Oct 022010

Yesterday I spent most of the day in bed.  I did manage to cantc up back email, bit that’s about all.   I suspect that getting out today’s articles will be my limit for today, as I am still quite ill.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:29.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Lefty Bloggers Plus:

Don’t forget to set your rosters for this weekend’s games.

Short Takes:

From LA Times: Meg Whitman’s campaign for governor has doubled its advertising on Spanish-language radio and increased the number of its Latino television spots by roughly 50% as the former EBay chief executive seeks to blunt the impact of news that she employed, then fired, an illegal immigrant as a housekeeper.

Similarly, the KKK is asking for African American support. 😉

From Washington Post: The United States revealed on Friday that the government conducted medical experiments in the 1940s in which doctors infected soldiers, prisoners and mental patients in Guatemala with syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases.

How horrid.  At the same time we were prosecuting German doctors at Nuremburg for doing the same thing.

From Think Progress: In an interview with the conservative Christian Broadcasting Network, Delaware GOP Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell suggested that the almighty has “strengthen[ed] and empower[ed]” her campaign so that she can be around to filibuster during the lame duck session.

Sadly, I think she may actually believe it.



One month to go!


  3 Responses to “Open Thread – 10/2/2010”

  1. LMAO on the KKK comment.

    Oh, no big deal TC – they are just Guatelmans; WTF? 🙄

    Oh, I have no doubt that Christine believes it. Why is it when the Repubs finally get some women in there, they are dumb as a box of rocks?

  2. If all these Talibangelical christianist think God is truly intervening to select the zealots they back, then shouldn’t this God person be registered as a lobbyist?

    (And if God actually chose O’Donnell as his spokesperson, then God has set the bar way too low!

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