Jan 242011

It’s a slow day for news, between attention to the NFL playoffs and focus on what folks think Obama will say in the SOTU message.  I’m also still feeling down.  Today will be shot, because my monthly grocery delivery is coming before noon.  Putting it away will take hours and wipe me out.  In spite of all, I found a couple items worth putting up and kept up to date replying to comments.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:38 (average 4:40).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From TMZ: And we’re told … Olbermann agreed as part of his exit deal not to do television, but our sources say he’ll be benched for less than 4 1/2 months…

I’d love this to be true!

From Washington Post: Former senator George Allen (R) will officially announce Monday that he is running to reclaim his old job next year.

Wonderful!  Allen has proved his racism.  Will he introduce a Macaca dance?

From Daily Kos: Last year, Democratic officials announced the 2012 Democratic National Convention will be held the week of September 3. What they still have not settled yet is where the convention will take place. Four cities are reported to be in contention: Charlotte, NC; Cleveland, OH; Minneapolis, MN; and St. Louis, MO.

I can’t say I like any of these.  Except for Cleveland, all are Republican territory.  The economic benefit of the convention should go to blue.


Rob Rogers



  6 Responses to “Open Thread–1/24/2011”

  1. 3:49 Not bad, but not good enough. 7 out of 24.

  2. Minnesota is one of the Blue-est states out there. They haven’t cast their electoral votes for a republican president since 1972. (And Missouri, although now drifting red), is still largely a toss-up state. I wonder what impact there is on where a convention is held, and how that state that votes.)


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