Sep 222010

Pick virtually any issue facing America today, and you will find a generous collection of Republican lies on the subject.  Some are actually well-crafted lies, difficult to disprove, but some are so totally over the edge that a fifth grader could expose them, like this one, so why do they do it?

22michelle-bachmann Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., delivered one of her signature hard-hitting speeches at the Values Voter Summit, a conference for socially conservative activists on Sept. 17, 2010. At one point, Bachmann took a shot at the woman who leads her chamber, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.

22bachmannpantsPelosi, Bachmann said, "has been busy sticking the taxpayer with her $100,000 bar tab for alcohol on the military jets that she’s flying." Bachmann was referring to the Air Force jets that Pelosi uses to fly internationally and back to her home in San Francisco. (Her Republican predecessor, Dennis Hastert of Illinois, used them as well, under a program approved under President George W. Bush.)

Bachman’s claim drew a rapid counterattack from the Speaker’s office, as aides revived arguments they’d used when the allegation first surfaced months earlier. Among other things, Pelosi’s office noted that the Speaker "does not drink alcohol" and that there "is no alcohol service on the domestic flights the Air Force operates for travel from Washington to San Francisco for the Speaker."… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Politifact>

Of course Batshit Bachmann was busted on her lie, as she has been dozens of times before.  So why bother?  Two paradigms come into play here.

First, if Republicans told the truth, nobody would vote for them, except for the richest and most hate filled in our culture.

Second, the Republicans know they are lying and know they are not going to get away with it, but these lies distract attention from the real issue in the upcoming elections: Republicans govern only on behalf of the richest 1%.  If America realizes that, it’s all over.

Sep 222010

Yesterday I was feeling pretty down, so I stayed down.  I’m feeling a little better, but not at alll at full speed.  So what I do for catch up is touch and go.  This is normally my volunteer day with a therapy group, but I’m staying home.  When I push it when I’m ill, these things are more likely to set-in for the long haul.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:13.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From AP/Google: Senate Republicans on Tuesday moved to strip Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski of her post as top Republican on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, further punishing her as she mounts a write-in bid to try to hold onto her seat.

Murkowski already has stepped down from her leadership role in the GOP caucus and could lose her Energy Committee position as soon as Wednesday if the 41-member Republican caucus votes to remove her in a secret ballot.

This is one of those rare occasions in which Democrats should be copying what Republicans do.  LIEberman is way overdue.

From Think Progress: Yesterday, NewsMax posted an interview with Tony Perkins, the leader of FRC and a frequent contributor to CNN. Asked why so many Americans question Obama’s Christian faith, Perkins said myths and conspiracy theories about the President’s faith are not his “problem.” Perkins then furthered the myth that Obama is a Muslim by saying that Obama “claims to be a Christian,” but is actually “advancing the idea of the Islamic religion”.

Why does this show that the Supply-side Jesus set are pseudo-Christians?  Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

From TPM: Sen. Carl Levin said this afternoon while there is not an agreement finalized yet, the tax cuts debate could begin as early as Thursday.

He said he believes leadership will allow votes on both the Democrats’ middle-class only position and the Republicans’ plan to freeze tax rates at the Bush-era levels including the rich.

This is a debate we need to have, and to better define it for Republicans we should name the Democratic position The Barack HUSSEIN Obama Tax Cut for the Poor and Middle Classes.

Cartoon: from


Happy hump day!!


Obama’s Town Hall Meeting

 Posted by at 12:06 am  Politics
Sep 212010

As I am feeling somewhat ill, today’s offering is quite limited.  The truth is that I slept through most of this, so I am not qualified to write a substantive review, but here is the video in seven segments and a link to the transcript.








Transcript: Click Here

I did see just enough to realize one key thing.  This audience contained non-supporters: lots of them.  It was not a Potemkin Village of the type that Republicans universally employ, and I commend Obama for facing his critics.  We would not see such courage from a Republican, because they govern exclusively for the benefit of criminal corporations and the richest 1%. To me, it demonstrates that Obama cares.

