Jan 242011

Sarah “Blood Libel” Palin is plummet to her nadir.  She’s down in the polls.  She is the candidate that nobody on the right, excluding her employer, wants to discuss.  She is looking less and less viable as a candidate for President in 2012.  Now please don’t think me misogynous, because I’m observing that the Republican party has a penchant for promoting extreme female candidates that happen to be quite insane.  Consider doing Sharon Angle, and Christine O’Donnell.  That said, it would be a miracle, if some female Republican, bat-shit crazy herself, were not to enter the fray.  It appears that Michelle Bachmann is doing exactly that.  Frankly, I’m hoping that Palin can make a sufficient comeback in Republican circles for these two to run on a unified ticket.

24palin_bachmannThis is the winter of Sarah Palin’s discontent. Her "don’t retreat, reload" rhetoric blew up on her when Americans started fretting about heated political talk after an Arizona gunman shot a congresswoman and killed a federal judge. Then she added insult to injury by trying to claim she was the real victim, of a "blood libel." Her poll numbers now are lower than at any time since she came on the national scene, and when New Hampshire Republicans voted in a presidential straw poll at their annual meeting, only 7 percent picked Palin.

A new Public Policy Polling survey suggests that, were the GOP to nominate Palin in 2012, Democrat Barack Obama could win even solidly Republican states. "Obama with a chance in Texas… but only against Palin," read the headline on the PPP report.

For Palin, it seems to be all bad news. And that is good news for Michele Bachmann. As the shine goes off Palin, the constantly controversial congresswoman from Minnesota is doing everything she can to make herself the new star of the Republican right.

While Sarah Palin scrambles to explain herself, the more competent if perhaps a bit more wide-eyed and wild-worded Michele Bachmann is scrambling around the country — trying to position herself as the presidential candidate that Palin may not be.

She stormed through the first Republican caucus state of Iowa over the weekend, telling large and enthusiastic conservative crowds that: "We repealed ‘Obamacare’ in the House of Representatives this week, but in order to be able to get rid of it, we have to be able to have a different president…"

The congresswoman has announced that she return to the caucus state in the spring, if not sooner. Bachmann says it is not "personal ambition" that propels her to position herself as a possible candidate for the 2012 Republican presidential nod. However… if any Iowa Republican would like to slap a "Bachmann for President" sticker in that spot on the truck bumper that had been reserved for a Palin sticker, well, the congresswoman will not object.

The Republican Party has shown a penchant for women candidates in recent years, as long as they are aligned with the Tea Party movement and proud to evidence extremism of the sort that William F. Buckley and Barry Goldwater used to condemn. Nikki Haley, Jan Brewer, Sharon Angle, Linda McMahon, Christine O’Donnell and a host of others worked the angle in 2010. That’s hardly surprising; against a field of generally bland and predictable white men, women and people of color are more palatable advocates for the warmed-over conservative talking points that pass for a "fresh" Republican agenda.

There’s no question that Palin drew the template for this new politics of the right, with her 2006 campaign for governor of Alaska and her 2008 campaign for vice president. But with Palin looking less and less presidential, Bachmann sees an opening. And she’s seizing it… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Alternet>

The only question is which is more representative of the Republican mantra of hate, racism and greed: Bachmann/Palin or Palin/Bachmann.  As I see it, the ticket would have a real chance of getting the Republican nomination.  Republicans have invested so much effort and corporate cash into promoting InsaniTEA, they can’t get through the primaries without it.


  12 Responses to “Is Bachmann the Heir to InsaniTEA”

  1. Bachmann as the face of the Rushpubliscum Party is an excellent thing. She is wholly incapable of curbing her ignorant mouth, much less so than Chimpy was.

  2. Missouri is an open primary state. If it ever came to it, I’d “cross over to the dark side” to cast a vote to ensure either a Palin/Bachmann or Bachmann/Palin ticket. It’d be a Dream ticket for us Democrats, and a nightmare for TeapubliKKKans.

  3. Tom, first the picture of the conjoined Palin Bachmann as Nazi’s, while I find it apt I do think it is not raising the level of the dialog but returning to a quid quo pro of the very depictions we bitched about when the loons pictured the president as a Nazi or the joker or so many other mean ways.

    That said. I honestly think Bachmann would pollute any ticket the GOP would put forward. Yes she is a money machine but not a grass roots money machine. Corporations may love her and dump millions on her but I doubt she could carry much more than her district. The litmus test would be if she ran for the senate and won. That would give her some viability. I doubt she could win much outside of her congressional district if what I hear from other Minnesotans is accurate. Corporations may have deep purses but they still haven’t figured out a way to cast a ballot.

    I think though because of Scalia and Thomas it is time to focus on SCOTUS and seeing what can be done to remove or rein in these two especially and Roberts in general. They arepretty apparently bought and paid for and legislating from the bench and that is truly SCARY when you (as I am sure you do) realize it.

    • Mark, you have known me for years and know that I will behave civilly to anyone willing to return it. There is a key difference here. Such depictions of Obama do not accurately describe his agenda. Such depictions of Palin and Bachmann are indeed apt. I don’t look at what I’m doing as quid pro quo. While I don’t think the actually are Nazi’s, that are the closest thing to it since Joe McCarthy. The depiction is illustrative of that.

      On Scalia and Thomas, impeachment requires a 2/3 majority in both houses.

  4. Hi TomCat! Loved the pic and borrowed it for my blog!! How did you get the blue bird option to display your tweets here on your blog up on the left-hand side… I don’t see that option available on my Twitter page and don’t like the option they provided which is on my blog. On another note… are you on Facebook? You can email me if you like…thx!! 🙂

  5. At least you’re not advocating acts of violence to rid the world of these miscreants! And you don’t call them names – at least not publicly. I think you’re “dead on” and have saved the photo because I think it too is “dead on.”

    • Thanks Leslie. The photo was a find. But I do call them names: Batshit Bachmann and Tundra Twit. Lisa’s for Palin is better, but inappropriate from a male.

  6. If Palin would just STFU, she’d be in in a better position, because every time she opens her mouth another pile of shit falls out that trashes her. Michelle is no better – just crazier.

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