palin has received renewed criticism for a map her PAC posted last year with gun cross-hairs over the districts of several Democrats who voted for health care reform — including Giffords’. Hours after the shooting, Fox News — which employs Palin — aired scenes from a vigil in Phoenix, but when one mourner appeared to began to call out Palin’s incendiary rhetoric, the Fox feed abruptly went to commercial…

Inserted from <Think Progress>

I understand this is one of Fox’s many attempts to hide the truth.  One of her aides has claimed that they the gun sights were surveyors’ marks.  How do you spell B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T?

RT @MMFlint: If a Detroit Muslim put a map on the web w/crosshairs on 20 pols, then 1 of them got shot, where would he b sitting right now? Just asking…

Inserted from <AMERICAblog>

Michael Moore cut right to the heart of the matter.

The Department of Homeland Security was reportedly investigating claims that Loughner, described as a cannabis-smoking loner, was linked to American Renaissance – an extremist anti-government, anti-immigration and anti-Semitic group…

Inserted from <The Daily Mail>

I think this should end Republican claims that being a pot smoker makes the perp a lefty.

Greg Segalini, an uncle of Christina, the 9-year-old victim, told the Arizona Republic that a neighbor was going to the event and invited her along because she had just been elected to the student council and was interested in government.

Christina, who was born on Sept. 11, 2001, was involved in many activities, from ballet to baseball. She had just received her first Holy Communion at St. Odilia’s Catholic Church on in Tucson, Catholic Diocese of Tucson officials told The Arizona Daily Star…

Inserted from <Huffington Post>

This may be the biggest tragedy of all.

A senior Republican senator, speaking anonymously in order to freely discuss the tragedy, told POLITICO that the Giffords shooting should be taken as a “cautionary tale” by Republicans.

“There is a need for some reflection here – what is too far now?” said the senator. “What was too far when Oklahoma City happened is accepted now. There’s been a desensitizing. These town halls and cable TV and talk radio, everybody’s trying to outdo each other.”… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Politico>

What could better illustrate the whole situation?  This senior Republican Senator barely hinted that these people are off the deep end, which is more than  have seen from others.  But whoever he or she is, they are afraid to tell the truth without hiding behind a cloak of anonymity.  Why?  If you are a Republican politician, integrity brings retribution.

Jan 102011

I’ve heard several theories for the spate of bird deaths, worldwide.  None of them make a whole lot of sense to me, but the Theocon and InsaniTEA wings of the Republican Party have come up with the most absurd I have heard to date.  God is killing the birds as vengeance against the world for America’s repeal of DADT!


Over the weekend, Cindy Jacobs of Generals International posted a new video prompted by the fact that, as a prophet, people have been asking her about the meaning behind the recent rash of bird deaths … to which she replied that it might be due to the fact that America is violating God’s prohibition on homosexuality with support for gay marriage and the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell:


Inserted from <Right Wing Watch

When Republicans offer you tea, don’t touch it!


Open Thread–1/10/2011

 Posted by at 10:27 am  Open Thread, Personal
Jan 102011

With a single story dominating the media, there is little news.  On the home front, I’m starting to recover.  Also, my apartment still had no water.  On the personal front, my Ducks are playing Auburn for the national championship this evening, so I’ll ne taking a nap so I can stay awake to watch.  I am current on comment’s.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:41 (average 4:34).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From LA Times: The sentencing hearing of former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, convicted last year on charges of money laundering and conspiracy to commit money laundering, has begun in an Austin courtroom.

DeLay was one of the chief architects in the transformation of the GOP from a political party into a criminal enterprise.  I’m not at all confident, but I hope they give him some serious time.

From The Vile Plutocrat: Lawyers and media pundits in Nigeria are accusing the government of acting illegally by agreeing to settle criminal bribery charges against Dick Cheney out of court.

I suppose it’s too much to ask for Nigeria fo follow their laws and convict Cheney, when our own government wont convict him for far worse crimes here.


Signe Wilkinson

