Jan 312011

I hear fear mongering on the right that the populist revolution taking place in Egypt today could result in a radical Islamic Regime under the Muslim Brotherhood.  I admit that the Russia’s progressive-socialist Kerensky government was shortly overthrown by the totalitarian Bolsheviks and the populist Iranian revolution gave way to the current theocratic regime there, and know one can say where a revolution will lead.  Perhaps the Kerensky government might have held if European nations and the US has not invaded Russia in support of the Tsar.  Perhaps the extremism in Iran could have been avoided had not the US overthrown Iran’s democratic government and installed the Shah.  Obama is right to leave the outcome to Egyptians.  Republican lies from the likes of Neocon Jon Bolton should be ignored.

31MuslimBrotherhoodThousands of Egyptians continue to take to the streets in protest of President Hosani Mubarak’s 30-year-long authoritarian regime. But while the Obama Administration inches towards public support for the Egyptian people, many Republican hardliners are throwing up roadblocks to U.S. endorsement of democratic reform. Their delusion-du-jour? The threat of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Those who subscribe to Rep. Thaddeus McCotter’s (R-MI) [GOP lies delinked] and Amb. John Bolten’s [GOP lies delinked] fear-mongering warn that the inevitable result of this pro-democracy movement will be the enfranchisement of the Muslim Brotherhood and other anti-American “jihadist nutjobs.”

Today on CNN’s Fareed Zakaria GPS, former International Atomic Energy Agency director, Egyptian activist, and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei blasted the delusion as a “myth” lacking “one iota of reality.” Intimately familiar with both Iranian and Egyptian politics, ElBaradei pointed out that the Muslim Brotherhood is not actually an extremist group and the idea that extremists would takeover the government is just a myth “perpetuated and sold” by the Mubarak regime

…Watch it:


While the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood had supported violence at one time, the conservative group is “Egypt’s largest opposition group” and “has disavowed violence and sought to participate in Egyptian politics” legitimately since the 1970s… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Jan 312011

A recent report from the Electronic Frontier Foundation has revealed that the FBI committed crime after crime, perhaps invading even your privacy under GW Bush and the Republican Regime.  While this report does not cover Obama’s term in office, Obama must repudiate the use of illegal eavesdropping to spy on Americans.

31effEFF has uncovered widespread violations stemming from FBI intelligence investigations from 2001 – 2008. In a report released today, EFF documents alarming trends in the Bureau’s intelligence investigation practices, suggesting that FBI intelligence investigations have compromised the civil liberties of American citizens far more frequently, and to a greater extent, than was previously assumed.

Using documents obtained through EFF’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) litigation, the report finds:

  • Evidence of delays of 2.5 years, on average, between the occurrence of a violation and its eventual reporting to the Intelligence Oversight Board
  • Reports of serious misconduct by FBI agents including lying in declarations to courts, using improper evidence to obtain grand jury subpoenas, and accessing password-protected files without a warrant
  • Indications that the FBI may have committed upwards of 40,000 possible intelligence violations in the 9 years since 9/11

EFF’s report stems from analysis of nearly 2,500 pages of FBI documents, consisting of reports of FBI intelligence violations made to the Intelligence Oversight Board – an independent, civilian intelligence-monitoring board that reports to the President on the legality of foreign and domestic intelligence operations…

…A pdf copy of the report can be downloaded here… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Common Dreams>

Sadly, I have no evidence that Obama has changed the criminal practices of his predecessor.

Jan 312011

The Crotch Koch brothers held their semiannual retreat with company from several hundred protestors, irate over the the way they have used their wealth to suborn the election process.  Thank you to all who protested!

LA 163667.ME.0131.kochbros.KAF.8.JPG

An invitation-only political retreat for rich conservatives, run out of the spotlight for years by a pair of Kansas billionaires, became a public rallying point for liberal outrage on Sunday, as 11 busloads of protesters converged on a resort in the Southern California desert.

An estimated 800 to 1,000 protesters from a spectrum of liberal groups vented their anger chiefly at Charles and David Koch, brothers who have used many millions of dollars from the energy conglomerate they run in Wichita to finance conservative causes. More than two dozen protesters, camera crews swarming around them, were arrested on trespassing charges when they went onto the resort grounds.

