Sep 292010

I’ll be replacing the poll tomorrow night, and I’d like more suggestions, please.

So far we have:








Any more ideas?

Bernie Sanders is not eligible.

This is also today’s Open Thread, as I am feeling like something that should be buried in the deepest corner of my cat box and could not finish my research.  I need to go back to bed.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 5:31.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Take:

From Me: Republicans filibustered the Creating American Jobs and Ending Offshoring Act and goose-stepped in lock step against American workers.  Four scum-sucking DINOs goose-stepped with the Republicans: Baucus (MT), Nelson (NE), Tester (MT) and Warner (VA)

Cartoon: from


Happy hump day.


  9 Responses to “Who Should Replace Harry Reid?”

  1. Tom Cat of PP should be on that list.

    Dude you’re not 20 anymore you know if you do this blog every other day or three, you will still be a leading voice of the progressive left. But you’re no good to yourself, your volunteering efforts or PP if you are running yourself to exhaustion. It may be time to share the reporting duties with other like minded folks who could round robin the research out put.

    Regain your health Tom then be political.


  2. That is a great list, Tom. In terms of practicality and persuasive ability, as well as a person who could project confidence and real leadership, my vote would go to Dick Durbin. Get well, my friend. This country needs you!

  3. I concur Tom, you are on a one-person crusade here. Take a break. You don’t have to explain nor apologize. Relax and smell the flowers once in a while!

    As for the poll? Are we assuming Reid’s demise or simply that the Senate Dems will elect someone other than him ? I like Durbin myself.

  4. I agree with the others. The time to kill ourselves will be IF the Reps take over Congress in November. I’m only feeling half safe.

    I’m glad you mentioned Ron Wyden. He certainly has the long-term experience for the job. How will does he play with others? Probably about as well as Wayne Morse.

    Al Franken, great as he’s turning out to be, just isn’t ready for the job.

    The speaker has to be very familiar with the backrooms and how to get things done. AND have the courage to do what’s right, unlike Harry Reid.

  5. If Barbara Boxer survives the November election and doesn’t get routed by that sleazy ex-CEO of Hewlitt-Packard, she’d make an excellent replacement for Reid.

    Republicans filibustering the Creating American Jobs and Ending Offshoring Act — in case Democrats actually care about winning some elections this November, this is another issue that should have voters enraged at Republicans. All we need is a few Democratic strategists to get behind this issue and communicate it to the public.

  6. It would be fun to rub Senate Majority Leader John Kerry into the Right’s face to remind them Bush would have lost in ’04 if not for Diebold.

    Take care of yourself, friend.

  7. I’m very pleased that at least 3 of you nom’ed my Senator, Dick Durbin. I agree that Franken is turning out to be great, but he just isn’t ready to assume the mantle of Speaker yet; I think that’s putting too much pressure on him.

    Repubs would filibuster their own pay raise at this point. I am disappointed in Tester though; I thought he’d be a sane voice out there in the Wild West. I guess not. πŸ™„

  8. I’m worried about you, my friend. Take off for the weekend. We’ll be here when you get back. If you want to see some animals at play, go to the zoo. Get outside and enjoy the sun. Walk around downtown and people watch. Outdoor cafes are wonderful for that. Who knows, you might connect with a real live person who shares your concerns. Go to the farmer’s market or just take a drive in the country. I’m thinking about you.

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