Poll Results–1/2/2011

 Posted by at 9:17 am  Blog News, Personal
Jan 022011

Here are the results of our New Years Resolutions poll.


And here is your comment.

From oso on December 27, 2010 at 11:15 am.  


To strive to see more of the beauty in our world,and less of the ugliness.

Also to get the kid to help me clean up the house better.

Since  overcoming Republican insanity is the theme here, I bet you thought I was with the majority, but in fact I picked None.  A few years back I made the only New Years resolution I have ever kept: to make no more New Years Resolutions.  People do not change by resolution.  The way to effect change is to unpractice an undesirable behavior and to practice a desirable behavior in its place.  Over time the undesirable behavior unhabituates and over more time the desirable replacement becomes habitual.

The new poll will require yout thinking caps.


  2 Responses to “Poll Results–1/2/2011”

  1. TC, I lost my thinking cap during our move from LA to the Bay Area, so put on a Dodger hat – so if my comment seems stupid, don’t blame me blame the hat.

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