Jan 022011

I caught up on comments and plan to spend the day meditation on the last day in which the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb features all the congregations, before wild card blessedness this week.  News is still dead, but there are a couple of housekeeping items to post.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:39 (average 5:40).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Bloomberg: Oil surged to its highest year-end price since 2007 as the dollar weakened and gasoline and heating oil futures climbed.

Crude capped its second consecutive year of gains as the dollar dropped against the euro, boosting commodities’ appeal as an alternative investment. Oil settled above $91 a barrel after testing technical support near $89. Gasoline and heating oil advanced before the January contracts expired today.

It’s going to get far worse.  With Bernanke weakening the dollar for the Banksters, oil speculation will attract a lot of the money from the huge tax bonus for millionaires and billionaires in the Tax Capitulation Act and driving our gas prices up again.

From Washington Post: There is an "urgent need" for Senate Democrats and Republicans to put aside their bickering and fill federal judicial vacancies, Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. wrote Friday in his annual State of the Judiciary report.

I suspect Roberts is frustrated that so many cases are backlogged that it limits his opportunities to trash the Constitution.


Mike Luckovich

May the Orb bless your team (unless it’s the Chargers). Winking smile


  11 Responses to “Open Thread–1/2/2011”

  1. 5:21 Tough one. 0 for 2 so far.

  2. Jerry spilled coffee on the pieces again.

    Nationalize the oil industry, every other major oil producer did so long ago. Can you imagine what an extra 50 or 60 billion a year dollar inflow would do for the national budget?

  3. Oso, I like that idea, but who would line the repubs pockets then? πŸ˜›

  4. I’m with ya on the Constitution trashing.

    That’s just tragic that our men and women who served now can’t find a job. We need more job training for all. 😑

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