Cantor Quacks on Birtherism

 Posted by at 8:44 am  Politics
Jan 242011

Few of the Republican arsenal of lies are more insane than spreading the belief that Obama is not a US citizen.  Yesterday, Eric Cantor had an opportunity to exercise authentic leadership by calling for the many Republican politicians and pundits still spreading the lie to stop and debate real issues instead.  To his credit, Cantor finally admitted that he thinks Obama is a US citizen and that the President wants what’s best for the country.  But on ending the insaniTEA, Cantor quacked.

This morning on NBC’s Meet the Press, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) repeatedly refused host David Gregory’s invitation to call questions about President Obama’s citizenship illegitimate, and he also declined to call such rhetoric “crazy,” saying “I don’t think it’s nice to call anyone crazy, ok?” After several prompts from Gregory, Cantor eventually said he believes the president “is a citizen of the United States”…

…Watch it:


24BIRTHERCantor’s first attempt to deflect blame for birther conspiracies onto the media and “others in this country” is a dishonest denial of the fact that birth certificate conspiracies have distinctly right-wing origins, as Gregory notes. The theories frequently bubble up at Tea Party rallies and on popular conservative websites like World Net Daily [Teabuggery delinked]. Fox News also frequently traffics in conspiracy theories about the president’s birth certificate.

In addition, there are several elected officials who have raised questions about Obama’s real birthplace, including several Republicans in the House of Representatives that Cantor leads. For example, Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI) has said “I really don’t know” if Obama was born in the United States. Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) has also said he doesn’t know if the president is a citizen. In fact, a tally [Teabuggery delinked] kept at World Net Daily claims that the following members of Cantor’s caucus doubt the president’s citizenship: Reps. Bill Posey (R-FL), Dan Burton (R-IN), Ted Poe (R-TX), Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), John Campbell (R-CA), John R. Carter (R-TX), John Culberson (R-TX), Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), Randy Neugebauer (R-TX), Trent Franks (R-AZ), Louie Gohmert (R-TX), and Kenny Marchant (R-TX)… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Once again, the basic civility to call for honesty exceeds what the Republican leadership is willing to do.


  11 Responses to “Cantor Quacks on Birtherism”

  1. Cantor looks like a snotty little twerp, IMO. He’s also very smug, and that’s a FACT. :mrgreen:

  2. I’ve been watching a History channel special on WWII. It struck me that Cantor looks like a lot of the Nazis closest to Hitler. Is he an Aryan? Don’t let the dark hair fool you. I think he was born in Germany during the war and his parents illegally snuck into the US to evade the Nazi roundup post-war. So, I’m proposing the scenario (as unlikely as it sounds) that’s he’s an illegal alien and should be deported.

    All in favor say Aye!

  3. I normally loathe David “Dancing With Rove” Gregory, but I got to give the man is due … THIS time. He did a pretty good job showing what a lying idiot Cantor is.

  4. This is the same old same old from the right and their leadership. Keep sounding the same gong long enough and them in range of it will think that music has only one note. Again as a leader in the majority party they seem to not have gotten the message from the last election. At least those of us living outside the beltway know what the message is…Jobs Jobs Jobs and How do I keep my home. Let these idealogues keep fooling themselves and it will bite them in the ass the next go round.

    But I personally think Mcconnel and Boehner are waiting until after tonights State of the Union to start to really push their agenda. come tomorrow morning I think the right will begin to push their plan of gutting the middle (what’s left of it) and further enhancing the wealthy.

    Up until now it is the same old obfuscation and obtuse misdirection.

  5. I think they are all aliens from another planet! How can people believe this stupid bs? 🙄

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