Organizers depicted the Koch brothers as symbols of the “unbridled corporate power” that they maintain was loosed by last year’s Supreme Court ruling in the Citizens United campaign finance case, which lifted a ban on corporate spending in elections.

You don’t very often get a chance to be across the street from a bunch of billionaires who are scheming to do things against our democracy,” said Kathy Clearly, 63, a retired schoolteacher who arrived by bus from Los Angeles and brandished a protest sign at the rally.

The political retreat, held at the Rancho Las Palmas Resort and Spa about 130 miles east of Los Angeles, amounted to a victory lap for the Koch brothers, who helped finance conservative candidates in the fall campaigns through their company’s political action committee, which spent $2.5 million, as well as through advocacy groups like Americans for Prosperity.

Many candidates they supported, including a number backed by the Tea Party, gained election as part of the Republican takeover of the House.

The Koch brothers themselves and their guests — Representative Eric Cantor of Virginia, the House majority leader, was expected to attend — were nowhere to be seen near the protest Sunday and made no public statements. Sport utility vehicles with tinted windows shepherded attendees in and out of the complex, and two dozen Riverside County sheriff’s deputies in riot gear, their batons out, guarded the entrance to keep out anyone not registered as a guest.

Liberal groups have begun a calculated political and legal strategy in recent weeks to make the Koch brothers a target of their efforts to stop the Republican momentum.

Common Cause, a liberal advocacy group that helped organize the rally and a panel discussion nearby on the brothers’ influence, filed a petition with the Justice Department this month challenging the Citizens United ruling and arguing that Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas should not have taken part in the case because they had attended the Koch brothers’ retreat as speakers and were biased. It was not known if the justices attended Sunday’s gathering.

“This is a critical moment for us,” Mary Boyle, vice president for communications at Common Cause, said in an interview. “The Koch brothers embody this ability to tap vast corporate profits and influence policies that undermine the public welfare.”

She said the Citizens United case had given the Koch brothers and others license to create “shadowy networks” of well-off but largely anonymous donors to further their agenda… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NY Times>

We do know that Scalia and Thomas attended and spoke at the Koch brothers event that planned the strategy for the 2010 elections, before the Citizens United decision was handed down.  If not collusion, it was indeed a conflict of interest at the minimum.

Isn’t it nice to see normal people demonstrating for a change?

Jan 312011

Well, as another months comes to an end, I hope February is a healthier month for me.  I have to go out to run a couple errands today, so we’ll see how I hold up.  Comments are up to date.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it tool me 3:41 (average 4:20).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Salon: Roger Stockham, a 63-year-old California man, was arrested on explosives charges last week after police allegedly found him with M-80s in the trunk of his car in the parking lot of the Islamic Center of America, a Dearborn, Michigan, mosque.

Stockham was arraigned on Wednesday on one count of false report or threat of terrorism and one count of possession of explosives with unlawful intent, police said in a statement. Bail has been set at $500,000. The chief of police told the Detroit Free Press that Stockham has a history of anti-government feelings and he was attracted to Michigan because of its large Arab and Muslim population.

Another Republican hard at  work to kill infidels for Supply-side Jesus. 🙄

From Raw Story: More than 10,000 protesters marched against authorities in Algeria’s northeastern city of Bejaia on Saturday, organisers said, in the country’s latest rally inspired by neighbouring Tunisia.

Demonstrators marched peacefully in the city in Algeria’s Berber-speaking Kabylie region, shouting Tunisia-inspired slogans such as: "For a radical change of the regime!," a lawmaker with the opposition Rally for Culture and Democracy (RCD), Mohamed Ikhervane, told AFP.

I’ve also heard reports of protests in Sudan and Saudi Arabia.

From Huffington Post:

At a speech in Reno on Saturday, Sarah Palin said she thinks a recently discussed media boycott of her is good–because then she won’t get "blamed" for the uprising in Egypt.

According to a report by The Daily Beast, Palin made a clear reference to Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank’s widely circulated pledge not to write anything about her for the whole of February.  [emphasis added]

Palin should realize that nobody in their right mind would associate aspirations for freedom with her.


Marshall Ramsey


Jan 302011

Because the this one story has dominated the news cycle for days, it is difficult to find material that has not been overworked, but today I have three articles that focus on the attempts by the Mubarak Regime to stifle the free flow of information and the need to oppose such measures.

