Jan 032011

Everything is still mud slow as America awakens from the New Years weekend, so I have only one other item today.  But I think it’s a good one.  We’re having a cold spell here, and I’m spending a lot of time in bed to keep warm as in out building they only turn on the central heat four hours daily, but I am up to date on comments.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:04 (average 4:47).  To do it, click here. How do you do?

Religious Agony:


At least we get the second pick in the draft.

Short Takes:

From Politico: House Republicans anxious to vote on a repeal of the president’s signature health care law will have to wait a little bit longer.

A repeal measure — the top priority of many newly elected freshman Republicans — won’t be on the floor this week, according to senior GOP aides…

…But a repeal bill could be on the floor as early as next week.

I think this is mostly for show.  On the off chance it gets to Obama’s desk, he’ll veto it, because it’s his signature achievement.

From Business Insider: Reports of the US$ 500mm investment from Goldman Sachs in Facebook are all over the Internets. Of course, this is a significant event, because as ‘the age of entrepreneurship’ continues to gain momentum new financial constructions and liquidity events are needed to keep the ecosystem going and growing.

Facebook denizens beware!  I can’t see the epitome of Bankster evil jumping into Facebook except to mobilize that site’s capacity to invade privacy against you.

From Alternet: US President Barack Obama signed into law Sunday a bill to compensate emergency responders sickened in the rubble of the September 11 attacks, the White House said.

This took far too long.


Paul Szep



  8 Responses to “Open Thread–1/3/2011”

  1. That won’t even get called up in the Senate. It will go to the bottom of the heap. Besides, nothing has kicked in yet so how will they know whether they (the people) like it or not. 🙄

    Good thing I don’t post on Facecrack much anymore; after someone hacked my email from FB, I pretty much have left it alone. I occasionally post something that will piss off my conservative friends, but that’s it.

    Woo-hoo; this bill is only 9 years too late, but better late than never.

    Yeah, that”s just what the Pentagon needs – more money than ever to spend. What will they do with it all? 🙄

  2. TC I concur with you in thinking that Republican calls for repeal of HCR are for show. Rallies the troops against “big govt socialism” and keeps in the voters mind that when this abomination takes fruition in 2014, the Repubs opposed it.

  3. Whether for show or for real, ALL who vote to repeal healthcare reform should be stripped of their government provided health care.

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