Sep 212010

Yesterday when writing my articles in the early AM, I felt a little feverish.  When I got up the second time, the flu-bug had hit full force, and I felt like something I should have buried in my cat box long ago.  I spent the day in bad, and will likely do so again today, after posting a single article in addition to this one.  I will catch up with everyone’s comments and blogs as soon as I can.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:54.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Lefty Bloggers Plus Report:


Week 2



hugos misfits

Recovering Republic…




Seahawks Rock

Playin w/out a helm…




Jay’s Team

elliot’s Team




Greensburg Wombats

Lionel Hutz + The H…




Rob’s Roosters

Teabuggery Trashers









Rob’s Roosters




Greensburg Wombats




Recovering Republicans




elliot’s Team




Lionel Hutz + The Hail Marys




Seahawks Rock




Teabuggery Trashers




Jay’s Team




Playin w/out a helmet




hugos misfits




I thought I had Rob, but he got mw with a late comeback.  May that prove prophetic to his House race in SC.

However, given the way he has humiliated me, my su[pport for his political career is on thin ice. 😉

Short Take:

From nwfdailynews: Authorities say security for last weekend’s canceled Quran burning at a central Florida church cost around $200,000. City officials say they expect the church to pay.

Police Maj. Rick Hanna said more than 200 officers were on duty last weekend patrolling the church, the University of Florida football game and "soft targets" like the mall. Another 160 sheriff’s deputies were also working because of the planned protest at Dove World Outreach Center.

Frankly I hope the community sticks it to these Republican bigots with a vengeance.

Cartoon: from


Patience, please.

Sep 202010

Personally, I have spied out three local Tea Party events here in Portland.  In all I saw signs racially degrading Obama.  In none did I see a single non-white face.  They love to support racist causes like Arizona’s unconstitutional profiling law and trashing the Fourteenth Amendment.  But Republicans continue to claim that the Teabaggers are not racist.

20GOPracists Are the Tea Parties racist organizations? No, said three African-American panelists presented with that question at the third and final day of the “Taking America Back” conference here on Saturday.

But given the fact that the conference was organized by the far-right World Net Daily (WND) and two of the panelists work for the online organization, their verdict was about as surprising as balmy nights and swaying palms on a South Florida summer night. Still, it reflected the anger and resentment that many conservatives have felt over the characterization of the populist Tea Parties as racist.

Many liberals and reporters have pointed out various signs of anti-black racism within the movement, which took root after Barack Obama was elected the nation’s first black president in late 2008. The NAACP brought that criticism to a new level this July, when it passed a resolution asking Tea Party leaders to repudiate followers who use racist language and symbols. The movement was set back on its heels again a few days later, when Mark Williams, chairman of the Tea Party Express, was expelled along with his group from the National Tea Party Federation after he wrote a satirical letter in which he called slavery as “great gig.” Earlier, Dale Robertson, leader of, wrote an arguably racist E-mail to his followers.

The World Net Daily crowd stands considerably to the right of most Tea Party followers, and it is overwhelmingly white. But the WNDers feel the Tea Parties’ pain, and so the conference offered up what black speakers it had to take on the allegations of racism. They included Erik Rush, a WND columnist; Albert Thompson, executive assistant to Elizabeth Farah, who started WND with her husband Joseph; and Alan Keyes, an ultraconservative activist and oft-times candidate who has called President Obama “a radical communist.”

There are a few racists in there. In any group, you’re going to find a few people of low character,” Rush said. But, for most in the movement, Rush said, “This has never been about Barack Obama. It’s certainly not about his skin color.”

He spoke to an audience of some 70 people. One of them was black… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <SPLC>

Now, I have no doubt that there are some Teabaggers who are not racists, just as there are some Republicans who are not racists.  However, they are a racist party, simply because they are Republicans, who abandoned their commitment to equality when they adopted the Southern Strategy.  They consistently use every dirty trick their vile imaginations can muster to disenfranchise minority voters, taking away their right to vote.  Why?  Most minority voters are poor or middle class, so the Republican party does not govern on their behalf.  Republicans govern only for criminal corporations and the richest 1%.  So Republicans, and their Teabagger Brown Shirts support racism, and in my book, anyone who supports racism is a racist.