For starters, he has banned Al Jazeera.

30Al-JazeeraQatar-based Al Jazeera news channel, which has given nearly round-the-clock coverage to the uprising against the regime of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, was shut down in Egypt today.

Egyptian authorities have shut down the offices of AlJazeera following the network’s coverage of riots in Cairo, the channel announced today.

The Egyptian authorities announced through the state television that they are revoking the Al Jazeera Network’s licence to broadcast from the country, and will be shutting down its bureau office in Cairo, according to the Qatar-based channel.

Egyptian state news agency MENA said Al Jazeera’s journalists had been stripped of their accreditation and the network’s licence had been withdrawn.

"The Information Minister ordered….suspension of operations of Al Jazeera, cancelling of its licences and withdrawing accreditation to all its staff as of today," a statement on the MENA website said.

Al Jazeera has been at the forefront of reporting on the popular protests and riots that overthrew Tunisian president Zine Al Abidine Ben Ali and threaten to do the same to Mubarak.

Before many others, the news channel flooded bulletins with footage, streamed online and updated its Twitter, Facebook and blog sites.

A statement by Al-Jazeera today described Egypt’s decision an act "designed to stifle and repress" open reporting… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <One India>

While Al Jazeera has a decidedly pro Islam outlook, over the years, I have found them to be professional and accurate in there presentation, far more so than some US news sources.  This action is ill advised on Mubarak’s part and will only make the situation worse.

Mubarak has also shut down Internet communication.

30egypt_internetFor the rocks and other projectiles that protestors are hurling in the streets of Cairo, Egypt’s riot police have shields.

To combat social media, another important weapon for the demonstrators, outside experts and people living in the country say the government has coordinated a blockage of certain communications websites and unplugged internet access entirely to parts of the country.

On Thursday, protesters active on Twitter and Facebook, publicly documenting demonstrations on the streets of Cairo, Alexandria and other cities, went quiet. Around the same time, many websites centralized on servers in Egypt disappeared.

On Friday, that Web shutdown seemed to be holding… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <CNN>

Once again, Mubarak is making a bad situation worse by using repressive methods.  Obama was right to call for the restoration of data access, but he lacks credibility, because his own administration is working on an Internet kill switch here.  While I understand the possible need for such an ability, the law must be made crystal clear that it may only be used in a cyber attack a hostile foreign government.

Despite Republican calls to support the dictator, saner heads are calling for reform.


As ThinkProgress reported earlier today, a number of high-profile right-wing figures have risen to the defense of the embattled Hosni Mubarak government in Egypt. Yet as thousands of Egyptians continue to fight for their freedom, the eyes of the international community are falling squarely on the Obama administration.

Today, the Egypt Working Group — “A bipartisan group of former U.S. officials and foreign policy scholars” that includes CAP’s Brian Katulis — released a statement calling on President Obama to suspend military and economic aid to Egypt until the government endorses free and fair elections and ends its crackdown on civil liberties and civil rights:

Only free and fair elections provide the prospect for a peaceful transfer of power to a government recognized as legitimate by the Egyptian people. We urge the Obama administration to pursue these fundamental objectives in the coming days and press the Egyptian government to:

– call for free and fair elections for president and for parliament to be held as soon as possible;

– amend the Egyptian Constitution to allow opposition candidates to register to run for the presidency;

– immediately lift the state of emergency, release political prisoners, and allow for freedom of media and assembly;

– allow domestic election monitors to operate throughout the country, without fear of arrest or violence;

– immediately invite international monitors to enter the country and monitor the process leading to elections, reporting on the government’s compliance with these measures to the international community; and

– publicly declare that Hosni Mubarak will agree not to run for re-election.

We further recommend that the Obama administration suspend all economic and military assistance to Egypt until the government accepts and implements these measures.

The position of the Obama administration has been unclear. While administration officials have condemned abuses of civil liberties, they’ve also fallen short of endorsing Mubarak’s ouster or ending support for the regime, with Vice President Joe Biden even going as far as to say that Mubarak isn’t a dictator… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

I support most of the ideas put forward by this group.  While many in the US are calling on Mubarak to resign, that matter is up to Egyptians, not the US.  But, if Mubarak wants to save himself, he has two choices he can make.  He can either increase his oppression of the Egyptian people or he can meet the people’s demands.  If he chooses the former, he should get no support from the US.

