Open Thread–1/23/2011

 Posted by at 10:18 am  Open Thread, Personal
Jan 232011

I know I won’t be visiting today, because I’m still down, and because today is the second highest holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb: the Festival of Conference Finality.  I am up to date on replies to comments.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:21 (average 5:05).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From NY Times: A fight to lead the New Hampshire Republican Party through next year’s presidential race ended Saturday with an upset victory  by a conservative candidate backed by members of the Tea Party.

That’s a big plus for Democrats!

From On the Hill: As the White House considers how to reform troubled mortgage giants Fannie and Freddie, some of the nation’s largest banks have piped up with their own suggestion. The New York Times reports that banks are suggesting that they be allowed to take over some of Fannie and Freddie’s work of issuing securities backed by a government guarantee.

What a shock!  Banksters want to take all the profits, while taxpayers assume all the risks!

From LA Times: Michele Bachmann — yes, Michele Bachmann — is considering a presidential run, according to several of her aides who suddenly started discussing the subject with Minnesota reporters.

Batshit Crazy Alert!!


Clay Bennett

May the Orb bless your team!


  6 Responses to “Open Thread–1/23/2011”

  1. 5:04 No threefer. 7 of 23.

    This puzzle looks very familiar. Didn’t we do it a few months ago? Or maybe it was one very similar…or is it deja vu?

  2. Tomcat…

    This is sort of off comment but I thought you might like to read the post I link to below.

    There’s a good post over at Booman Tribune about a Nazi Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) who believes that the violent rhetoric should not be toned down.

    “Following the mass shooting in Tucson, Arizona, that left six dead and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (R-AZ) in the hospital, there have been calls for politicians and pundits to back off violent rhetoric.

    But tea party favorite Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) isn’t about to let the tragedy change his tone. […]

    “The shooter wins if we, who’ve been elected, change what we do just because of what he did,” Lee told ABC.”

    He says that “The shooter wins”. Read post and see how the Reich-wing uses violent rhetoric all the time at link below.

    He has video of Beck, Angle, Bachman (R-MN), Oxycontin Rush and a video of a Carnival Game called “Shooting President Obama”.

    Maybe its time for the Left to start using the same tactics against the Republicans and their Reich-ministry Of Propaganda.

    After all we wouldn’t want the shooter to win now, do we?

    PS: There is an error where Congresswoman Giffords is listed as a (R-AZ) instead of a Democrat from Arizona.

    • AP, I checked it out, and it’s a wonderful collection of examples of Republican hate and violence.

      However, I disagree with your suggestion in the strongest possible terms. Republican tactics are threefold. They invoke fear. They tell lies. They inspire violence. I believe that if we do not offer hope over fear, truth over lies, and restraint over violence, we shall become Republicans ourselves.

  3. Michelle bachmann couldn’t win a 3 way pie eating contest, much less the presidential election!

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