Miller: Nothing but NO

 Posted by at 1:40 am  Politics
Sep 202010

While Joe Miller may be slightly more extreme in his views than the average Republican, he goose steps in lock step with the rest when it comes to solutions.

gop-no This morning, Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace asked Alaska Republican senatorial candidate Joe Miller about recent data from the Census Bureau which found that a stagering one in seven or 43.6 million Americans [Murdoch delinked] are living in poverty, the highest level since 1994. Noting that Miller had previously claimed that unemployment benefits were unconstitutional Wallace asked, “without unemployment benefits, a lot more, millions more would be living in poverty — what would you do for them?” Miller initially ducked the question, but when Wallace persisted, Miller accused Americans of suffering from an “entitlement mentality” and argued that providing unemployment benefits was not among Congress’ enumerated powers:…

…Watch it:

Miller’s radical tenther views aside, unemployment benefits have become essential in today’s economic climate and have kept millions of American families out of poverty… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Miller could not even handle the softball questions from the Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda.  He did not answer what he would do for millions of unemployed Americans, because the answer is nothing.  The Republican Party opposes unemployment benefits.  In the Senate, they blocked the extension for weeks.  In the House, they consistently vote against help for those whose jobs were lost through Republican misgovernment.  They do not govern on behalf of such people.  They govern exclusively for criminal corporations and the richest 1%.  That’s why they hate such expenditures:

Every penny Democrats spend on a Main Street American is a penny Republicans can’t spend on a millionaire.

Sep 202010

Yesterday was a day of religious meditation (NFL).  I hope to catch up on comments and returning visits today, but I have a lot of chores to do.

Religious Ecstasy:


Phew!  Losing to the Seachickens requires self-flagellation as penance.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:02.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Boston Globe: BP’s blown-out oil well in the Gulf of Mexico has been killed, five months after an explosion sank a drilling rig and led to the worst offshore oil spill in US history.

It’s all over, except a generation or more of environmental degradation. 🙁

From UKPA/Google: Afghan election observers have raised serious concerns about the weekend parliamentary elections because of reported fraud.

But President Hamid Karzai commended the balloting as a solid success.

My money is on the former.

From TPM: Newt Gingrich got a lot of deserved grief last week for his race-baiting rant about President Obama’s "anti-colonial Kenyan" world view. I’m sure he’ll get much less for his call this weekend for federal legislation banning the imposition of Sharia Law in the United States.

The Newtered One has hit a new low for the manufacture whacky-doodle-do distractions over non-issues.

Cartoon: from



Sep 192010

I swear!  Next Republicans will claim that the catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico is good for the environment.  It would be no more absurd than this:

republican-lies Two U.S. senators who toured the oilsands Friday say they were impressed by Alberta’s success in balancing industry with environmental stewardship, but critics say the government tour is biased in favour of development.

Republican senators Lindsey Graham and Saxby Chambliss said the tour, organized by government and industry officials, has persuaded them Alberta is taking a conscientious approach to oilsands development.

"The actual mining is a very small part of the landscape up here, so when you fly over you see a lot of nature and rivers and wilderness," Graham said during a tour of the Syncrude facility in Fort McMurray. "Once you get in the site, it’s just massive . . . It’s a kind of industrial ballet up here."

The two Republicans and Senator Kay Hagan, a Democrat, also toured an area that has been reclaimed.

"From my point of view the environmental issues are being addressed in a responsible way," Graham said. "I am for full-speed-ahead in terms of using Canadian oilsands oil in America."

The tour did not include a visit to aboriginal communities downstream from the oilsands, whose residents believe their water, food and bodies are being poisoned by the operations. The senators did not meet with renowned biologist David Schindler or any other critics of development.

Senator Saxby Chambliss said he was particularly impressed with the technological advances and reclamation efforts…[emphasis added]

Inserted from <Common Dreams>

Here is a reply worth 5,000 words that demonstrates that these Republicans are liars.

(Off topic: See today’s Open Thread for Maher’s New Rules.)








