Rachel Maddow Has a Pair!

 Posted by at 9:55 am  Politics
Jan 212011

A pair? No that’s not what I meant!  She has a pair of great videos aired on last night’s show.  In the first, she covers Joe LIEberman’s departure plans by exposing the lies in his imperial farewell address.  In the second, she and Bob Herbert of the Times follow up on the Spokane bombing, possible connections to right-wing groups, and the use of hate in politics so popular with the Republican Party.  In addition, I also have Glen Beck’s solution to political gun violence.

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FYI, the Duelfer Report found no evidence of "concerted efforts to restart the program."  LIEberman lied about that too.

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When they talk about hate-motivated groups, doesn’t that description fit the Republican Party?  They dispense hate, because that’s the only way they can control their base.  They have nothing else to motivate people to vote against thei own self interest.

Finally, here is Fox favorite, Tea Party darling, Glen “Loughner Look-alike” Beck with the Republican position on gun violence.


  3 Responses to “Rachel Maddow Has a Pair!”

  1. This irresponsible rhetoric coming from the right has got to stop. Enough with this violence already! Too many people have died for it.

    • And it’s a good thing that LIEberdouche is retiring – he’s starting to look like a shar-pei.

      • A friend of mine owns a shar-pei. If I told her what you said, she would be offended that anyone would consider her dog that ugly. 😉

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