Jan 252011

I’m still down and got almost no sleep last night.  I hope to catch a long nap today, so I don’t fall asleep during the SOTU.  I have not projected what Obama will say tonight, because I prefer to reply to what he does say.  I am current on comments.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:19 (average 5:06).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Reuters: A key climate change adviser to President Barack Obama will step down soon, administration officials said on Monday, in the latest staff departure as the White House adapts to a shift in power in Congress.

Carol Browner, White House coordinator of energy and climate policy, "will stay on as long as necessary to ensure an orderly transition," a senior administration official said.

This is a clear indication that Obama has given up on environmental legislation.  Maddening as that is, with Republicans controlling the House, it is reality based.

From Politico: Just three weeks into his congressional career, Rep. David Rivera (R-Fla.) has earned the dubious distinction of being the first member of the historic class of House GOP freshmen to find himself at the center of an ethics scandal.

The Rivera case also could prove an early and politically sensitive problem for Speaker John Boehner of Ohio, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia and other top Republicans who criticized former Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s handling of scandals involving Reps. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) and Maxine Waters (D-Calif.).

The Rangel and Waters cases moved forward, while no cases against Republicans did, because Democrats on the panel voted to go after Democrats, but Republicans on the panel refused to vote against their own.  I’m not taking bets that Rivera will be charged.

From Alternet: Arizona State Sen. Linda Gray (R) argued over the weekend that gun control is not the way to prevent another shooting like the one in Tucson. The real answer, she said when asked about preventing such a shooting in the future, is to better "respect the life of an unborn."

This Republican is a fool.  Does she actually expect anyone to believe that Roe v. Wade is responsible for the shooting?!!?


Chan Lowe

Warning: If you plan to watch Bachmann’s batshit-crazy response, have several barf bags handy and a large garbage can, if not a dumpster, handy for the overflow.


  2 Responses to “Open Thread–1/25/2011”

  1. 5:04 Not even close 7 of 25 🙁

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