Jan 312011

Well, as another months comes to an end, I hope February is a healthier month for me.  I have to go out to run a couple errands today, so we’ll see how I hold up.  Comments are up to date.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it tool me 3:41 (average 4:20).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Salon: Roger Stockham, a 63-year-old California man, was arrested on explosives charges last week after police allegedly found him with M-80s in the trunk of his car in the parking lot of the Islamic Center of America, a Dearborn, Michigan, mosque.

Stockham was arraigned on Wednesday on one count of false report or threat of terrorism and one count of possession of explosives with unlawful intent, police said in a statement. Bail has been set at $500,000. The chief of police told the Detroit Free Press that Stockham has a history of anti-government feelings and he was attracted to Michigan because of its large Arab and Muslim population.

Another Republican hard at  work to kill infidels for Supply-side Jesus. πŸ™„

From Raw Story: More than 10,000 protesters marched against authorities in Algeria’s northeastern city of Bejaia on Saturday, organisers said, in the country’s latest rally inspired by neighbouring Tunisia.

Demonstrators marched peacefully in the city in Algeria’s Berber-speaking Kabylie region, shouting Tunisia-inspired slogans such as: "For a radical change of the regime!," a lawmaker with the opposition Rally for Culture and Democracy (RCD), Mohamed Ikhervane, told AFP.

I’ve also heard reports of protests in Sudan and Saudi Arabia.

From Huffington Post:

At a speech in Reno on Saturday, Sarah Palin said she thinks a recently discussed media boycott of her is good–because then she won’t get "blamed" for the uprising in Egypt.

According to a report by The Daily Beast, Palin made a clear reference to Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank’s widely circulated pledge not to write anything about her for the whole of February.  [emphasis added]

Palin should realize that nobody in their right mind would associate aspirations for freedom with her.


Marshall Ramsey



  5 Responses to “Open Thread–1/31/2011”

  1. 4:29 Still slipping 7 of 31

  2. Tom do you know as fact his political leanings? He is a decorated combat veteran of Viet Nam who flew helicopters into hot LZ’s. He made several and was jailed for threatening GW BUSH. From what we are learning here locally he is in need of mental health care as well as incarceration, which he has been many times. Unfortunately in MI we have emptied out the psychiatric prisons and put the mentally ill in the general population.

    He called himself a Jihadist in a conversation with the bar owner who informed the police of him, his statements, and gave them his license plate#.

  3. It does appear that Stockham’s main problem is multiple psychiatric disorders. He desperately needs help.

    According to federal records, Stockham pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity to federal charges stemming from the case in Vermont in 2004. That included threatening the president, mailing threatening communications, threatening by use of the telephone to use explosives, and threatening witnesses.

    A psychiatric examination found that Stockham suffered from bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and personality disorder with anti-social features.


  4. To answer both at once, the guy is clearly a nut case, but what I read about his my space page identifies him as a right wing nutcase. I labeled him a Republican, because the Republican party has actively recruited violent right wing nut cases and invited the to join the base.

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