Michael Moore’s Wet Dream

 Posted by at 1:11 am  Politics
Nov 232010

I have long supported Michael Moore in his ongoing campaign against corporate and political corruption.  Sicko helped make health care reform a reality, and contrary to Republican lies, polls indicate that Americans do not want it repealed.  Like me, Michael Moore supports it as a first step, but believes that the job will not be done until we have a universal system, such as Medicare for all, free from control by greedy insurance companies, for whom profit trumps health.  Part of almost every Michael Moore film I have seen, part of the film focused on Moore’s attempt to get someone responsible just to talk to him.  Last night he got his wish.

First the latest poll:

23OPINION_POLLA majority of Americans want the Congress to keep the new health care law or actually expand it, despite Republican claims that they have a mandate from the people to kill it, according to a new McClatchy-Marist poll.

The post-election survey showed that 51 percent of registered voters want to keep the law or change it to do more, while 44 percent want to change it to do less or repeal it altogether.

Driving support for the law: Voters by margins of 2-1 or greater want to keep some of its best-known benefits, such as barring insurers from denying coverage for pre-existing conditions. One thing they don’t like: the mandate that everyone must buy insurance.

At the same time, the survey showed that a majority of voters side with the Democrats on another hot-button issue, extending the Bush era tax cuts that are set to expire Dec. 31 only for those making less than $250,000… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <McClatchy DC>

I found the methodology skewed-right, but only slightly.

Keith Olbermann hosted a conversation between Michael Moore and Wendell Potter, a former Cigna exexutibe who helped craft the smear campaign against Moore, in two parts.

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Here’s part 2.

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It did my heart good to see Moore finally get his wish.  He deserves all our thanks for his work.

Now is not the time for progressives to play defense.  Instead of whining about what Obamacare doesn’t do, lets renew the campaign for Medicare for all!


  8 Responses to “Michael Moore’s Wet Dream”

  1. And when you poll people about individual provisions of the PP&ACA (Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act, aka – Health Care Reform bill), the support is overwhelming! Some of the most popular:

    • Teens and young adults are allowed to remain stay on their parents’ health plans until age 26
    • Insurers are no longer able to deny children coverage because of pre-existing conditions
    • Insurers are no longer able to put a cap on coverage for a patient’s lifetime.
    • Insurers are no longer able to put a cap on annual limits on how much coverage an insurer will provide to a patient
    • Insurers are no longer able to rescind coverage for patients because of some of accidental application errors
    • Insurers must now come up with an improved appeals process for patients who’ve been wronged
    • Insurers must now cover a minimum set of preventive benefits, including basic immunizations and certain screenings

    About the only thing that people are NOT all that wild about is the individual mandate. (I’ll note that I was a strong proponent of the public option.)

    For the most part, Democrats came up with a pretty decent bill. The “selling” of the bill to the public? Not so much.

    • Nameless, the big failure in Obamacare, other that your prescient observation of his failure to sell it, is the lack of a way for Americans to escape the greedy and heartless grip of Big Insurance combined with the mandate to purchase. Had there been a federal exchange including a true public option, oprn for all to choose, not just the uninsurable, It would have beef fully acceptable for me. Even as is, it is clearly preferable to no reform at all.

      Thanks for the excellent summary.

  2. We watched Olbermann last night and were really happy to see the interview btw Moore and Potter. What is utterly sad is that few in the middle America will see this, or realize what we all know so well, that behind most of these smear campaigns is a corporation trying to screw the public. The Obama Admin has done an atrocious job of selling its own law. I cannot fathom why.

    • Sherry, it mystifies me as well. Obama’s demonstrated that his communication skills are on a level with JFK and superior to Republican Saint Ronnie during the 2008 campaign. How did he become an ivory tower President? 🙁

  3. Why can’t there be a two-tier insurance plan? The republicans and their health care insurance cronies can stay on their wonderful insurance plans, and pay all they want, and go broke all they want when their insurance stops paying when they or a family member gets a life-threatening illness, and the rest of us can go on the gov’t paid health care plan and be aok when in the same circumstances. So what’s the problem?

  4. I’m with you all the way, TomCat! These guys are heroes, and we must continue the fight for a Canadian or British form of government-run, universal health care! To hell with these profiteering, lying insurance companies!

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