Dec 222010

Today I hoped to get some visiting in, but I got tied up dealing with the steps needed to start a program to quit smoking about a month from now.  I’m not looking forward to that.  I did reply to comments, though.  Tomorrow my posts may be up late, because I have a month’s grocery order being delivered in the morning.  Putting it all away is often a taxing event.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 5:01 (average 5:49).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Business Insider: Is Brian Moynihan worried about something (perhaps related to Wikileaks) or is Bank of America just practicing some prudent defensive brand management.

According to Domain Name Wire, the bank recently registered,,, and so that nobody else can get them first. They also registered .net and .org versions.

What about bites?

From Think Progress:

The New York Daily News is reporting that, after a marathon negotiating session late last night and continuing into this morning, Senate Democrats have struck a deal to pass the 9/11 first responders bill with Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK), who has been blocking the bill because of its cost. Coburn, along with fellow-obstructionist Sen. Mike Enzi (R-WY), managed to extract huge concessions, bringing the total compensation package to $4.3 billion, down from an original pool of over $7 billion. The “time span was also significantly limited to five years each for the health treatment program.”

Since I clipped the article, it passed on a voice vote.  Also, START just passed.  Republicans would have caved on taxes too.

From TPM: "Repealing DOMA, getting ENDA [a bill to protect LGBT people from discrimination] done, those are things that should be done," Obama told The Advocate the night before signing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell repeal into law. "I think those are natural next steps legislatively. I’ll be frank with you, I think that’s not going to get done in two years. We’re on a three- or four-year time frame unless there’s a real transformation of attitudes within the Republican caucus."

That won’t happen, but I look forward to “Ask, Tell, I do” for LGBT folks.


Nick Anderson

This hump day, humping is suspended.  Congress is leaving DC.


  8 Responses to “Open Thread–12/22/2010”

  1. Don’t tell me that with your breathing problems that you are still smoking. Stop in a month? How about now! 👿

  2. $4.3B is still a lot of money for the 9/11 responders. We should throw Coburn on the pile the next time something like this happens. 😡

    ENDA and DOMA won’t go through with out a Dem majority in both houses – hopefully after the Repubs fuck everything up, that will happen again in 2 years. 😉

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