Jan 222011

Jesse Kelly is the Republican who ran against and lost to Gabrielle Giffords.  Part of his campaign was to help remove Giffords from office by shooting a fully automatic M-16.  Now that someone really targeted Giffords, you’d think that he’d at least have the decency to keep a low profile, if not apologize for his irresponsible use of violent symbolism.  But no.  This vile Republican is already pulling strings to try to get the seat in Congress.

22KellyRep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) was successfully moved to a rehabilitation center in Houston today after a miraculous recovery since being shot in the head two weeks ago. While most politicians from both parties have hoped for a speedy recovery, some have questioned whether Giffords should be allowed to continue to hold her seat or be forced to vacate it since she is incapacitated — a question the Republican who challenged Giffords last year also appears to be asking. According to Arizona Capitol Reports (subscription-only newsletter), Jesse Kelly is so antsy to challenger her again, that he requested a legal inquiry as to whether he could run again if Giffords lost her seat:

Attorney Lee Miller, who serves as legal counsel for the Arizona Republican Party, told our reporter Kelly’s campaign contacted him earlier this week to find out how the seat would be filled if Giffords couldn’t serve.

The next day, the newsletter added:

Yesterday’s item about Jesse Kelly exploring a special election for the CD8 seat in the wake of Giffords’ shooting created waves in Tucson political circles, one source from south of the Gila said today. ‘I think Jesse Kelly has more problems than just dealing with a Yellow Sheet story. It’s probably going to be picked up by Politico,’ said the source.

The last time Kelly ran, the former Marine ran a campaign ad urging suporters to “get on target for victory in November.” “Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly,” it continued… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

I’m not suggesting that Kelly intended for there to be an assassination attempt against her, but I am claiming that his association of removing her from office and shooting a fully automatic M-16 irresponsibly plants the notion that political violence is good in the unstable brains of people who lack the rational capacity to understand the difference between symbolism and intent.  I don’t know that Loughner was effected by this.  I also don’t know that he was not.

As for the seat, I consider it indecent for anyone on either side to start trying to get it until we know far more about Giffords’ condition than we now do, but for this man to do so, given his place in this tragedy as a possible provocateur, even if unintentional, reaches a level of depravity that exceeds mere indecency.  There is only one word that fits.  Jesse Kelly is a Republican.


  10 Responses to “Jesse Kelly: Republican Without Shame”

  1. A piece of shit Republican!

  2. If the GOP gets handed the seat, then Sarah Palin’s gun target map will have worked out exactly as she hoped.

  3. They don’t even know her recovery time yet. Like a Repub is going to get something done while she’s recuperating? Bah!

  4. He’s a blood sucking vermin of a Republican, or is that redundant?

  5. 1) By constitutional authority House members MUST be elected. No governor has the right to appoint.

    2) In order for a vacancy to exist the house must notify the state that a vacancy exists due to death or incapacitation of a member.

    3) Upon said notification a special election must be held to fill said vacancy.

    My OpinionIn light of the above until Boehner makes a move to declare Rep Gifford’s seat vacant, she holds the seat. Upon such a move it must be debated by the full chamber because she is not dead and apparently not fully incapacitated. So If it comes to it the Democratic Party can push back against any motion using all the delaying tactics that our “Republican Friends” have taught us so well.

    From the US House of Representatives over view of their own rules

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