Jan 292011

I’m still fighting for air, but I am up to date on comments and and have some good items today.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:21 (3:52 average).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From NY Times: Lloyd C. Blankfein, the chief executive of Goldman Sachs, had a rough 2010. But at least he got a raise: his bonus increased by $3.6 million, according to a regulatory filing.

The firm’s board granted restricted stock valued at $12.6 million to Mr. Blankfein.

That’s quite a reward for all the misery he caused the American people with Republican support.

From Washington Independent: Rep. Michelle Bachmann (R-Minn.) proposed this week $400 billion in “real and necessary” budget cuts in federal spending to avoid raising the budget ceiling from $14.3 trillion. The cuts include capping increases in Department of Veterans Affairs’ health care spending and reducing Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) payments for veterans, all to save a total of $4.5 billion.

Batshit B is showing what Republicans mean by “Support Our Troops”.  Use them up as cannon fodder. Then dump them.

From News Hounds: Predictably, Fox News’ fear and loathing of Muslims was front and center in their coverage of the Egypt demonstrations (more on that in a later post). But Sean Hannity took partisanship to new heights – or depths – when he “asked” if there wasn’t a connection between the uprising and Democrats being in power in the U.S.A. Not that he was able to make any real connection – you know the kind he and his colleagues demanded when they attacked those who suggested there might be a link between right-wing violent rhetoric and the Tucson massacre.

I told you they would blame the left.


Bruce Beattie

What’s up?


  6 Responses to “Open Thread–1/29/2011”

  1. 4:10 Wow, I didn’t even beat the average. 🙁 7 out of 29

  2. Just $3.6 million? That’s peanuts. A hedge fund manager set a record last year making $159 per second – NOT a typo … that’s PER SECOND!

    Hedge fund honcho John Paulson profited more than $5 Billion in 2010, possibly the largest haul in investing history, according to a news report.

    This means that Paulson was making $158.55 per second last year.

    Paulson’s take from last year exceeds the $4 Billion that he raked in from short bets against subprime mortgages in 2007, according to the news report.
    [Emphasis added]


    And of course as a gift to those needy hedge fund managers, a sizeable chunk of that $5,000,000,000.00 will be taxed at the forgiving capital gains rate of 15% – rather than the regular 35% the rest of us would have to pay.

    • Nameless, I make Blankfein an example, because I know at least some of his crimes. Those of the hedge fund manager are still secret.

      Hedge fund managers should be taxed at the normal rate.

  3. And he made that 5 BILLION dollars making….oh wait!…He didn’t MAKE anything. He just moved money around…are raked 5 BILLION dollars off the top. And we gave him a tax break for doing it. He paid less than half what you or I would have paid if we made 5 BILLION dollars at our day job.

    That’s republican economics for you!

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