Open Thread-1/18/2012

 Posted by at 11:16 am  Open Thread, Personal
Jan 182011

I did my laundry today, including over twenty trips up and down the stairs, so I’m feeling thoroughly pooped, but I’m up to date with comments and have a couple good pieces for you.  Hopefully I’ll be back to returning visits this week.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:22 (4:42 average).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Alternet: The Koch brothers are bringing their super-wealthy friends to the California desert to a private gathering to strategize how they will dominate American political life, and bring a hardcore right-wing government to power in the U.S. In response, on Sunday, January 30, thousands of activists and concerned people are expected to travel to Rancho Mirage, a wealthy enclave adjacent to Palm Springs, to say no to the Koch brothers’ plan. People will be educated about the Kochs and their cabal of rich friends, and peacefully march to offer an alternative to the greed and right-wing agenda that aims to roll back consumer protections, including the environment, health care, credit cards, banks and more.


From ABC: Sen. Kent Conrad, D-ND, announced today that he plans to retire, a move that looks set to further complicate Democrats’ chances of retaining control of the Senate in 2012.

Perhaps we can get a progressive candidate instead of the DINO.

From Reuters: Former Vice President Dick Cheney said in an interview aired on Tuesday that he will have decide whether to undergo a heart transplant to replace the heart pump that is now keeping him alive.

Could having a heart, for the first time, effect his personality?


Drew Sheneman

What’s up?


  7 Responses to “Open Thread-1/18/2012”

  1. 3:56 🙂 Back on the winning side. 5 for 18.

  2. If Cheney’s personality changes from mean to nice, I’ll fall off my chair. What the hell, it’s all being covered by the US taxpayers anyway. Isn’t he a little old to get a heart transplant?

    • Lise, I can’t agree to withholding a heart because of age, but I would agree to delaying it one day for every death caused by his crimes.

  3. I hate those fucking Koch brothers – may they rot in the hell! 😡

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