Jan 012011

Wooo Hooo!  I didn’t typo the year!  Bet that perfect record does not last.  Today, the news is so scarce, that I’m putting up only this open thread and and a New Years greeting.  Then I’m going to kick back and watch the Rose Bowl.  When the clock struck midnight, I brought in the New Year with an insightful comment: Zzzzzzzzzz!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:59 (average 9:00).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Take:

From Common Dreams: Opposition to the war in Afghanistan is at an all-time high, with 63 percent of the public now opposed to U.S. involvement there, according to a new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey. Just 35 percent of survey respondents say they still support U.S. involvement.

Count me in the majority.


Clay Bennett

Do you need a hair of the dog?


  8 Responses to “Open Thread–1/1/2011”

  1. 4:20 0 for 1 for 2011.

    Happy New Year, TomCat. This is the year you quit smoking!

  2. TC good luck with quitting smoking. I did the puzzle in 8:05 which is the first time I beat the average! I noticed the cigarette burns on a few of the puzzle pieces, you might want to be more careful for our sake.

    You know I ceased to be heartened by hearing most Americans are opposed/support certain issues which I feel strongly about. For example one may read of Americans opposing the wars and assume they want peace, yet when one explores their position further it’s along the lines of “we should just nuke the place”. Better in opposition than support, though.

    • Thanks Oso. I think that Critter is playing with matches to set me up. 😉

      Oso, though I am personally a pacifist, I do recognize the need for self defense defense of the weak from the powerful. Neither is true in this case, but the will of the people seems not top matter.

  3. Now Oso, you know we are not allowed to play with nukes until we’re older.

    I’m not playing the New Year’s Resolution game. I told Otis that we have to have some resolutions to break for the new year. He couldn’t do it; his Catholic guilt would get him. He broke his computer yesterday so he was most vexed; he took it apart about 200 times and still could get it to work – the hard drive is cashed. He’s upstairs now playing on my son’s mainframe that we bought him last year and he built. He was brooding about his computer all afternoon.

    But for everyone else – Happy New Year. 😎

  4. With so much opposition in the public, the corporate media largely censors views opposing the war in Afghanistan. It is more like Pravda every day.

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