Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish!

 Posted by at 11:09 am  Politics
Jan 192011

This has to be the best news I’ve heard this week.  I’m sure you have already heard it from a lot of places already, but I cannot let the day pass without commenting on my absolute revulsion for Joe Lieberman and pleasure that he has announced his retirement, before voters retire him in 22 months.

19LiebermanConnecticut U.S. Senator Joe Lieberman, the Democratic vice presidential nominee in 2000, has decided not to seek reelection next year, Democratic officials said.

Lieberman, 68, chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, scheduled a news conference in Stamford, Conn., on Wednesday to make it official.

He’s a former leader of the Democratic Party’s centrist wing and was Al Gore’s 2000 veep pick.

He was forced out of the party in 2006 over his support for the Iraq war when Ned Lamont, an anti-war Democrat, beat him in a Senate primary.

Lieberman pivoted and ran as an independent, beating Lamont in the general election.

He drew the ire of many rank-and-file Democrats in 2008 by endorsing Republican John McCain’s presidential run over President Obama…

Inserted from <NY Daily News>

For Harry Reid to support Lieberman to retain the chair of the Senate Homeland Security Committee was political opportunism that blew up in their faces.  Other that Max Baucus, Lieberman was the member of the Democratic caucus most responsible for the failure of the Public Option.  And for the chair of a major committee to campaign publicly for McCain and Palin thanked Reid for his support in a betrayal of Republican proportions.  He should not hold that post.


  8 Responses to “Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish!”

  1. Isn’t this just evidence that Democrats don’t have a big tent, they’re driving moderates from the party, the party has shifted left, Lieberman (and Conrad) just weren’t pure enough, and this is just another manifestation of the Democrat Party’s death spiral?

    • Welcome, HR. I read your article, and found an absence of evidence of any kind to support yoursd claims. In my experience, the Republicans I liked as a young man were way to the left of the vast majority of Democratic Senators and Representatives today. For example, the HCR plan that House Republicans stupidly voted to repeal yesterday is less progressive than Mitt Romney’s plan for Massachusetts. Lieberman’s unpopularity stemmed first from his consistent support for Republican positions supporting torture, illegal wiretaps, and expanding the Iraq war. He dug his own political grave when he campaigned for McCain and Palin. That goes well beyond being not pure enough.

  2. Woo – hoo! Can’t he retire NOW? That would be so much better.

  3. But….but….but he said in his little sermon from the mount yesterday that he was such an American icon that we would all be in the crapper if it weren’t for him. How WILL we ever get along without his cool competent leadership on the national stage? I am afraid now. Really really afraid.

  4. I can’t wait for that piece of sh_t Lieberman to be gone! Ned Lamont, please run again!

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