Video Update–12/17/2010

 Posted by at 2:03 pm  Politics
Dec 172010

17olbermann_maddowIn the past, I have included video from Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, and occasionally others quite frequently, because their views usually reflect my own.  However, changing my sleep schedule to accommodate volunteer activities has me posting in the afternoon, rather than the wee hours.  That means they’re up before Keith and Rachel come on.  Therefore, when appropriate I’ll follow up previous articles with video updates.  Yesterday I posted Afghanis Don’t Believe the Report, debunking the belief that we are on schedule in Afghanistan.  Both Keith and Rachel offered excellent segments on that issue, so here they are.  I suppose that everyone thought I got my ideas from them, but now folks will think they get them from me. Winking smile

First, Keith and Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post debunk the report using NIEs.

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Next Rachel and David Corn from Mother Jones discuss the war as a political liability.

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GW Bush, aka Crawford Caligula, and the Republican Regime suffered because of public dissatisfaction with their war for oil and conquest in Iraq.  Obama has made Afghanistan his own, even though Bush and the Republicans lost the war before Obama ever took office.


  5 Responses to “Video Update–12/17/2010”

  1. These polling numbers are going to turn on Obama just like they did Bush if we don’t get our asses our of there. Pakistan is not going to help – that’s clear – so do we go into the mountains and get them ourselves? Isn’t that a declaration of war on Pakistan? This is a very big FUBAR.

  2. That’s a shithead vote that’s gonna bite Obama in the ass. 😑

    How do they know his name to file a lawsuit and we don’t. And if he’s found guilty, do we extradite his ass back to Afghanistan? Fat chance of that happening. 😑

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