Blue Dog to Challenge Pelosi

 Posted by at 11:13 am  Politics
Jan 052011

One of the few Democrats who did their job in the last two years is Nancy Pelosi.  I may not have agreed with her on many issues, but she got legislation passed in the House and deserves to continue as Minority Leader.  While I have no doubt that she will easily defeat Heath Shuler (DINO-NC), I feel riled that a gelding with his voting record would have the indecency to even challenge her.

5bluedogAs she prepares to turn over her speaker’s gavel Wednesday to a Republican, Nancy Pelosi has a rival within her own ranks to lead the Democratic minority in the House of Representatives. She isn’t likely to lose that post, however.

North Carolina Rep. Heath Shuler will put his own name forward Wednesday as a candidate for House minority leader, continuing his pledge not to support Pelosi.

It’s not clear just how much support Shuler will get in what’s sure to be a failing effort, but the move continues his work to raise his profile as a conservative voice within the caucus.

Shuler is among several moderate-to-conservative Democrats who blame Pelosi for the party’s sweeping losses to Republicans in November. The election decimated the membership of the moderate Blue Dog Coalition, of which Shuler is now co-chairman, and saw significant damage among Southern Democrats from Virginia to Texas.

After the election, Shuler ran against Pelosi for minority leader in a closed-door Democratic caucus meeting. Then, he garnered 43 votes… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <McClatchy DC>

The reason that the election decimated the cowardly Blue Dogs is that they consistently voted with Republicans against the American people.  We lost only four from the progressive caucus.

This foul DINO voted against amending the estate tax, extension of unemployment benefits, the small business lending fund, hate crimes expansion to include LGBT, establishing the Office of Congressional ethics, the DREAM Act, the Health Care Reconciliation Act, the Sexual Orientation Employment Nondiscrimination Act, Automotive Industry Financing, SCHIP reauthorization, and more.

If this cretin wants to be a leader, let him lead the line at the unemployment office.


  6 Responses to “Blue Dog to Challenge Pelosi”

  1. I love it when the Blue Dogs are referred to as “moderate.” They are rightists, even to the right of conservatives.

  2. This DINO hopefully will go the rest of the way with the other DINOs in 2012. 😯

  3. Heath Shuler may have once been a quarterback, but Pelosi will TROUNCE him!

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