Nov 172010

Republican hypocrisy is a given on virtually all issues, but rarely do we see such an extreme example.  Andy Harris most of taken the wrong oath when he became a doctor: the hypocritical oath.  In his campaign to become a Representative, he ran on a single issue, opposition to health care reform.  When it comes to children having health care he says NO.  Preexisting conditions? NO  Employer mandate? NO  He says that you and I don’t deserve health care coverage, but what about taxpayer funded healthcare for him?

17harrisAccording to an account from a Capitol Hill staffer in Politico, newly elected Maryland congressman Andy Harris — who ran on an anti-health care reform platform — wanted to know why it was taking so long for him to get his government-subsidized health care.

He demanded to know during freshman orientation why his government health care wouldn’t kick in for a month, according to the account. It starts in February, a month after he’s sworn in, something he says is unusual and, according to one of his staffers, inefficient.

He ousted the Eastern Shore Democrat Frank Kratovil even though he voted against the health care reform package. Harris wants to repeal the law

The staffer said Harris asked if he could buy insurance from the government to cover the month-long gap, and Politico said the aide "was struck by the similarity to Harris’s request and the public option he denounced as a gateway to socialized medicine."… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Baltimore Sun>

Do you believe that?  He wants the public option!  Keith Olbermann and David Weigel tear him a new one.

Republicans have a built-in belief that they and both they, criminal corporations, and the super-rich are entitled to caviar at the same time that they deny us bread.


  10 Responses to “Harris: Healthcare for ME, Not You!”

  1. Again, the republicans show that they are all about themselves, and not the people. He is concerned about HIS healthcare while trying to prevent healthcare for others. He is not a doctor I would want to go to.

  2. Harris is a typically self-centered, arrogant, and short-sighted conservative Republican. Synonym: ASSHOLE!

  3. I’m glad other bloggers (myself included) have posted about this. Words like irony and hypocrisy don’t even begin to describe this. And he whines that this is the first job he’s ever had where health coverage doesn’t kick in immediately. No doubt millions of uninsured workers are feeling his pain.

  4. What a crybaby – vote against everything relating to healthcare for the people but the then whine about “WHERE’S MY GOVERNMENT HEALTHCARE???” I say sick the them all in the VA (after all, it’s the best in the world) and make sure they get the rat infested rooms. πŸ‘Ώ πŸ‘Ώ

  5. Now THIS is more like it, because it’s wayyyy past time for Teapublicans to “Walk the Walk!”

    So in that regard, House Democrats (Reps. Joseph Crowley – NY, Linda T. Sanchez – CA, Donna Edwards – MD, and Tim Ryan – OH) sent a letter to Republican congressional leaders calling on them to announce which of their members will be forgoing their congressional benefit health insurance – paid for by our government – in view of the Teapublican party’s opposition to health care reform legislation:

    If your conference wants to deny millions of Americans affordable health care, your members should walk that walk.

    You cannot enroll in the very kind of coverage that you want for yourselves, and then turn around and deny it to Americans who don’t happen to be Members of Congress.

    • Nameless, you have been very missed around here. πŸ™‚

      While you were posting this comment, I was writing today’s item based on the same story.

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