Sane Republicans Flee

 Posted by at 1:27 am  Politics
Oct 282010

I’m often guilty of using the term Republicans to refer to their politicians and pundits, thereby offending decent rank and file Republicans.  I know there are some left.  Please understand that when I say β€œRepublicans” I am not intending to demean authentic compassionate conservatives.  But I must warn you that you are in for a lot of verbal abuse as long as you continue to identify yourselves with the extremists who are now in control of your party.  Come out from among them.  That is exactly what sane Republicans are doing.

28evilGOP For lifelong Republican Joe Errigo, deciding to cross party lines and support a liberal Democrat for New York governor wasn’t nearly as difficult as one might expect.

Republican candidate Carl Paladino — backed by the conservative Tea Party movement — raised such political hackles he spawned a "Republicans for Cuomo" movement supporting Democrat Andrew Cuomo.

Similar groups can be found in heated races elsewhere nationwide, often those featuring Tea Party-endorsed candidates, attacked by Democrats and some moderate Republicans as extreme.

"When I saw his website, I said nobody could be that dumb," said Errigo, an upstate New York Assemblyman, of Paladino, a Buffalo developer and political newcomer.

"He has alienated every group that I could think of," said Errigo. "He should write a book on how to lose an election."… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Reuters>

Here is an excellent collection of reasons for sane Republicans to flee.

Thanks Keith!


  8 Responses to “Sane Republicans Flee”

  1. Thar ya go folks another truth telling lefty trying to let you know why you should GET OFF YOUR ASS!

  2. I already voted on Tuesday. All Dems, except when I didn’t have a choice (they were judges and none of them mine in the custody case), so I did my duty. Keith did an excellent job of showing just how crazy these teabaggers are. Jeez, what a bunch of nutjobs! πŸ™„ I take nutjobs back – assholes. 😑 😑 😑

  3. Great post, TC. I shared it on FB.

  4. I’m not a huge fan of KO but this is excellent as is your post. Sending to FB.

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