Jan 302011

When Republican pols and pundits lie, they expect us to accept their lies by faith, but when scientists are truthful, Republicans demand absolute proof.  Personally, as a Christian (authentic, not Republican Supply-side Christianity), I have no trouble reconciling faith with acceptance of that theory, with the reservations that certain Republicans make it evident that devolution is also in at work.  But Jack Kingston (R-GA) demands to see the missing link.  We can oblige.

30rebulican-devolutionOn Real Time with Bill Maher, Representative Jack Kingston (R-GA) apparently wants to see some kind of manfishnewt before he will accept evolution (For Southpark fans, that would be half-man, half-fish, and half-newt). Which, if ever found, would utterly destroy our understanding of human evolution along with a giant chunk of vertebrate biology. But I digress, and we can — loosely and liberally — credit Kingston for grasping blindly toward a transitional tetrapod. So presumably, as long as it’s not Acanthostega, Ichthyostega, Hynerpeton or any of the dozens of fossils found at the exact geologic time and coincidentally with the exact suite of traits which bridge the transition from early fish to the first amphibians, Kingston will be convinced. Let’s watch:


Kingston also demands a missing link. By which we can again loosely infer he means fossils demonstrating a mix of early and more modern hominid traits… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

If Kingston demands a missing link, a missing link he shall have! 😉



Open Thread 1/30/2011

 Posted by at 9:07 am  Open Thread, Personal
Jan 302011

Weekends tend to be slow for news, and when I single story dominated the news cycle for days on end, it’s actually more work for me.  There are no Short Takes today, but I do have a couple items for you.  This afternoon the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb celebrates the Honoring of the Also Rans in Hawaii.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:51 (average 4:42).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Mike Luckovich

Have a restful day!


Darrell Issa’s Blacklist

 Posted by at 9:38 am  Politics
Jan 292011

It has come to my attention that Republican Grand Inquisitor, Darrell Issa, is taking names.  He wants to know who has made every inquiry to the government under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).  Issa claims that the purpose is to ensure that Americans get good service.  If you believe that, please send me a check for $1 million to cover the down payment for a great timeshare at our post new resort: Kansas Alpine Glacier Ski Lodge.  Really!  When have Republicans ever cared about the quality of service to anyone but millionaires, billionaires and criminal corporations?

29issaRepresentative Darrell Issa calls it a way to promote transparency: a request for the names of hundreds of thousands of ordinary citizens, business executives, journalists and others who have requested copies of federal government documents in recent years.

Mr. Issa, a California Republican and the new chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, says he wants to make sure agencies respond in a timely fashion to Freedom of Information Act requests and do not delay them out of political considerations.

But his extraordinary request worries some civil libertarians. It “just seems sort of creepy that one person in the government could track who is looking into what and what kinds of questions they are asking,” said David Cuillier, a University of Arizona journalism professor and chairman of the Freedom of Information Committee at the Society of Professional Journalists. “It is an easy way to target people who he might think are up to no good.”

Mr. Issa sent a letter on Tuesday asking 180 federal agencies, from the Department of Defense to the Social Security Administration, for electronic files containing the names of people who requested the documents, the date of their requests and a description of information they sought. For those still pending after more than 45 days, he also asked for any communication between the requestor and the federal agency. The request covers the final three years of Bush administration and the first two years of President Obama’s.

“Our interest is not in the private citizens who make the requests,” said Kurt Bardella, a spokesman for Mr. Issa. “We are looking at government responses to these Freedom of Information requests and the only way to measure that is to tally all that information.”… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NY Times>

Think back, if you will, to how Bush Regime Republicans fired the US Attorneys that refuses to file bogus criminal charges against Democratic candidates immediately before elections.  Think back, if you will, to the scam scandal Republicans perpetrated against ACORN to keep them from registering minority voters.  Think back, if you will, how Republican congressional aides traveled to Florida to brutally assault Florida election workers to delay the recount long enough for SCOTUS to help Bush steal the 2000 election?  There is no crime too sleazy for Republicans to commit in their quest to establish a one-party regime.  Mark my words.  If you investigate things Darrell and his Republican thugs don’t want investigated, they will take vengeance against you.
