Open Thread–1/19/2011

 Posted by at 11:09 am  Open Thread, Personal
Jan 192011

I’m still pretty down as my COPD continues to flare.  My medications came in yesterday, so I set the date to quit smoking.  It’s Monday, February 14.  Ladies, I’ll need lots of love that day, so I picked one with an ideal excuse.  I’m up to date on comments, but running late, because I had bookkeeping tasks to finish here.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:35 (average 4:54).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From TIME: The American politician, activist and Kennedy brother-in-law Sargent Shriver died on January 18th in his homestate of Maryland; he was 95.

This fine man will be truly missed.  My condolences to those that knew and loved him.

From Common Dreams: Internal U.S. government reviews have determined that a mass leak of diplomatic cables caused only limited damage to U.S. interests abroad, despite the Obama administration’s public statements to the contrary.

OOPS!  Busted, huh?  But at least they weren’t so off the deep end as to call for his assassination like several Republicans have.

From Huffington Post: Former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele recently reflected on his ouster from the RNC, drawing a Shakespearean parallel and claiming that he felt like Caesar, with new Chairman Reince Priebus, Steele’s former colleague and confidant, playing the part of Brutus.

Steele?  Like Caesar?!!? Bwahahahahahahahahaha!


Bill Day

Today is healthcare hump day.


  9 Responses to “Open Thread–1/19/2011”

  1. You were right. Well done. My time, 4:08. Not bad, but still about half a minute too long. Now I’m 5 of 19.

  2. I knew that Wikileaks would turn out to be a bunch of hooey.

  3. Micheal Steele lives in in his own land with ponies and unicorns. Ceasar and Brutus – you’ve got to be kidding me. 😆

  4. Steele on Maddow show tonight.

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