Oct 052010

5contest 28 days from election day, Democrats are finally starting to move up in the polls, as Americans consider the choice before us.  In almost all national races, the realistic choice is between a Democrat and a Republican,  as a Tea Party candidate is just another flavor of Republican.  Due to plurality based election rules, most third party candidates, however worthy, have little chance.  I think there are a couple reasons for the Democratic improvement.  First, people are now just beginning to think about the election seriously, and second, Republicans have effectively declared war on the poor and middle classes.  While Democrats, with all their flaws, at least try to represent everyone, Republicans govern exclusively for criminal corporations and America’s richest 1%.

Keith Olbermann interviews a very special guest about Republican class warfare.

On her own show, Rachel Maddow and Eugene Robinson discuss the polls, conventional wisdom, and the enthusiasm gap.

It looks like the Republicans started doing their victory dance too early, but we must continue to work to get lefties to the polls.

Republican government is the punishment you deserve, if you don’t vote!

  2 Responses to “The Democrats Aren’t Dead Yet!”

  1. $7.25 x 2080 (52 weeks @ 40 hours a week) = $15080

    2009/2010 HHS Poverty Guidelines

    For all states (except Alaska and Hawaii) and for the District of Columbia
    Size of family
    100% 110% 125% 150% 175% 185% 200%
    1 $10,830 $11,913 $13,538 $16,245 $18,953 $20,036 $21,660
    2 $14,570 $16,027 $18,213 $21,855 $25,498 $26,955 $29,140
    3 $18,310 $20,141 $22,888 $27,465 $32,043 $33,874 $36,620
    4 $22,050 $24,255 $27,563 $33,075 $38,588 $40,793 $44,100
    5 $25,790 $28,369 $32,238 $38,685 $45,133 $47,712 $51,580
    6 $29,530 $32,483 $36,913 $44,295 $51,678 $54,631 $59,060
    7 $33,270 $36,597 $41,588 $49,905 $58,223 $61,550 $66,540
    8 $37,010 $40,711 $46,263 $55,515 $64,768 $68,469 $74,020

    For family units with more than 8 members, add $3,740 for each additional person at 100% of poverty; $4,114 at 110 %; $4,675 at 125%; $5,610 at 150%; $6,545 at 175%; $6,919 at 185% and $7,480 at 200% of poverty.

    Yep we should do away with the minimum wage becaue it allows a family of one to live above the poverty level if they work a 40 hour week.

  2. It’s tempting to talk about the Teabaggers who suffered a “premature election” or “they steeped too soon” – but when even the Rasmussen generic poll shows a virtual dead heat, and Newsweek now shows Democrats with a 5% lead, our major work has got to be Get Out The Vote!

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